At Saboten Con 2018, I attended the "Overwatch Senpai Chit Chat" panel in which voice actors Feodor Chin (Zenyatta), Paul Nakauchi (Hanzo), Chris Parson (Junkrat), and Josh Petersdorf (Roadhog) answered questions asked by a moderator and from the audience.

One of the first questions asked was whether any of the actors play Overwatch (or any games at all). Given that they are working professionals, it's not surprising that most of them did not have an answer; with the exception of Josh Petersdorf. He replied that he placed into Gold (2206) last season and has run multiple charity streams, the most recent one being a food drive with Matilda Smedius (Brigitte) with over $3,000 in donations raised.
Also noted was a previous toy donation drive with Gaku Space (Genji) in which he played Overwatch for the first time.
The panel continued with questions from the moderator and the audience and I've selected some of my favorites, particularly the ones where all the voice actors had something to say.

What's the most difficult thing you've had to record?
Paul (Hanzo): Screams and deaths. He mentioned a sound director asking him to imagine falling out of a 10-story building and screaming all the way down.
Feodor (Zenyatta): Being burned alive or electrocuted. He noted these were different sounds.
Chris (Junkrat) gave a comical vocal sample of being burned alive.
Josh (Roadhog): He recently did recordings for a Korean mobile game called Blade II: The Return of Evil in which he only had one line: "I am the bringer of the apocalypse." However, he was asked to do around 75 efforts (non-dialogue vocal sounds) and the director asked him to make the sounds less Korean and more Western. No "ciyahh" or "hiyahh" sounds.
Josh also provided humorous vocal effort samples to which one of the panelists noted was an exercise of going through the vowels: (Egh! Eee! Aiee! Ohh! Oof! -- A E I O U)
What current or upcoming projects are you working on?
Paul (Hanzo): He will be playing a new character in the upcoming "Carmen Sandiego" NetFlix reboot named Shadow-san, a spy school instructor.
Feodor (Zenyatta): Feodor has been doing on-camera work. He'll be in Season 2 of Future Man on Hulu, as well as a character in Weird City, which Feodor described as a funny version of Black Mirror produced by Jordan Peele. He also mentioned a role in Big Little Lies.
Chris (Junkrat): He'll be recording a commercial on the upcoming Monday.
Josh (Roadhog): As mentioned earlier, he recorded for Blade II: The Return of Evil and has done voicework as Director Ton from Aggretsuko. He's also heavily involved in Season 2 of We're Alive: Frontier.
How would you design the next skin of the Overwatch hero you voice?
Chris (Junkrat): Something holographic. (He does two celebrity impressions as he says this: Ray Romano and Christopher Walken).
Paul (Hanzo): In an aloha shirt, since he was recently in Hawaii.
Feodor (Zenyatta): Since he already got the Fastball skin he wanted, he proposed a skin where the orbs would be the heads of tiny hamsters. He jokingly says that PETA would like that.
Josh (Roadhog): Josh drew inspiration from inflatible T-Rex suits and said Roadhog should have an inflatable Pachimari suit. He said it would have Big Hero 6 vibes.
Who would you cosplay if you could choose any character?
Chris (Junkrat): He says he's already cosplayed Gladiolus, a character he also voices. He's poking fun about it since he notes that Gladiolus has tattoos while he has "furry arms". He says he might want to cosplay a Stormtrooper from Star Wars.
Feodor (Zenyatta): Comfort is key, so he'd cosplay Mei's Pajamas skin.
Paul (Hanzo): Ryuk from Death Note.
Josh (Roadhog): He was confident he could do Kratos. He also said he wanted to cosplay something like Bad Grandpa so he could look like an old man all day. Also mentioned a genderbend bearded Tracer.
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