"Top T2 players can out-mechanic bottom T1 players...certain teams didn't scout well enough" -- Far after winning Jayne's Widow tournament.

Connor "FarBroderick is a flex DPS specialist who formerly played for Skyfoxes and recently took 1st place in Jayne's Widowmaker 1v1 tournament.  With OWL doing their own All-Star Widowmaker 1v1 tournament last weekend, I was able to contact Far to get his thoughts on it, as well as his feelings on winning Jayne's tournament and also his previous time with Skyfoxes.



Have you received any new offers from the result of winning Jayne's Widow tournament?  Any closing thoughts about the tournament?

I haven't got any direct offers from winning the tournament, mostly because teams are almost all doing open tryouts so I was already in them. I have gotten a lot of praise in lots of ranked games I get noticed from it though, so I definitely feel the result of winning.

Do you have any thoughts about the OWL All-Star Weekend Widowmaker 1v1 tournament?

I watched a couple of the matches, they played it very differently then Jayne's tournament finals. With all the crouch spamming, I'm not sure if this means they were taking it less serious or just playing smarter. Overall it was fun to watch.


How do you feel about SureFour's closing thoughts about the OWL tournament?

I do agree on any Widow beating any Widow, at similar skill levels. In a team setting, some days I destroy someone and some days he destroys me. There is a lot more going on then just hitting shots, and even then hitting shots is a day by day basis.


Do his words also apply for Jayne's last Widow tournament?

Yes, I think the top 4 could be very different on a different day.


Do you feel there is a mechanical skill gap between T1 and T2 Overwatch?  Or is it only a difference of team synergy and/or coaching?

Yes and no. It's not nearly as big as the team synergy skill gap, but the average OWL player is vastly superior to the average Contenders player. But a lot of top T2 players can out-mechanic bottom T1 players. I feel certain teams didn't scout well enough and hopefully, they improve that going into season 2 as a lot of players deserve OWL spots.

Do you still use Aim Hero?  Do you recommend any other training games like KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer or FPoSu?  

I really like Aim Hero, I use it every day to warm up for an hour or two. I currently have 190 hours on it. I actually played it too much at one point and had to force myself to play comp instead of playing Aim Hero so I could improve at projectile heroes since I don't specialize in hitscan. I actually just started using FPoSu since SureFour
vouched for it, not sure how much it'll help but I love the idea of it. I’ve never used KovaaK’s.

How was your time with Karasuno/Skyfoxes?  Do you have any passing thoughts about it?

I really enjoyed my time with Karasuno/Skyfoxes. It felt like a family. Obviously, it hurt when I got moved to inactive and ended up leaving, but I understand why they did it and don't hold it against them.


When you were placed inactive, were there performance issues?  It seems unlikely, given the Widow skills you've demonstrated recently.

There were a lot of internal issues going on at the time, so I didn't really get a clear answer when I asked. I did slack off a lot on SkyFoxes and barely played any competitive, and since leaving the team have been putting 3-4x more time into Overwatch. I used it as motivation to get better.


How do you feel about the current meta?  

The current meta is interesting. I still don't think it’s set in stone yet either. Teams seem torn on what to run and there is no "dominant" comp yet, just a couple that are really good. But I enjoy the heroes I play in this meta and have been enjoying scrims a lot.


If there's no "dominant" comp yet, would it be safe to say this meta is one of the most balanced it's ever been?  Are Wrecking Ball and Symmetra seeing a good amount of play?

Possible. Really, I'm not sure yet. I don't know if the meta comp is map dependent, or just the lack of high-level tournaments has made it harder to solidify on a "meta" comp. Right now it does seem very diverse, but this happens with almost every meta where it seems diverse but, in the end, ends up on one comp.

Wrecking Ball has seen some play but doesn't look to be going meta. He isn't a throw pick, though. Symmetra, on the other hand, is showing to be one of the worst heroes in the game right now. Her left click is close to useless and her damage output just isn't enough to justify the TP outplays.

Or we’re just not using her TP well enough; who knows. People are scared to experiment in NA.

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