With the upcoming pre-season on the horizon, we look towards the new meta this change will usher into League of Legends. The Runes and Masteries being reforged is a major gameplay change to League of Legends itself, with the last major change to League of Legends having been the juggernauts update with Garen and Darius going onto their own tier.
Some can argue that the minor changes to ADC’s and their itemization changing drastically because of the Lethality item is huge in itself. But to look deeper into the change of the Runes and Masteries we have to look at why the issue of changing them came about. If you look at some of the players in our HSEL Majors for League of Legends, they might not have had the right rune optimization with the fact runes were so expensive.
The right set of runes for a mid lane assassin could cost you up to 12000 IP, and to rub the salt in the wound, unless you win continuously in your games you won’t necessarily get more than 81 Influence Points. So for a new player in our Majors or League in general it would be very hard for them to just jump right in even if they already understand the mechanics that are needed.
Not to mention just to get into ranked after level 30 you need a full roster of 18 or more champions to even queue up for solo queue. Now with the changes coming to the rift within the following week, more players will be able to get into League of Legends. Players who use a specific play style, say tank junglers, will be presented with a reward for every time they level up.
The reward will take into consideration what the player has been interested in and pump out that reward tailored to them. Now for the players who have been buying Rune pages and runes themselves will be receiving a refund in the form of blue essence. Blue essence will be phasing out the need for influence points and will help players who want to get into the game even faster.
Now we will shift our focus to the rune changes, because runes and masteries are becoming one. People are going to want to experiment, not to say that with the recent changes on the PBE with the new runes haven’t been bugged. But by the time the pre-season hits us those bugs will be fixed. Many of the players within our league and throughout our games will want to try a Crowd Control slowing build for Ezreal Jungle or put Tempo attack build onto Leona.
This sudden change to League’s normal tempo and play style will truly be interesting and bring a new meta to the HSEL majors scene.
More information on this is available at http://www.highschoolesportsleague.com/
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