At E3 2018, Nintendo revealed arguably the most anticipated and biggest game of the week: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. One of the coolest announcements regarding the iconic fighter was the return of every single character ever seen the series.
Lucina, Dark Pit AKA "clone" characters will be returning as well in the form of "echo characters". These echo characters can be selected by selecting their original character and changing costumes into the echo character is selected. Echo characters have different move properties just like traditional "clones" from the series.
Echo characters provide the opportunity for new characters themselves -- Daisy from Mario universe is coming to Smash as more than just an alternate costume for Peach. She will have the same moves as Peach, but they will behave differently with unique properties. Who knows what other echo characters might be included in the game moving forward.
Here are all of the characters so far revealed for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!

Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :6
level 1 Summer_Hamilton
You missed Palutena. Good quality though!
level 1 EchGaming
You also forgot Falco and Shulk
level 7 Nick
level 1 Samuel_Luque
yeiii palutenaaaa ♥
level 1 Capucha_Verde
"These echo characters can be selected by selecting their original character and changing costumes into the echo character is selected."
This information is wrong, echo fighters will also have their own slot. Alternate costume characters like Alph and the Koopalings must be selected in Olimar and Bowser Jr. character slots, as they aren't echo fighters.