On the 8th of January (KST), Riot Games announced the schedule and the list of matches of the ‘2018 League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK)’.
The competition will be hosted by Riot Games and KeSPA, and broadcasted by OGN and SPOTV Games. The first match will be KSV (formerly Samsung Galaxy) versus Kingzone DragonX (formerly Longzhu Gaming), held at the ‘Nexon Arena’ in Gangnam, Seoul. It is predicted to be a close match since it’s a fight between the winners of the 2017 LCK Summer split and Worlds 2017.
The spring split of LCK 2018 will consist of 90 matches, 18 matches per team up to the 25th of March. The competition will feature the 2017 LCK Summer split champions, Kingzone DragonX, and World champion KSV, along with SKT T1, kt Rolster, Afreeca Freecs, Jin Air Green Wings, ROX Tigers, MVP, and two qualifiers: bbq Olivers and Kongdoo Monster.
Like last year, two matches will be held per day, as best of 3s. They will be held 5 days a week (Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun), with the first match at 5 PM and second match at 8 PM. The match day may be altered according to the week. SPOTV Games will be broadcasting the 4 matches that are held in the Nexon Arena on Tuesdays and Sundays, and OGN will be broadcasting the 6 matches held in the Seoul OGN eStadium on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. However, both broadcasts will not be having live streams online.
The matchup list for each team was revealed as well. The matchups were sorted randomly considering the number of weekday/weekend matches and intervals between matches.
This year, the LCK BI (Brand Identity) renewal will be applied. The design was changed to emphasize dynamics while maintaining the main symbol, to have the name of the competition be seen more directly.
Fierce competition is expected because the spring split consists of hot players who have performed spectacularly in previous seasons. Also, many players who were performing abroad have returned to the LCK, and several players who were very popular have become coaches. With many interesting and unpredictable matches in store, this upcoming competition is looking to be a spectacle fans don’t want to miss.
2018 LCK Matchup List – Week 1
1. Kingzone DragonX vs KSV
2. Kondoo Monster vs MVP
3. Afreeca Freecs vs kt Rolster
4. SKT T1 vs ROX Tigers
5. Kondoo Monster vs bbq Olivers
6. Jin Air Green Wings vs KSV
7. kt Rolster vs MVP
8. Jin Air Green Wings vs SKT T1
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