After the Asian Games finals on the 29th (KST), the Korean LoL national team attended the press interview and said, “sorry” for the defeat against China.
The Korean national team went against China in the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games LoL event finals and lost 1:3. After the official finals ceremony, the Korean representatives came to the media room and participated in the press interview. Korean press was the first to interview, then followed other foreign press.
The following is the Korean press interview with the Korean LoL national team.
Q. (To head coach, Edgar and Score) What are your current thoughts on coming in a close second place? What were the strengths of the Chinese team?
Edgar: I feel frustrated that we’ve come in second. I thought that we were capable of winning them performance-wise. I personally think that our teamwork wasn’t on a perfect level. The Chinese national team succeeded in focusing their resources on bottom lane. They seemed to have faith in their bot lane and gave them everything they’ve got.
Score: I feel frustrated since I made some personal mistakes in the finals. The Chinese international team did well in focusing their resources on bottom lane.
Q. (To coach Zefa) On game 1, Xin Zhao managed to deliver good performance. Was this a pick that you expected? If so, what kind of counter strategy did you think of?
Zefa: I didn’t expect Xin Zhao at all since he isn’t a good champion in this current meta. I thought that there wasn't a chance for Xin Zhao to perform well, but I think we made that easier.
Q. (To Edgar) What are your overall thoughts on the tournament?
Edgar: It was tough since unlike usual, we had to overcome a compact schedule. Since it was the first tournament [Asian Games], there were some mistakes in management. Although it was tough, the players did such a great job for the past week. It is a silver medal, but I think we did well compared to how little time we had for preparation. Most importantly, the players do not have any health issues.
Q. (To Faker and Peanut) You two have the most amount of experience playing on an international stage. But unlike before, where tournaments felt more like fights between different clubs, you played in the Asian Games as an actual Korean representative. How was playing in the Asian Games different from your past experiences?
Faker: The biggest difference is that esports has gotten a lot larger. Our mentality and how we view the esports scene has seen a lot of change as well. As representatives of a country, we worked a lot harder than before. Outside of that, there were no differences as we’re still playing the same game, League of Legends.
Peanut: As explained by Faker, our attitude saw a lot of change. There is more responsibility on our shoulders. Although burden and pressure follow responsibility, I had thought that if we had made good results, the Korean fans would’ve been proud of us...That’s why I wanted to win more than ever. I think that’s why we’re somber. The first thing that comes to mind is “sorry.”
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Comments :1
level 3 Genryou
I didn't like the things Edgar brought up, sounds like he's trying to justify the loss so hard with things not related to the game, Faker also made one commentary like that on the other article, like the other teams wouldn't have went through the same things. That's a shame.