Riot Games Warn LCL's ROX for Banning 5 Support Champs in a Single Match

▲ All-female LoL pro team, Vaevictis eSports

Riot Games has given an official warning to an LCL team for using 5 support bans in a single game.

On the 17th, ROX banned Nami, Janna, Lulu, Thresh, and Braum against Vaevictis eSports in the Russian LCL. In response, Riot Games recently released an official warning regarding ROX’s behavior during the match.

In a game against Vaevictis, team ROX banned 5 support champions during the pick/ban process. Although it is not technically against the rules, both Riot Games and the broader League of Legends community took this as a sign of disrespect towards the Vaevictis Esports team.”

Starting from this year, Vaevictis eSports has been participating in the LCL with only female players in their starting lineup. Vaevictis has also been the center of attention for their 2:52 kill point loss against Vega Squadron this split; Vega Squadron was warned alongside ROX by Riot for “intentionally stretching out” the match.

Riot games further elaborated that this will be their last warning on behavior that may be related to gender discrimination or any other kind of discrimination.

Warnings were issued to the ROX and Vega Squadron organizations, which means that their punishment will be more severe if there are repeated infractions. We preventively warn other organizations that any discriminative behavior is unacceptable and will be penalized by the administration.


Read the full statement here

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  • 4

    level 1 MrGuffels

    This all girls team is a joke. I applaud them for trying but none of them are Challenger caliber players. The all support bans wasn't even bm. Most all of them are support mains in solo queue. Riot just wishes they could attract a female audience and wants to cash in on the female viewer they could gain by having a girls team. Even the one girl who did make LCS bowed out due to pressure and stress. There just isn't a female league presence willing to play competitive league at that level.

  • 0

    level 1 Tom_Crawford


    Reqlly quick, want to point out that the girls team is not remotely competitive to the other players. In solo queue, the team average around D3-D4. In League, ranked from start to finish goes Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Masters, Grandmasters, and Challenger. In other words. the team is severly underskilled and should not have ever been allowed to compete. It would be like placing a college basketball team against a team from the NBA. The game would not be remotely fair.

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      level 1 Ahri_Main


      Why do you think they didnt make a team of girl's from a competitive rank?

    • 0

      level 1 Sebtional


      im pretty sure there simply are not enough female players in high elo

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      level 1 Kenny_Daniels


      There has been one made in the past (team siren), however it was entirely for publicity and lacked any form of cohesion with overall skill level around Diamond 5. While there are many good female league players they are not as large nor as vocal in the pro league scene with the most prominent ones relying (at least to some extent) on their looks. Thus a negative stigma surrounds a lot of female players that may want to go pro. But overall, there just arent as many challenger girl players.

    • -1

      level 1 TimB


      Imagine if we applied those same lowered standards to firefighters, the military, med school, and corporate hiring/promotion...

    • -1

      level 1 RapRaptor


      Your argument is not at all relevant. Those professions you listen are careers in human services as this is a article about the entertainment business. If they want to make a team of females for entertainment that is their agenda and suits the industry.

    • 0

      level 1 SuperSandro2000


      This is a competitive sport with an amateur team. What are you supposed to do? Play seriously and chuckle after every bad move.

    • 0

      level 1 idlewild


      Where have you been? They've been lowering the physical standard requirements for women for those jobs (firefighters and law enforcement primarily) for years. And the military already has a lower physical requirement for women.

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne


      Not at all the same thing. Apples to oranges dude. A better analogy would be college players (any sport) against pro players of the same sport. The pros already know they're going to win (or at least it perform the college players), so they're not going to take the game too seriously, if at all.

    • 0

      level 1 TimB


      That's the point...

    • 0

      level 1 Galiron


      No there is likely more then enough top tier females. its that they aren't attractive enough to be a pr team. nor do they likely want the attention being on a team would bring they just want to play the game just like most male players do.

  • 0

    level 1 David_Hodor


    This cannot possibly not be satire.

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne


      This is a real verdict. And it's kinda sad tbh. These girls have no business being in the pro league. Most pro players are high master (now grandmaster) to Challenger, these girls avg at about d2. Huge skill gap. If they win, it'll likely be handed to them.

  • 1

    level 1 Zoozi

    Lol that's not even offensive since Vaevictis has literally played matches where all 5 of them play as support champions and normally picks more than one support champion in a given match. If anything it's a logical strategy.

  • 0

    level 1 Lloll


    Well imagine placing them in Korea against team like Griffin they might just end game in 8 minutes lel

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne

      @Lloll I say 7 of they get a mountain.
  • 0

    level 2 Samuel_Luque

    riot is just so stupid...

  • 2

    level 1 Noel_Bonilla


    "Although it it is not technically against the rules" of course they aren't gonna take a pro team seriously if they avarage Diamond, its supposed to be a pro team, nevermind the discrimination part. If it's not against the rules, let them taunt how they want, you've never stopped teams from picking teemo in the past.

    • 0

      level 1 SuperSandro2000


      We want to be very right and punish players for a intent they might could have had.

    • 0

      level 1 Galiron


      I view it one of 2 ways where the bans strategic ie meant to lower their ability and help the mens team the warning is stupid since that's the point of banning the use of chars. or 2 were the bans just for the females play style ie the champions weren't the best choices for the match but it was the females favs ie the champions wouldn't have helped the girls anyways then the warning is somewhat valid. Being dicks to be dicks is bad even though their games sportsmanship should still be carried out but if the bans had a legit match reason then f*** it.

  • 2

    level 1 Jacky_Vang


    Riot needs to grow a pair of balls. Oh my God can't do this, oh my God I can't do that. Wahh wahh cry cry. This company has to be the biggest f***ing overly sensitive cry baby ever. Why is this piece of shit game still even popular behind this dumbass company.

    • 1

      level 1 TempUser0000001


      Isn't it rich that Riot employs these super sensitive rules but they are a trash company ran by trash people who actually sexually harass their female co-workers a lot? I mean they've had major problems with homophobic actions in the workplace, sexual harassment, etc. That company is trash and almost everyone who works there is trash.

    • 1

      level 1 TimB


      This is pretty common. The louder someone is about how "progressive", "diverse", "inclusive", and "male feminist" they are, the more likely they turn out to be a huge hypocrite.

    • -1

      level 1 RapRaptor


      What are you basing this off of?

    • 0

      level 1 TimB


      Sexual harassment in campaigns of or outright assault by Al Franken, John Conyers, Bernie Sanders, Justin Fairfax. Hostile work environments at activist companies like Thinx, Nasty Gal, MoxCloth.

      Celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Les Moonvees, Jeremy Piven, Tom Brokaw, Matt Lauer, Bryan Singer...all very vocal #BelieveWamen advocates.

  • 2

    level 1 Twise

    Are you kidding me?

    This is why people won't ever repect female gamers
    Clearly favorable treatment because I know for a fact Rito wouldn't give a shit if they were another male team who were getting f***ed with. Sad display from Rito, but what did you expect from those guys, they're kind of a joke

  • 0

    level 1 Boost24


    Lololol, "not against the rules but we don't like it".

    A league that alters rules whenever it feels and picks and chooses how to enforce rules is no league at all. Regardless of the fact that this is a PR thing and nothing more is irrelevant.

    As a team owner I would ban 5 support champions again and then long dick stare at the league officials. Dumb ass shit.

    • 0

      level 1 RapRaptor


      Normal behavior by league officials in professional leagues. You can see it occur in all sports leagues. NBA has done something similar when it comes to teams resting star players.

    • 0

      level 1 SuperSandro2000


      You are not allowed to only ones with one start player. Disqualified.

  • -1

    level 1 YoRHaNo2TypeB


    Keep in mind you dumb bots that not only riot but the league community too stated that so pipe down already and league community is all of us . Holy sit go on riot again without reading the whole thing smartasses

    • 0

      level 1 Teutonic_Knight


      Oh noe goblin from worst country in world got triggered

    • 0

      level 1 LookOutMate


      at least he's not French lol

  • 0

    level 1 Tyrants1

    The can ban whoever the fk they want rioto games

  • 1

    level 1 Jinzo

    Remember when CLG and Fnatic had a remake game and banned champs to spell out TSM/SUX? I remember they were warned too.... Oh wait, they weren't.

  • 0

    level 1 Jonathan_Shih


    back in 3 bans era, i dont see riot warn other teams for targeting 3 mid lane bans against westdoor. i can see why less people are watching this scripted competition.

    • -1

      level 1 David_Britton

      @Jonathan_Shih I told my friend that this shit is scripted since like season 3 but he doesn't believe me. I'm pretty sure most of the pros are using Scripts to gain ELO anyways. It's not out of the room of possibility but everyone licks their butthole and thinks they're God's gift. I remember seeing a Draven Dodge all of Bjergsen skillshots and that full of said he's going to tell Riot that he scripting. I'm pretty sure you don't have to be Faker to dodge skillshots
  • 0

    level 1 Tiffany_Odin


    What...? Riot got in trouble for sexism and gender discrimination like two months ago. They're defending against girls now? Mmmm

    • 1

      level 1 TimB


      Same as every male-feminist politician pushing diversity and affirmative action at the top of his lungs, only to turn out to be a serial molester. They're noisy about it because they know what they're actually like.

  • 4

    level 1 MrGuffels


    This all girls team is a joke. I applaud them for trying but none of them are Challenger caliber players. The all support bans wasn't even bm. Most all of them are support mains in solo queue. Riot just wishes they could attract a female audience and wants to cash in on the female viewer they could gain by having a girls team. Even the one girl who did make LCS bowed out due to pressure and stress. There just isn't a female league presence willing to play competitive league at that level.

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne


      Generally speaking, guys are more competitive than girls too, at least in fields akin to this one. I'm not saying girls can't hold their own in LoL (or any competitive field for that matter), but guys are usually more competitive and more driven. They generally play and practice A LOT more, and therefore have more knowledge and experience. This team could easily hold it's own in a league where everyone else is their skill level, but riot refuses to acknowledge that their skill is the problem, not their gender. The teams that "disrespected" them did so because they're lower tier players. But riot doesn't see it that way. Not to mention they're likely trying to cover their asses since they were, one upon a time, deemed misogynistic themselves.

    • 0

      level 2 basafish


      There was actually an all-girl team in an all-girl championship in Vietnam, and there were a D1 and a Master in the team. The casters were so impressed with the Master's Orianna, they say they never underestimate girls again.

  • 0

    level 1 idlewild


    Wait. What? Braum and Thresh aren't even female. How the f*** is that "gender discrimination"? Goddammit Riot.

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne


      It's not because of the champions' gender, it's the players. What kind of mental gymnastics did you even do to think it was the champs?

  • 0

    level 1 Raza_MASOOD


    Riot is really fair ...there are many people who do discrimination between women and thus strict and decision which support girls are needed to be taken ... so I think this was fair ...

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne


      I don't think anyone realized this comment was satire, at least, I hope it was...

  • 1

    level 1 Thai_Rais


    What is this bullshit!?! The male team gets punished because they ban the main champs with the best win rates of the female team, which champs should the male team ban than? Even the female team banned 5 adc's against another team, did they thought that the other players of the team are not worth to get there champs banned? And now riot is protecting the female team? I really don't get it.

    • 0

      level 1 iarexayne


      Riot got in trouble a little while ago for basically being sexist/misogynistic, so now they're likely trying to cover their ass if anything else.

  • 0

    level 1 Safei_Ashraf

    You are a f***ing joke, so anyone can stretch and show off if they are playing against males, but not against your dear females?

    Noobs are noobs regardless of gender and this team sucks, they have no chance anyway of doing anything so don't try to give them some fame or momentum with lame warnings that are not even based on a rule or law, just your feelings, bitch !

  • 0

    level 1 cco17

    Bruh, meanwhile with faker

  • 0

    level 1 Cash_Salazar

    In my honest opinion, Competing a Men's Game with Women is something that is predictive as it can be. If they wanted to Support Women on E-sports, why not make an All-Female E-Sports. To think about it have you ever seen a women going against men in any kinds of sports?? Basketball? Football? Tennis? Boxing? If they want to promote Women in the World of E-sports, do it in a respective and honorable way not embarrassing them.

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