Ha-Gwon “Nuguri” Jang was puzzled on the victory against Griffin.
20th July(KST), Damwon Gaming defeated Griffin by 2-0. It was the first victory Damwon Gaming won against Griffin. Nuguri picked Jayce in game 1 and 2, playing aggressively from beginning to end. With his brutality, Damwon Gaming had dominated all over the rift.
The following is an interview with Damwon Gaming Top laner, Nuguri.

Q. This is your first victory against Griffin. How do you feel about it?
Because of Griffin players losing their form, we were able to win. They are not the team we knew before. It would be much happier if we won against them at the last match. This victory puzzled me a lot.
Q. Your team had been defeated by GRF until today. Didn’t you feel nervous about today’s match-up?
We believed that since our comp was better than them, thinking about what we should do was the only thing we concerned.
Q. You had faced GRF’s top laner Hyun-Jun “Doran” Choi. What is your opinion on him?
Doran is a player specialized in a ranged champion like Neeko or Kennen. He is a smart player rather than playing aggressively.
Q. DWG picked Jayce and Corki without hesitation. Would you tell us the reason?
Jayce was banned at the last game against Kingzone. I expected Jayce and Corki will be banned today as well. However, they didn’t. We are confident of being not countered with Jayce and Corki.
Q. Any last comments?
Since there are so many top dogs in the summer season, it feels like we are on the battlefield, now. We reloaded and will survive.
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