Son “Mickey” Young-min who recently moved to Golden Gardians from Team Liquid Academy is raising an issue with an argument started from a solo queue match.
The start was on the 20th of April (KST). Mickey was streaming his solo queue and he was matched with Kim “Khan” Dong-ha of Kingzone. In the game, Khan’s Camille died several times due to early ganks and on this, Khan complained that there was no mid lane MIA pings to alert that ganks were coming.
Around 24 minutes into the game, Khan was cut off in the jungle and initiated a surrender vote, but was rejected. Shortly later, in a teamfight near Baron, they were able to take Baron but gave up several kills and Khan initiated a second surrender vote. This was denied again, and there was a short quarrel between Khan and Mickey on messing up the team atmosphere.
Their team played decently afterwards but wasn’t able to win. It was after the match where everything really started. Mickey complained about Khan in his stream to his viewers. Aside from the match, one of his main complaints was that when he asked Khan for tickets to the LCK finals, Khan replied “You only call me when you need to ask me a favor.”
On this issue, in the community, fans criticized Khan on his behavior while mentioning his words and behavior from the past. On the other hand, some fans said that although Khan did mess up the team atmosphere, Mickey shouldn’t have criticized Khan openly in his stream.
Khan didn’t react to this and it seemed that the issue wouldn’t cause much trouble. However, a text message from Khan saying that he gave Mickey two tickets to the finals was revealed by a third person. Also, Camille turned out to be the champion that dealt the most damage in that match. As of this, the community’s criticism was pointed at Mickey. Mickey spoke as if Khan didn’t give him any tickets, and even though he did get tickets from Khan, he cheered for Afreeca at the finals. Many fans were saying that Khan should have been the one to complain and be disappointed.
Fans started to defend Khan’s complaints. Although he died several times in the early game, he rather picked up a solo kill against Fiora and dealt the most damage in the whole game.

As the incident became more viral, Mickey posted on his facebook saying “I never said that I didn’t receive a ticket” and added details on the game by time. He also expressed his displeasure on his Taliyah being underrated for having less damage dealt than Camille by saying “I wonder what tier the fan who said that is in.”
On Mickey’s post, Korean fans reacted “When Khan was being criticized of being petty, Mickey stayed quiet but when the target was changed to Mickey, he started defending himself.” Other fans said, “When this started to be an issue, Mickey requested to delete the related posts, but the community fans magnified the issue.”
Meanwhile, Mickey admitted there was a misunderstanding regarding the issue and said that he’ll be reflecting on himself.
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