With the continuous output of writing on League of Legends and the eSports scene, we can get tired of these articles from time to time. To all the readers who are sick and tired of the overflow of informative articles, we are here to present a rather fun and whimsical piece. Inven prepared a new corner called LoL LoL Land!
While the Inven journalists are constantly being flooded with work, the time has finally come to get a little-laid back. Setting aside the sincere and the serious, we aim to put some lighthearted and multiplex content out for you guys!
The content you are about to see was posted periodically by the Inven journalists. Because of this, additional content may be added in the near future. Hope you guys enjoy!

For the people who love League of Legends (including ourselves), we all have at some point felt the strength of a warrior flow through our very veins. However, unlike the champions in League, we cannot use magic nor move at breakneck speeds. It may also be hard for some to accept that we might not have a body able to withstand multiple wounds from a sword/dagger.
If so, what ways can be go about possibly becoming like the champions we all love in League of Legends? Thinking realistically, creating weapons is probably the most viable option. For reference, this particular journalist has a history of making dozens of zombie-fighting weapons. Said journalist has even done university graduation work successfully with his own weapons exhibition. This journalist, however, does not have any experience with electrical or technical applications.
If we were to make a weapon, what weapon should we create and wield? It is not like we can make a rune blade (Riven’s weapon) that is broken and then can somehow revert to its original form. There are a lot of weapons that require an extensive amount of expensive materials or are just plain illegal to create. Creating a club/stick weapon would just be too plain. Eventually, we came to the conclusion to create the Mercury Hammer belonging Piltover’s Charismatic Inventor, Jayce.

It was after considering these many factors that we decided to create the Mercury hammer. How can I say this.... We strongly believe that a skilled person can easily hard carry with only the Mercury Hammer form. First things first, we have to obtain a hammer. The objective was to find materials that were easily (moreso effortlessly) accessible.

This wraps up our dodgy attempt of the 1st episode for champion weapons. I couldn’t do a better job because people in the office were looking at me weird. Making a weird looking hammer in the corner of the office is bound to raise an eyebrow or two. If I had a garage, I could have made something better like Corki’s plane. What should I make next? To be honest, I already have something else in mind~

It’s time to ask some diverse (useless) questions of Riot. We asked about some gossip that has been around the Rift for a long time; which kept people lost in thought while in bed, unable to sleep.
There’s a mysterious love triangle-ish thing in the Rift. It’s about those little round Yordles; Rumble, Tristana, and Teemo. What’s the situation between these three? We asked staff named "Runeterra" of Riot Korea.
What’s happening with Teemo, Rumble, and Tristana’s love triangle? We Especially want to know how Rumble’s obvious love towards Tristana is going?
"Runeterra" answered with a short story.

Is Finding Love Forbidden in the Rift?
(Riot Fist Novel Collection, written by Runeterra, 2015)
“In your pocket, is that a mushroom?”
Tristana’s question shot like an arrow and hit his heart.
Rumble just couldn’t bear to answer that the items in his pocket were just dirty wrenches and bolts.
He just smiled bitterly.
Rumble recalled the reason he planted bamboo in front of his workshop.
‘Someday, I’ll make bamboo spears with those things. One will pierce Teemo, and the other one will kill me too...’
He really doesn’t see what in the world is likable about that dumb little mushroom guy.
“So, how is the repaired cannon?”
Rumble asked, trying to hide his expression.
“Well, it’s not bad; it has decent output. It just overloads from time to time, no need to mention who made it.”
“Maximum output is like an ace in the sleeve. High risk, high return.”
“I like stable performance; I don’t want to gamble in an urgent situation.”
“Then I’ll install an output stabilizer for you.”
“Thank you, Rumble.”
‘Thank you?’
Rumble thought of his days back in Bandle City Tech University. Rumble heard that phrase one time too many times back then.
Rumble always turned in professor Heimerdinger’s projects with grand effort. With an adventurous background, he always had problems with overloading or with the cooling device not working properly, but he maintained a decent GPA.
Naturally, many girls began asking him for advice. As Rumble was giving advice, he also began helping them out with their projects as well, and at last, he began fixing the projects himself.
At that time, some of those girls brought butterflies fluttering in Rumble’s stomach. They said all kinds of nice things and acted cutely, but when the semester ended, they all vanished and were not contactable.
After that continued, semester after semester, Rumble determined never to be manipulated again, and thought that the phrase ‘thank you’ was the most pretentious phrase that ever existed.
“Done, this cannon’s range will get longer as you use it.”
“Wow, how did you develop such a thing?”
“It’s nothing.”
“This fits my hand like a glove. I think I will get good evaluations in the Yordle Ranger test.”
Yordle Ranger.
Rumble had to admit that the Yordle Rangers do contribute to the peace in Bandle City. He also knows that the Yordles have a strong confidence in them. But Rumble already knew the real reason Tristana wanted to join them.
“Wow, is this a new robot you made?”
Tristana asked, pointing at a machine covered with a blanket.
“Yes, I’ll compete in the League riding this.”
“It’s awesome! Did you give it a name?”
“Huh? Oh…”
Rumble looked around frantically, embarrassed.
‘Dammit, dammit, dammit…’
He glances at the last season of NA LCS broadcast he turned on earlier while he was working, and answers without thinking.
“Pigeon... No, Phoenix, Yordle Phoenix.”
“Yordle Phoenix?”
“Yes, I’ll fly up and burn up everything in sight.”
“Haha, seems a bit childish, but it seems like you.”
Rumble’s face reddened.
‘Childish. Yeah, damn me.’
“I’ll be on my way now, Thank you for today.”
“All right then. Come back if any problems come up.”
“Gotcha, see you later.”
Tristana stepped out of the workshop with short and quick steps. Rumble looked at her back and soon looked away, sighing. Rumble walked up to the robot he called ‘Yordle Phoenix’ earlier.
He sat on Yordle Phoenix, wiping off the dashboard of the machine and said,
“Sorry, Tristy. I couldn’t help it, I know Yordle Phoenix was stupid, but it just came out.”
The yellow beam of the sunset sprays through the lonely workshop, like always.

Once upon a time... the wise men from the far east discovered a way to glean information about a person by reading that person’s face. Although it is classified as a science without any scientific basis, the Orient is still doing this 'Face Reading'. Face Reading can apparently reveal your personality, health, temperament, age, past, and future. Before, it was used for accurate representation, but now it is used simply because it’s fun. However, with the advancements in technology and science, this skill is no longer needed; a computer can do all of this instead.

MS Azure has released a very entertaining API program. Using an immersible amount of data, the program reads a person’s facial expressions. Whilst reading that person’s face, the program can then decipher the person’s emotions. They say emotions cannot be fully captured by pictures alone, but we’ll see about that. Using the photos we have amassed over time, we decided to run this program on players. Because the program is still in its development phase, the results are not absolute, but we don’t necessarily need an extremely accurate scan anyways. We are only doing this for entertainment.
※ Of course there are going to be a lot of Neutral results. Let’s try a different method.
Let’s experiment first

Let’s try our first test on Flame when Immortals were performing well. The picture was taken when Flame grabbed a solo kill top lane. We always knew he had a strong desire for victory, but now I see he was in a state of complete madness.
I thought the program would be unable to read his face due to his eyes rolling into the back of his head, but it turns out the computer couldn’t care less about eye contact. It seems Flame was quite surprised. Frankly speaking, we were surprised as well when we saw his facial expressions...
Identical pose

There were two photos with the same exact pose, so I decided to compare the two. Even though he died when his team was behind, Akaadian’s facial expression did not budge. It was as firm and safe as his muscles were. Getting a Neutral result is common, but this is too close to a perfect Neutral. Akaadian has remarkable tranquility, especially considering how recently he started his career.

Goldenglue died the exact same way but is forwardly ‘HAPPY’. To be honest, looking at his facial expression, it seems Goldenglue is having a very hard time. The computer thinks otherwise apparently. According to our advanced technology, he is actually happy? He is a person that can smile in any scenario.
Complex feelings

Although TSM is the king of NA LCS, they have had some struggles along the way as well. Bjergsen was doing his part pulling his weight, but there were frequent instances when the bot lane duo would struggle. It makes sense that Bjergsen would have mixed/complex feelings when he is the only one keeping his team afloat. You can tell that much without even looking. However, Bjergsen’s facial expressions were more complicated than we expected. Two spoons of surprise, two spoons of anger, and one spoon of disgust; cook on high for twenty minutes and your Bjergsen is ready.

I’m not too sure if Doublelift really knows what Bjergsen is going through. Doublelift is clearly happy. Within the 5 team members, Doublelift seems the most actively happy on camera. The happiness seems to come from the thought of 'Whatever happens, you guys are going down with me'. It is a shame that Doublelift didn’t see Bjergsen’s facial expression.

After defeating MSF. Doublelift’s steps are incredibly light coming down the stairs. He seems so joyful. However, from Bjergsen’s perspective, it was not an easy game at all. It would have been nice to see everyone equally happy on the stage.

Here is one more person who tries their very best to be aware of their facial expressions.

There seem to be some faces that the computer program can’t read. Was he really a turtle all this time?

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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