Through their official website, Riot Games announced that Longzhu Gaming's toplaner, Khan, has been given a '1 game suspension' penalty. Along with it, the player was fined $920. The cause of the penalty was a racist comment that Khan had made in-game.
The following is a translation of the official text of Riot Games' announcement.
In regards to the 'esports penalty policy' of player misconduct, the following penalty will be given.
'KeSPA' and 'Riot Games Korea', the operators of 'League of Legends Challengers Korea', has gone through a review procedure to see whether or not LCK participant, Longzhu Gaming's player, Dong-Ha "Khan" Kim's comment of "4 Chinese can't win" that was made on November 23rd is a punishable offense.
After having hosted a committee to analyze and review Khan's actions, the committee came to a conclusion that Khan was well aware of the fact that there were foreign players in his game, and that his comment of "4 Chinese can't win" was made purposely.
The 'LCK Operations Committee' came to an agreement that Khan has violated rule 9.2.4 in the LCK rulebook. Racist comments are at all times prohibited, so the Committee has decided to sternly punish Dong-Ha "Khan" Kim.
The following is the detail of the punishment.
• LZ Khan, Dong-Ha Kim
• A Fine of $920(1 Million Korean Won)
• A Suspension of 1 Game
• 9.2.4 Unprofessional Behavior(Discrimination and Derogation)
Players and coaches of any given team are prohibited from making any comments regarding one's race, the color of skin, nationality, etc. Comments that insult an individual, group, and/or nation should not be made.
• Penalty Section 9.6
If this offense is found to have been made by a player or member of a coaching staff, the Committee can take the following actions on the violator.
- 9.6.6 Impose a Fine and/or Confiscate Prize Winnings
- 9.6.9 Suspension from Playing on Stage
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