After a relatively smaller patch last week, a bigger update – patch 8.6 - featuring several changes and buffs (astonishing enough, no nerf to any champion has been announced so far!) as well as new exciting skins, is in the works to be released next week.
Not only that, but with Riot updating the game's back-end audio and system files, the actual size of the patch will be much bigger than others are used to.
But with no further ado, check out the most exciting new features and changes coming out on patch 8.6:
The Gun Goddess is arriving

Announced last week, LoL’s newest ultimate skin will be released alongside patch 8.6. With four different forms which you can freely choose from - Scarlet Fair, Zero Hour, Starswarm, and Royal Arms - Gun Goddess Miss Fortune will cost 2,775 RP, with a limited bundle including an extra portrait icon, loading boarding screen as well as the Gun Goddess Ward Skin being available for 3,500 RP.
Who wants some chicken and pizza?

Staying with skins, how not to mention this year’s amazing April Fools skins featuring Sivir and Galio? Costing 975 RP, Birdio will be Galio’s first skin in three years and it features the Colossus completely dressed as a chicken while holding a full bucket of delicious fried chicken. On social networks, players have been jokingly claiming that they didn’t know the BBQ Olivers – who are sponsored by a popular Korean fried chicken franchise - won last year’s World Championship in order to deserve a skin resembling the organization.
Completing the “fast-food” duo, we have Pizza Delivery Sivir, which features the Battle Mistress in a more “real-world” setting. A little more expensive than Birdio, perhaps the most awesome aspect of Pizza Delivery Sivir is that she received a completely different pizza every time she throws her Boomerang Blade!
Right now, there are three different flavors you can receive: mushroom and olives, pepperoni and Hawaiian – yes, with pineapple.

LeBlanc: Reworking the rework
Now moving to more serious business, old LeBlanc is back. With the majority of the player discontent since her rework in 2016, Riot decided to scrap the new version entirely and return the Deceiver to her old form.
That means her passive is once again Mirror Image, and it does exactly the same thing as before, which is, in case you forgot, that when she falls below 40% health, she temporarily disappears before reemerging alongside a clone, who despite being able to move and emulate attacks, does no damage nor can use any abilities.
But that is not all: Sigil of Malice is once again is an active ability, meaning that the strong Malice + Distortion combo for tons of burst damage will come back to the game next week. Apart from that, all abilities received balance changes, ranging from range and mana cost to damage and AP scaling.
Check LB’s entire change list below – but remember: all numbers are still temporary, and can be tuned up (or down) before the patch’s release.
Mirror Image (P):
Restored - no changes from its pre-rework state.
Sigil of Malice (Q):
Damage reduced to 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.4 AP) from 55/90/125/160/195 (+0.5 AP)
Distortion (W):
Damage increased to 85/125/165/205/245 (+0.6 AP) from 40/55/70/85/100 (+0.2 AP)
Mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 70/80/90/100/110.
Dash speed decreased to 1450 from 1600.
Snapback lockout changed to 0.2 seconds from finishing dash, instead of 0.85 seconds from starting dash.
Ethereal Chains (E):
Initial hit AP ratio decreased to 0.3 AP from 0.5 AP.
Root Damage increased to 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.6 AP) from 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.5 AP).
Mana Cost increased to 70 from 40.
Tether Range decreased to 865 from 885.
Mimic (R):
RQ damage decreased to 70/140/210 (+0.4 AP) from 150/275/400 (+0.6 AP).
RQ mark damage changed to 140/280/420 (+0.8 AP) from 150/275/400 (+0.6 AP).
RW damage increased to 150/300/450 (+0.6 AP) from 60/120/180 (+0.3 AP).
RE initial damage decreased to 60/120/180 (+0.3 AP) from 100/160/220 (+0.4 AP).
RE root damage increased to 120/240/360 (+0.6 AP) from 100/160/220 (+0.4 AP).
Cooldown increased to 80/55/30 from 54/42/30.
Ahri 2.0:

One of the most popular mages in the history of the game, Ahri is also undergoing an extreme makeover. The most noticeable changes are with her mobility: her ultimate, Spirit Rush, now gives an extra dash per rank, meaning that at rank 3, you will have 5 dashes available instead of the current 3 for all ranks. To compensate this important buff, the extra movement speed from Orb of Deception will be removed.
Moving to the other abilities, Ahri’s W, Fox-Fire, will also receive a major revamp, with the cooldown beginning on cast instead of after the last fox-fire attack, but at the cost of a higher overall cooldown. And finally, strong mechanical plays will be more rewarding, with every successful Charm on an enemy champion providing 20% extra from spells for 5 seconds.
All changes are as follows:
Orb of Deception (Q):
No longer grants movement speed.
Fox-Fire (W):
Cooldown increased to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds from 9/8/7/6/5 seconds.
Initial delay increased to 0.5 seconds from 0.25 seconds.
Cooldown begins on cast instead of after the last fox-fire attacks.
Damage changed to 40/65/90/115/140 (40% AP) from 40/65/90/115/140 (30% AP).
Charm (E):
Damage changed to 60/90/120/150/180 (+40% AP) from 60/95/130/165/200 (+60% AP).
New effect: When Charm deals damage to a champion, Ahri's abilities deal 20% more damage to them for 5 seconds.
Spirit Rush (R):
AP ratio increased to 35% from 25%.
Cooldown changed to 110/100/90 seconds from 110/95/80 seconds.
Dashes increased to 3/4/5 from 3 at all ranks.
Carries beware: buffs to Kayn and Kha’Zix
Despite neither of them having a terribly low win ratio at moment – Kayn and Kha’Zix currently sit close to 50% according to – both will nonetheless receive buffs that can see them being played more often in the professional scene.
The changes for Kha’Zix are pretty straightforward: the isolation bonus damage from Taste Their Fear has been increased to 100% from 65%, meaning that the Voidreaver will be able to burst down isolated targets more effectively. His W, Void Spike, will however receive a small nerf, and won’t be dealing 20% bonus damage to monsters anymore.
Meanwhile, Kayn will also receive a damage buff to his Blade's Reach and his ultimate, Umbral Trespass, but the most interesting change is with his passive, who had its power gain rates tweaked as follow:
0-10 minutes: 2.5
10-15 minutes: 4
15+ minutes: 7
A big difference from the current numbers, who are simply a nightmare to calculate.
Demacia’s (Buffed) Wings

The least picked champion in the game is receiving some important buffs – especially to her ultimate – which hopefully make players remember that Quinn and Valor are actually still in the game. With her Skystrike now applying Harrier to all champions hit, Behind Enemy Lines becomes a more important tool in teamfights, as she will have the chance to burst down multiple high priority target at once.
Apart from ultimate changes, the way she gains AD will be slightly changed as well, with the base attack damage being decreased in exchange of an increased AD per level.
Check out the complete list of upcoming changes for Quinn:
Base AD decreased to 59 from 62
AD per level increased to 3 from 2.4 -> AD at 18 increased to 110 from 103
Harrier (P):
Auto-attacks that are already in flight will now trigger and consume the Harrier mark.
Behind Enemy Lines (R)
Skystrike now applies Harrier mark to all enemy champions hit.
Channeling no longer breaks when taking damage.
Removed the in-combat state that would refresh R’s cooldown every time combat was entered.
Taking damage from non-minions while channeling, or while Behind Enemy Lines is active, no longer breaks the channel or form. Instead, the movement speed bonus is removed for 2 seconds. Taking damage from minions no longer has any effect.
Returning to the fountain now automatically casts Behind Enemy Lines if it has been learned.
Long time no see, Shurelya's
Almost 5 years since its removal, Shurelya's Reverie is making its big comeback. Shurelya's big trademark is her active, which will provide 40% bonus movement speed for the player and all nearby allied champions for 3 seconds under a 60 second cooldown, making it obvious that its goal is to provide the team with a powerful engaging or disengaging tool.
The item however, does not provide its buyer with superior raw stats, making it believe that, allied to its relatively low cost (2100g), it will be perhaps prioritized by “defensive” AP supports such as Janna or Lulu. But the 10% cooldown coming with the item can also be attractive for those who play more proactive and aggressive AP supports such as Brand or even Vel’Koz.
Take a look at everything that Shurelya's Reverie offers:
Cost: 2100g
Recipe: Kindlegem + Aether Wisp + 450g
+40 AP
+200 Health
Unique: +10% Cooldown Reduction
Unique passive: +8% Movement Speed
Unique active: grants yourself and nearby allies +40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).
Big changes for the Rageblade

Guinsoo’s Rageblade will be also receiving major changes for patch 8.6. A vital first item for the likes of Varus and Kog'Maw, Riot will be seeking to reduce these champions’ dependence from Guinsoo’s, giving them more building options in the early and mid-game. With its passive providing stacks of bonus AD and AP instead of flat AD and AP, Guinsoo’s becomes now a fairly week choice for the first item, as obviously, there won’t be any bonus AD and AP available for the champions to stack on.
Apart from that, the item will also provide +2.5% total attack speed, +2.5% attack damage, and +2.5% Ability Power for 2.5 seconds after dealing a basic attack, a change from the flat magic damage on-hit we are used to.
While these changes clearly intend to decrease the early strengths of the Guinsoo’s Rageblade, it will stay be a very juicy item later on in the game, when the bonus AD and AP really start to have a noticeable effect, so expect it still being used by attack speed-based ADCs – just maybe not right as the very first item.
Check out the full change list for the item:
New recipe: Amplifying Tome + Recurve Bow + Pickaxe + 690g.
Cost decreased to 3000g from 3600g.
+25 AD
+25 AP
+25% Attack Speed
Basic attacks deal an additional 25 magic damage on hit.
Unique passive changed:
Basic attacks grant +2.5% total attack speed, +2.5% attack damage, and +2.5% Ability Power for 2.5 seconds.
Upon reaching six stacks, Rageblade is fully unlocked, granting Guinsoo's Rage.
Guinsoo's Rage effect changed:
Every other basic attack will trigger on-hit effects an additional time. While at half stacks, melee champions; next attacks will fully stack Rageblade.
New runes!
Some important changes coming to runes on 8.6: two new runes will be added, at the expanse of Mirror Shell and Iron Skin, who will enjoy their last week of existence before being sent to the graveyard.
Chrysalis, a new Resolve rune, encourages proactive play, rewarding its user with adaptive AD or AP after achieving four takedowns. Meanwhile, Conqueror will be added to the Precision line, and will be another interesting option for melee duelists.
And finally, Bone Plating will have its duration reduced, from 5 to 3 seconds.
Changes were also tested for Presence of Mind and Manaflow Band, but it is likely that they will be going live later, likely on patch 8.7.
All changes for runes on patch 8.6 are as follows:
Bone Plating
Duration decreased to 3 seconds from 5 seconds.
After 4 seconds in combat, your first attack against an enemy champion grants 10-50 AD, based on level, for 3s, and converts 20% of your damage to champions to True damage for the duration.
Melee Only: damaging enemy champions refreshes this buff.
"Start the game with an extra 60 health. At 4 takedowns, consume that health to gain an adaptive bonus of 9 Attack Damage or 15 Ability Power."
Mirror Shell and Iron Skin - removed
Heal down, Ignite up
To close it down, two straight up changes that however can plan an important role as the meta further evolves this season: Heal cooldown has been increased to 270 seconds from 240, while Ignite will be dealing approximately 20% more damage at latter stages: from 70-410 to 80-505.
What are the changes YOU are the most excited about in LoL’s newest update? Let me know below! Patch 8.6 is expected to be deployed on Wednesday, March 21.
(Pictures courtesy of Riot Games)
Disclaimer: The following article was written freely based on the author's opinion, and it may not necessarily represent Inven Global's editorial stance.
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level 1 Yunnuri
I love hawaiian pizza :3