On September 6th, the 1-month event schedule for the console version was updated on the Monster Hunter: World (MHW) official website.
This month’s schedule is packed to the brim, more than any month thus far; the number of events taking place between September 6th to October 4th is 60 in total and includes the Kulve Taroth Siege, along with 13 Challenge Quests. The majority of the events will be available on September 20th and will go till October 4th - the only events not available in this period are 3 shorter events that will run until September 13th.
This schedule seems to encompass all past events since the game’s release, even including special collaboration events such as USJ and Code: Red.
This will give players another chance to acquire event-exclusive gear. So if you weren’t able to participate in some events before, you don’t want to miss out! Many predict that there will probably be a major expansion or DLC update after the schedule concludes since this is the first time the company has given such a high volume of events to the players. As the month progresses, players will likely be growing more expectant for Capcom to reveal some exciting news at the TGS on September 20th (PDT).
The full event schedule of MHW that begins on September 6th can be found on the MHW official website.
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