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Game 1.
ㄴㄴ What does that mean? I don't know.
ㄴㄴㄴ After Gnar ran away with Teleport, Bang's auto attack followed him to kill him. The shape of the auto attack looked like a sperm.
ㄴㄴㄴ Bang's nickname is Golden Beard, and Tristana's bullet following Gnar looked like a sperm... You'll understand when you watch the replay. LOL.
▶ When Gnar fell by getting hit by a sperm, my heart hurt like my asshole did.
ㄴ It looked like a sperm to me too LOL
ㄴ Why does your asshole hurt when you're getting hit by a sperm?
▶ Deft is giving a gift again. Why are they letting Swain through the draft? Do the coaches have a brain?
ㄴ It's the ADC difference.
ㄴ Don't mock the players.
ㄴ I'm an SKT fan but this isn't appropriate.
ㄴ They didn't lose because they let Swain through. They lost because Deft made the mistake he made always when he played against SKT. Making the fight unfavorable by not having any escape skills.
ㄴ If they banned Swain, Xayah would have been left open and Bang is 100% win rate with Xayah. The coaches do think.
▶ The game was awesome. So it is Bo5.
ㄴ BangBangBang!! Ucal was really good though.
▶ Bummer that KT didn't snowball well in the early game. They weren't even able to slay the first drake .
ㄴ SKT defended the early attacks of KT quite well. There were many good moments but it wasn't that important for KT.
▶ Talent is important. Bang played around a lot but his performance returned since he practiced.
ㄴ KT and SKT didn't change a bit.
ㄴㄴ LOL
▶ The difference between PraY and Deft: PraY wins when he gets focused but Deft loses.
ㄴ Deft needs to play champions like Ezreal that have good escape skills.
ㄴ People say it was Deft’s bad, but I don’t think it’s his mistake. He was in a good position but Azir delayed Alistar and the fight itself went in SKT’s favor. You should speak highly of what he’s done well; don’t be aggressive at small mistakes.
▶ ??? : SKT won because they played 6v5.

└ LOL it looks like there’s a mirror.
└ It’s was actually like 6v5.
Game 2.
▶ The play KT thought of with Olaf was must have been what they did in game 2. They took initiative of the mid and jungle and pushed easily.
▶ Is Ucal really a rookie? He's really good.
ㄴ He must be like treasure for KT.
ㄴ It's really interesting that he's a complete rookie.
▶ Bang's sigh at the last moment explains everything of this match.
ㄴ Blank isn't able to do anything if Zac is banned. Ucal is doing really well even though he's a rookie.
ㄴㄴ Is Blank a pro? He keeps on feeding and committing suicide.
ㄴㄴㄴ I think being told to play aggressive was the problem.
▶ This isn't because of the jungle. If you say it is, you're someone who hasn't been ganked like that. If it was solo queue, I would have cursed the mid and top laners and disconnected.
ㄴ Yeah, it's always the jungler's fault.
ㄴㄴ Seriously, this game was because of the jungle.
ㄴㄴ Did you even watch the game? All the lanes exploded because of the jungle.
ㄴㄴ It's all because of the first blood near red. Blank should have known Olaf could be there.
▶ Game 1 was like that, and even if they were aiming for the late game, Jarvan should have be involved in the lanes in some way. SKT won game 1 because Olaf also didn't put much pressure in the lanes, but Olaf dominated game 2, and Blank was feeding in all important moments.
ㄴ Of course Jarvan is unfavorable against Olaf. That's why they pick Olaf.
ㄴㄴ It's natural Jarvan losing against Olaf in the jungle but even considering that, he was too bad.
ㄴ First blood was a mistake and it snowballed from that.
ㄴ This is true. It was helpless the whole game.
ㄴㄴJarvan isn't a champion that's weak at ganking. All he needed to do was check where Olaf is and gank when he had his ult, but he didn’t.
▶ Game_2_Blank.gif A total mess.
└ Filthy...
└ F**K...
▶ The thoughts of KT fans: I wish we don't go there.jpg

ㄴ They always die trying to light up vision there.
ㄴ Don't go!
ㄴ My heart pounds whenever they go there.
ㄴ I always had the same thought, so I spurted out the water in my mouth.
ㄴ Deft....
ㄴ I just wish Deft doesn't go there.
Game 3.
▶ Let’s bench Blank if we want to win… Whew…
ㄴ Why the hell are they playing Blank? He threw away game 2 and he’s throwing again with the same pick.
ㄴ Blossom is better even considering Blank’s experience. Especially if they want an aggressive player in this meta. All Blank knows to do is gobbling up aggro by picking a tanky champion. And that’s only possible because Zac has two lives. You can always see that if you take a look at Blank’s damage.
ㄴ Is it different with Blossom? If it is, why aren’t they playing him?
ㄴ Blank learned the team game when Faker and Bang were carrying the team. He should be able to at least try to turn the game over if the team isn’t doing well, but he’s only used to being carried so there’s nothing like that for him.
▶ Mid-jungle difference.
ㄴ KT won in all lanes in Game 3. The biggest difference was the jungle. Score is really in good condition today.
ㄴ What are you saying? It was jungle-top difference.
ㄴ Score played exactly like how he did in 2016!
ㄴㄴ Blank also played exactly like how he did in 2016!
▶ The only three champions that Blank is alright with were banned, so he doesn’t know what to do. I wish Blossom plays in game 4. I want to see a hot match even if they lose.
ㄴ Blank playing Jarvan was because of the bans, so there was not much choice, but Faker’s Swain wasn’t good.
ㄴ That 3 jungle ban was really a good choice.
▶ SKT needs to change their style. They need to admit that Faker isn’t like before. They still think that they’ll win if Faker grows.
ㄴ Blank is bad, but Faker is also bad.
ㄴㄴ Were we watching the same game?
ㄴㄴㄴ So when Taliyah was flying all around the map, the person who was stuck at mid lane with Ghost was someone else?
ㄴㄴㄴ Blank was bad, that’s true, but Faker also did quite nothing against Ucal, don’t you think?
▶ What Faker proved in games 2 and 3: Mid Swain needs to have Teleport.

ㄴ Really, why in the world did he pick Ghost?
ㄴ He probably thought he would have 2v2 fights, but all Jarvan did was follow Skarner around.
ㄴ Swain always picked Teleport until now.
ㄴㄴ Swain is a champion that goes really well with Teleport, it helps the weak early game and movement.
▶ KT doing well with three jungle bans means that SKT’s jungler has a really narrow champion pool but it also means that there’s no critical picks in other positions even if KT does that.
ㄴ That’s true, there’s no OP champion for them.
ㄴ Wouldn’t Elise work as a surprise pick?
ㄴ Recently, there’s nearly no player that has a critical signature pick.
Game 4
▶ Again, mid-jungle difference.
ㄴ Ucal is too good.
ㄴ Ucal is really good. I just thought he has potential, but he grew so much after starting for a while.
ㄴ Faker’s decision to push the lane alone and the game-ending death was so disappointing.
ㄴ Blank was 2 levels lower than the opponent jungler, and Faker was 2 higher. Both died too many times to count.
ㄴ Isn’t it being too harsh on the mid lane? What can a mid laner do when the jungle difference is that bad? Faker had more CS.
ㄴㄴ Do you lose 2v2 fights only because Blank is bad? There’s no point in that damage and CS.
ㄴㄴ Do you win the game by having more CS? Your tier must be bronze.
ㄴㄴ As a fan being frank, Faker was bad.
▶ Playoffs Round 1 summary: The great jungler, Score.
ㄴ The best jungler before the finals.
ㄴ And Score uses up all his power and loses in the finals.
▶ Blank being executed by jungle creep; is he human?
ㄴ Even this guy’s a pro…
ㄴ How about Faker?
ㄴ Faker was bad all day. Bang fought alone. SKT is now Bang’s one-man-team.
ㄴ Faker was just a bad mid laner if his name wasn’t visible. Of course Blank was the worst, but it wasn’t that Faker was any better. Everyone knows all mid laners are a lot better than before.
ㄴ Faker who went to push the line alone at the end… Guilty!!
▶ Wouldn’t have they won if they played Karma and Janna trusting Bang like KSV did?
ㄴ KSV and KT already different from the laning phase, and the mid top lanes are more important than the bottom lane in the recent meta.
▶ Faker needs to recover his performance. I think he still thinks he’s the best mechanical player. I don’t know if he’s trying to have ganks come to him, but he dies by overdoing things. His judgement isn’t as good as before, has a normal champion pool. I think he still thinks all the opponents are not as good as he is.
ㄴ So Faker is falling like this. Whenever old gamers’ prowess declines, I feel so bad.
ㄴ Rather than Faker playing bad, Ucal was too good. Too good. Blank and Faker should be trying harder.
ㄴ Faker accumulating CS well is now a weakness.
ㄴ The ult that pushed Ucal towards his turret, the ult that pushed only Score away at Baron. Why in the world did he use his ult backwards? That threw the game.
ㄴ Swain is 2-2 today, and both losses were from Faker.
▶ It was all expected for KSV and SKT. Both teams drive the top and jungle hard to scale mid and ADC to play macro in the late game, but that worked out only until the Ardent Censer meta. The jungler needs to move around actively but they only have them putting up wards. Last year’s Peanut was the victim of that style. Even if they played Kha’Zix later, it isn’t practiced so he gets executed by a jungle monster. Even if they won today, both AFs and KZ are teams that attack aggressively in the early game, so they would have lost.
ㄴ KT concentrated their bans in the jungle, and Blank even got executed. They should have played Blossom in game 4 to even try to make a difference.
▶ As an SKT fan, I’m satisfied. I am sorry that we lost, but before, I was bitter as if I was the player, but now I’m kind of relieved. I do cheer them but I don’t expect too much since they’ve hit rock bottom already. After game 1, I thought ‘maybe’. I’m just happy enough because they came up to here from 9th. Bang becoming the team’s ace, and Thal became almost one of the best top laners even though he’s a rookie. I hope Faker recovers his performance in the next season like Bang. They still are going to Rift Rivals so I wish they return to the strong team in the summer. I know that there are fans who aren’t satisfied, but let’s not be too stressed.
ㄴ I’m afraid of SKT being criticized after losing at Rift Rivals.
ㄴㄴ I didn’t think of that.
ㄴ A good post explaining the thoughts of SKT fans.
▶ ??? : Faker… It is time for you, too.

ㄴ It's time for Faker to switch to jungle.
ㄴ Ambition: Let’s switch to jungle now.
ㄴㄴ LOL
ㄴㄴ So the legendary players’ final destination is jungle?
ㄴㄴ Score, Ambition and now it’s Faker’s turn?
ㄴㄴ Switching positions to jungle vs Transferring to foreign leagues.
ㄴㄴ It might be a good idea to switch Faker to jungle and find a good mid laner.
▶ The sentence that explains Faker’s current state: The first season that Faker dragged the team down.
ㄴ I saw that in Namuwiki, and that’s so true.
ㄴㄴ That’s so sad. Let’s do better in the summer.
▶ Despise.gif
ㄴ Look at his face looking at jungle and mid LOL
ㄴ Faker: Think of last Worlds F**K
ㄴㄴ So they exchange attacks by season
ㄴㄴ There’s no way to get back on that.
ㄴㄴ LOL
ㄴㄴ Now that’s karma LOL
ㄴㄴ Isn’t it better stumbling in Worlds and getting back at Spring? If it was Summer that would be the worst.
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