Many of you probably have seen the cosplay of the fancy outfit and gorgeous appearances of the characters from League of Legends, and admired their works. I also had that admiration, but hid that deep inside until I was nearly thirty due to realistic issues (face, figure etc.). However, one costume player who is drawing attention recently changed my thoughts.

The ‘Low Cost Cosplay’ mimics famous scenes or characters with everyday objects. Luckily, this person doesn’t do any LoL cosplays. After seeing his works, the dream from when I was young was within range, if I just spread my arm and grasp it. So I decided to take the challenge, to show my respect to him and to make my dream come true. After all, it isn’t easy to do such things, unless it’s something like April Fool’s Day or something like this : the End of year Project. The first Cosplay challenge of two reporters ready to turn thirty. Don’t get too mad after seeing this; it’s Christmas, the season of (for)giving.

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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Comments :2
level 1 Exotic_Aura
This is art.
level 1 Nezz
This is so creative wtf