In the six or so hours since the beginning of the BlizzCon 2018 Opening Ceremony, the average price of World of Warcraft subscription tokens on the in-game auction house has gone up significantly in North America and Europe. "WoWToken.info," a Twitter account that monitors WoW token prices over time, reported the information Friday evening.
Only a handful of hours after the Opening Ceremony -- and two hours after the WoW 'What's Next?' panel at BlizzCon -- the price of WoW tokens in North America jumped up a whopping 15.33%, or +17,246 gold. Currently, they cost an average of 129,770 gold.
In Europe, a similar phenomenon occurred: tokens became 15.57% (the equivalent of +27,383 gold) more expensive, jumping up to an average price of 203,236 gold. In Taiwan, however, WoW Tokens depreciated in value, dropping less than a percent in value.

Likely, the jump in prices is the result of BlizzCon hype -- from information regarding Classic WoW's impending release to the new Saurfang cinematic to the 'What's Next?' panel that teased 8.2 content -- spurring former, current, and returning players to buy and renew subscriptions. Players with active WoW subscriptions will be able to play Classic WoW for free upon release, although it is not due for release until Summer 2019. Warcraft 3's announcement is also of significance.
World of Warcraft developer Brian "Holinka" Holinka acknowledged the change on Twitter with an astute monocle emoji.
Header image via Blizzard Entertainment.
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Comments :2
level 1 peter_gozenya
far less than they cost during legion. because the economy got cut just like everything else in beta for azeroth.
level 1 Markiza
They are always more expensive when big events are live. The same situation will be soon, because WoW Classic starting in 2 weeks. If you want to buy tokens cheaper get them right now.
Wow game timesource : https://mmoauctions.com/world-of-warcraft/game-time-wow-token
- 2019-08-16 12:28:11