※ Game 1

└ I wanna see Heimer!
└ And Jayce mid??
▶ Wadid the patriot

└ His championship skin’s gonna look like that if G2 wins.
└└ And that’s gonna be the recall motion.
└ Flinging the flag and wrapping it around him is so awesome
└ Looks like Rakan recall
▶ (Jayce Kill) Why is it so funny to me that China’s last hope is a Korean mid laner?
└ The CS difference at mid…
└ How did kt win 2 games against this team?
└ Ucal has enough excuses to give now.
▶ How did G2 beat RNG?
└ If kt went 2-3 against the World’s best team, they should be re-evaluated.
└└ It seems like iG vs kt should have been the finals.
※ Game 2
▶ G2 lost to RNG in Game 1 severely as well.
└ G2’s real power starts now.
▶ (Rookie gets kill at mid) Rookie’s baiting was insane…
└ RooKING!
▶ (Perkz wins a mid-game fight) Wow... Emperor Perkz…
└ Perkz is doing everything...
└ What the Perkz
└ King god general emperor what the Perkz…
▶ (IG wins Game 2) ???: Uzi, do you know…?

ㄴLeague of Legends is a team game.
▶ The real patriot:

The guy who inted so much during the match against KT…
The guy who solo-died to Smeb and lost his mind with Sion.
The guy who sucked against the KR team...
The guy who demolishes EU with his 'real prowess' as soon as KR teams are eliminated.

▶ ...However, this photo was never used as the cover.
G2 who was exhausted from their match against RNG, easily lost to iG in the semifinals.
※ Game 3
▶ TheShy is Aatrox himself...
└ GodShy
└ Upgrade version of Riven…
└ The incarnation of Aatrox himself...

▶ Look at that global gold gap decreasing. LOL.
└ So it seems like kt actually lost at the finals
└ iG is a TheShy-Rookie two-man team
└ I guess the finals will be iG vs Fnatic
▶ Breaking News: Fnatic ready to face iG's upper half by training their lower half

▶ OMFG. I just got goosebumps by realizing this fact...

Faker: Eliminated at Regionals
Ambition: Eliminated at Groups
Uzi: Eliminated at Quarters
Perkz: Eliminated at Semis
Then the next is...?

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