Game 1 KZ vs RNG

- Lee Sin? What?
ㄴ Lee Sin either dominates the game or falls so hard; I’m going for the latter for this game.
ㄴ Why choose Lee Sin? There are so many other Jungle champions.
(Lee Sin getting killed in level 1)
ㄴ Umm… Yup I was right. He’s falling big time.
ㄴ Well you still don’t know, If Lee Sin starts to use his mobility and helps out the laners.
ㄴ Yeah I think so. He did die, but he’s constantly moving for sure.
- KZ did dominate the early game… But, something weird about this game tho…
ㄴ Whether he died or not, Lee Sin’s ganks were effective after all.
ㄴ Peanut seems like he doesn’t want to help out the laners at all; his CS is almost close to a laner.
ㄴ Why didn’t Galio use his ult?
ㄴ If KZ loses this match, they’ll become just a so-so team.
ㄴ I think they really will become that team.

- (ACE by RNG) The game is now totally turned upside down.
ㄴ What’s happening?
ㄴ Doesn’t MLXG usually build AD items? What’s up with his Knight’s Vow?
ㄴ That’s a vow to Uzi; MLXG is going to take care of him.
ㄴ And it seems that Uzi accepted that vow; he’s a beast!
ㄴ KZ is now officially a so-so team.
- I’m really disappointed as an LCK fan… Well, the last two defeats, aight let’s forget about it. But today, they’re slipping so bad.
ㄴ Don't forget that SKT also seemed like they were losing, but eventually they won the game.
ㄴ I have nothing else to say about today’s match.
ㄴ Isn’t it wrong to use Galio against RNG?
ㄴ Why?
ㄴ RNG was whipped by Faker’s Galio last year.

- (After the match) Okay, the praise towards Chinese teams will never stop.
ㄴ Yo, every Korean teams can’t be an international monster you know. But, I got to admit that SKT did make a rather OP image tho.
ㄴ KZ was made as a ‘domestic’ team; they’re only for the LCK.
ㄴ RNG did well of course, but it seemed that KZ performed so bad.
ㄴ Still, FW will be the champions.
Game 2 FNC vs FW
- EU vs The Final BOSS.
ㄴ EU’s Best Swordsman vs Taiwan Number 1.
ㄴ Betty vs The Real Version of Ezreal
ㄴ LiMoojin vs um… let’s go for just ‘Broxah’
- Whoa, Xin Zhao?
ㄴ It’s Moojin, so I’m kind of expecting a good performance from him. If the user was someone else I won’t be this positive.
ㄴ This MSI is fun, thanks to FW.
ㄴ If Xin Zhao manages to win this game, he’ll appear alongside with Yasuo quite a lot in solo queue.
ㄴ Zoe is so cute!
ㄴ Caps is so cute as well!
ㄴ ???

- (Maple solo kill)Wow… Did you guys just see Maple erasing Caps?
ㄴ What just happened?
ㄴ What happened is: Maple becoming the best mid in the world.
ㄴ How did Faker win Maple?
- FNC is putting up a real competition. Both teams are so good.
ㄴ This is what I call an international event.
ㄴ I feel like watching such a better match… Think of what KZ did last game...
ㄴ Well, this just might be the finals really.
ㄴ All the other teams are finding their shapes… What happened to KZ man….
ㄴ Mental breakdown...

- (FNC stealing Baron)
ㄴ Whhhaaaat?
ㄴ LiMoojin vs The Baron Hunter
ㄴ So, this is the real EU?
ㄴ Where did NA go? Aren’t they the real rivals of EU?
ㄴ They got the bottom inhibitor: huge advantage.
- This game is so fun. Well, the performance of both teams are remarkable as well.
ㄴ I really didn’t imagine myself saying this in an EU match...But both teams are really putting up a fight.
ㄴ Bwipo keeps on getting them inhibitors; FW just can’t come out.
- (FNC’s 2nd Baron steal)
ㄴ My god again?!
ㄴ Moojin’s ratings are decreasing every second.
ㄴ The god of Smite.
ㄴ Moojin: “This is for you Score”
ㄴ Man, this match is the best! So much fun!

- Wow… Now Rekkles...
ㄴ I couldn’t imagine a team beating FW, but FNC managed to pull it off.
ㄴ Things are really hard to predict in this MSI lol.
ㄴ I am pleased. I had so much fun.
ㄴ Now the only team left: TL… Come on let’s show them something!
ㄴ I think Broxah’s performance in this game was one of his best so far.
ㄴ Well, FW looks like they did all the damage deal, but this game is about destroying the Nexus.
Game 3 EVS vs TL
- The Vietnam War once again!
ㄴ Warzone did his push ups today?
ㄴ I bet players in TL can’t even do a hundred all together.
ㄴ Okay, Kog’Maw!
ㄴ Shen + Taliyah means they’re going to focus on Doublelift right? He’s the carry for this match for sure.
ㄴ Is Doublelift Vietnamese?
ㄴ His roots? Probably from Taiwan.

- Yijin’s Kha’Zix is one of a kind.
ㄴ People call this a Vietnamese guerrilla warfare.
ㄴ Yup, he is definitely from the home of the “guerrilla warfare”.
ㄴ TL managed to get all the Drakes. Still, I’m not that sure what will happen in late game.
- But why is TL winning the game?
ㄴ Too much Napalms perhaps?
ㄴ Pobelter is doing better than I 've expected.
ㄴ His roots = KR.
ㄴ So what?
ㄴ You know, Korea did go to the Vietnam War.

- (Xmithie stealing Baron) Yo, when did Broxah export his skills?
ㄴ It’s a meta: The steal meta.
ㄴ Okay. Then who hits Baron first?
ㄴ The more urgent side usually.
ㄴ Shen already has 3 kills. Who’s going to take down that monster?
ㄴ I think FNC’s good performance acted as a catalyst.
- At first, I thought Warzone skipped his push ups. Looks like he did his routine after all. He lost his powers in late game.
ㄴ I’ll say he only did it to 500.
ㄴ Well, Pobelter is Korean American. Impact/Olleh is Korean… Is this the famous KR-US alliance?
ㄴ This game is probably going to last until there have been 5 dragons + an Elder.
ㄴ Now this game is one-sided. The gold difference is too large.

- The game went as TL planned; Shen + Taliyah + Tahm Kench. Using global ults and making Doublelift carry the game.
ㄴ This game shows why Kha’Zix is sometimes useless in certain situations. If the team can’t dominate the game, he’s just a cheerleader.
ㄴ Okay, let’s forfeit.
ㄴ EVS still has the next match, which is against KZ.
ㄴ Is Kog’Maw a bomber or something? lol
ㄴ Yup. A Napalm Bomber.
Game 4 RNG vs FW
- I think they learned something from TL’s game. FW is trying to use the similar picks and RNG trying to mess it up by using Taliyah.
ㄴ FW is using the same picks. Well, the mid pick is different.
ㄴ What? Karsa subbed in against FW?
ㄴ So, what is he going to do against his former team?
ㄴ The key for this match is for sure Karsa.

- Why is Karsa in RNG? Isn’t he from Taiwan?
ㄴ Have some interest on the transfer market.
ㄴ He moved his team in off-season.
ㄴ This guy might have not known, come on…
- A different Graves compared to Peanut’s.
ㄴ The first Jungle that gave Moojin a hard time.
ㄴ Karsa Senpai!
ㄴ Karsa: If you are a FW Jungle, this is how you should use Smite.

- 4 kills from Uzi? The game is one-sided right?
ㄴ RNG’s goal is to make Uzi OP; they managed to pull it off in only 10 minutes.
ㄴ Uzi is so good.
ㄴ So, Rekkles was right about Uzi?
- It seems like Karsa’s every move has emotions in it.
ㄴ He is basically saying “Do you guys really think the team can perform without me?”
ㄴ 12 minutes passed and 5000 gold gap already. FW is not in a good shape today.
ㄴ The defeat against FNC hit them hard.
- Now Deft is the only person that can stop Uzi.
ㄴ Well that ‘Deft’ didn’t make it to the MSI.
ㄴ Malzahar can’t even stop him.
ㄴ They’re like wearing QSS as a team uniform… Malzahar can’t stop them of course.
ㄴ Malzahar built Shurelya's Reverie; he’s trying to support the team.

- RNG is becoming so much stronger.
ㄴ Cho’Gath stealing the Penta.
ㄴ This is an example of how scary things can be if the ADC becomes OP in an early game.
ㄴ Uzi is like a damage deal machine. No wonder why other ADCs praised him.
ㄴ So… Rekkles is always right.
Game 5 KZ vs EVS
- Peanut was somewhat out of shape. Now Cuzz is subbed in.
ㄴ Peanut did enough.
ㄴ Huh, Kennen?
ㄴ EVS basically can't make it to the semi finals, so they’re trying out everything they've wanted to do.
ㄴ KZ has the ‘undefeated Jungle’: Cuzz. I think KZ will win this match.

- The two teams are so competitive in early phase. EVS has nothing to lose.
ㄴ What? A solo-kill against Khan? I didn’t expect that.
ㄴ Stark might be doing that 1000 push up routine.
ㄴ If KZ loses this match...
ㄴ It does seem that KZ is winning, but EVS looks like they want to win this game so bad.
- Man, the game is so messy. 14 kills in 10 minutes.
ㄴ Is this solo queue?
ㄴ It still is fun. KZ looks so desperate compared to their previous games.
ㄴ EVS seems like they’re doing this for the fans; the game is so fun.

- Cuzz is the carry. I’m about to cry. The “jelly god” Cuzz.
ㄴ KZ’s strategies were actually finishing 4th, as an underdog.
ㄴ And Cuzz is the last puzzle perhaps?
ㄴ 4/1/9. The game becoming so much different once Cuzz is subbed in. Isn’t he really good?
ㄴ Most of the main dealers gained some kills. I think KZ won the game already.
- How about Warzone? He was about to crash Bdd’s teeth, but it’s quite the opposite.
ㄴ His teeth got crashed by a jelly.
ㄴ It’s aight. Implants these days are really good.
ㄴ Real talk. Push ups have zero relations with esports.
ㄴ Some physical therapy from the “undefeated Jungle”.
- What’s up with the dive near the well?
ㄴ Some of the best performances from Jungle positions -Broxah, Xmithie and now Cuzz.
ㄴ High-fives. Some smiley faces. They look so happy.
ㄴ I want to join for a high-five.
ㄴ Stark's Kennen was quite cool, but he didn’t perform well after mid game.
ㄴ He was cool at least once, so it’s okay.

- (after the game) The highlight clip is almost a Cuzz montage.
ㄴ The jelly god.
ㄴ He was remarkable.
ㄴ Is this an introduction of Zac?
ㄴ Well, Khan was solo-killed. He’ll have to kneel a lot.
ㄴ I’m starting to worry about his knees...
Game 6 FNC vs TL

- The main event, once again.
ㄴ I don’t know why, but it feels like there’s already a winner.
ㄴ Everyone’s saying that TL looks like quite a strong team.
ㄴ Well, I would like to see the opposite.
ㄴ Doublelift is so cute.
ㄴ Caps is cute as well.
ㄴ Okay, Yasuo banned. EU’s best swordsman has just lost his sword.
ㄴ Olleh’s hair looks like he has been electrified.
- This game… I think that the teams will be waiting for Baron. They’re probably going to try to steal it.
ㄴ Okay TL picked Olaf. Olaf is winning a lot of games.
- Wait, TL is doing good so far. Are they dominating the early game?
ㄴ Is this the ‘potential’ Xmithie talked about?
ㄴ Was this planned beforehand?
ㄴ Imagine Rekkles giving a sign to Doublelift. A wink maybe lol.
ㄴ Probably they decided to make FNC win yesterday.
- A rather quiet game… It’s already 20 minutes.
ㄴ The teams are trying their best not to lose maybe? That’s why they’re so careful.
ㄴ They already used their powers against Vietnam so it’ll be really hard to play well against EU.
ㄴ World War lll lol.
ㄴ 2 wars in 1 day is too much.
- The ADC matchup is Jhin vs Sivir. FNC will get the advantage in late game.
ㄴ That’s why TL is trying hard to go aggressive and engage 5 vs 5s.
ㄴ Doublelift gets hit only once and the whole team falls back. Magical!
ㄴ Whoa, TL going for Baron first.
ㄴ Can they steal this? Oh, too far away I guess.

- The game lasted too long. Now FNC will gain advantage.
ㄴ Teamfight occurs right after this comment lol.
ㄴ Even if they had the advantage for the first 30 minutes, things might go wrong if they lose the last 1 minute.
ㄴ Rakan wasn’t going in for 30 minutes just for this one move.
ㄴ So, FNC wasn’t doing their best?
- Cho’Gath, Malzahar dealing 0 damage?
ㄴ They died before they can do anything.
ㄴ There still is a gold gap… I think EU will gain the advantage soon enough.
ㄴ A bit different compared to the World War 2; the US gained advantage after when things lasted longer.
ㄴ Because Sivir didn't participate in that war.
ㄴ Now Malzahar can’t do anything. He’ll probably be hit by a CC once he gets in to land his ult.
- Rekkles was hiding his powers.
ㄴ Jhin can’t take down Sion. If an ADC can’t kill him in a 35 minute phase, it basically means that they lost the game.
ㄴ They can’t lose please...
ㄴ Wasn’t today the day that NA should’ve won?

- (Caps, Hylissang down) So, it was the turn for NA to win.
ㄴ What is wrong with this MSI? lol. I’m dumbfounded.
ㄴ TSM! TSM! TSM! No wait, TL!
ㄴ It was always TSM so it feels like they’re in this game lol.
ㄴ FNC, the team that beat KZ + FW… And the team that beat FNC = TSM! No wait, TL.
- Reddit is going to blow again.
ㄴ I agree.
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