Greetings, this is Inven Global.
The Overwatch World Cup 2017 ended with South Korea’s victory, and now fans are waiting for the Overwatch League.
To contribute to the excitement, we have prepared an event for Overwatch fans: an AMA with an Overwatch pro who played for South Korea at the Overwatch World Cup and will be playing at the Overwatch League! Inven Global is holding this AMA so that the Overwatch fans can have a chance to directly communicate with professional gamers.
The 8th pro gamer we invited is Jong-yeol "Saebyeolbe" Park, one of the pros who played for South Korea, and the DPS for New York Excelsior.

Saebyeolbe debuted as a pro in the Overwatch APEX Season 1. As a DPS for LW Blue, he led the team to victory in the IEM and became one of the best DPS players in Korea. LW Blue won third place in the Overwatch APEX Season 2, and Saebyeolbe joined team South Korea for the Overwatch World Cup 2017. In the Overwatch World Cup, Saebyeolbe once again proved himself as the best Tracer in the world.
We will be holding a live AMA via our comment section at the bottom of this article, starting from November 12th, 22:00 PDT (November 13th, 14:00 KST). Saebyeolbe will be reading all your questions from the comment section, and he will personally answer them, so feel free to ask all you want! Anything is okay- from Saebyeolbe’s gameplay to personal questions regarding hobbies! He will also be answering your questions after the live AMA, so feel free to leave questions and comments below right now!
Also, we are holding two more AMA sessions for two more players from team South Korea, Dong-gyu "Mano" Kim (from November 13th 20:00) and Yeon-ho “Fl0w3r” Hwang (from November 13th 22:00). The links to Mano’s AMA and Fl0w3r’s AMA are:
AMA with Mano - Ask Us Anything and Win Free Blizzard Balance!
AMA with Fl0w3r - Ask Us Anything and Win Free Blizzard Balance!

We will be giving $20-worth Blizzard Balance to 5 randomly selected people who participate in the AMA event. We are holding the same event for the AMA sessions for Saebyeolbe and Fl0w3r, and hope that many Overwatch fans will join in on asking the pros questions and win free Blizzard Balance!
※ The AMA with Saebyeolbe is for people from all around the world, and the answers will be given to him in English. We would appreciate that you leave comments in English via Google Translator for those who would like to check them out. (Saebyeolbe 선수와의 AMA는 전세계의 유저를 대상으로 진행 중이라 영어로 답변을 드릴 예정입니다. 구글 번역기 등을 활용하여 가급적 영어로 질문을 남겨주시면 이를 확인하는 많은 분들에게 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.)
※ AMA with Saebyeolbe Event by Inven Global
- This event is for everyone who participates in the AMA with Saebyeolbe via the comment section of this article.
- Prize: $20 Blizzard Balance Gift Card (5 people)
- Event will be held until November 14th 0:00 PDT.
※ Important notice regarding event prizes
- Blizzard Balance cards are for the North American server and cannot be redeemed on other servers.
- Blizzard Balance will be provided in a code format via the e-mail address you registered with at Inven Global website.
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Comments :221
Best Comment
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@TheWerhammerI'd prob play Minecraft in U.S since it's my fav game, and I might create my own server and play on it with my fans, and sure I could invite you as well <3
level 1 NZ_OUT
Can you please post more cat pictures on twitter? They are more important than winning OWL
level 1 Purplestackz
Are there any teams (besides NYXL) you think will be better than people think?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@PurplestackzSeoul Dynasty & London Spitfire - teams with many Korean pro gamers will be powerful, I believe.
level 1 MelM
4 person Tracer deathmatch with any players in the whole world, which three players would you choose?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Pattrick36Shimada brothers and Mei? As a player playing hit-scan heroes, I'd like to play them if I have the chance to play projectile DPS. (^' '^)
level 1 coolestusername
It's always delight to watch you on stream or other broadcast. A lot of Korean players look very shy when they are facing the camera. What make you so confident and laid-back in front of huge crowd?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@coolestusernameI think it's from having a lot of social experience and working! Progamers usually tend to stay inside and play games but before I became a pro gamer, I hehe
level 1 Estanevando
Aside from the players of team Korea(OWWC), is there any player from NYXL that people should keep on eye on, and why?
level 1 qkqkqkqk
Who would you pick if you picked an underrated and unknown but a really good tracer player?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@qkqkqkqk Logix whom I met when I played comp games in Poland, and it seemed that he was not as well-known as he should be for his skills.
level 1 Mafirva
Hello Saebyeolbe!
Thank you for doing this and congrats on your win in the World Cup.
You mentioned in one of your interviews you'd like to become a teacher in the future so you could help students who have struggles in their lives. What would be your first and most important advice to those students?
Good luck in OWL. Saebyeolbe fighting!-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@MafirvaAs a Korean, Korean people tend to be caught up too much in competitions, and I'd want to tell these students not to get caught up in competition that other people forced them to; I have experienced the hardship myself, so that's what I'd like to tell them in future!
level 1 supdotcom
Who was the progamer you looked up to growing up?
level 1 Tanky_Chan
Which was the most difficult team you guys face in the tournament?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Tanky_ChanTeam U.S- they'd have won if there were no team South Korea, coz Jake is there.
level 1 peanutbutter21
What's your relation to Luna right now, are you guys still friends? Also, is there a chance that he might come back to Overwatch -
level 1 Cheyenne_Chua
What is your favorite game besides Overwatch?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Cheyenne_ChuaMinecraft! You don't get as much result as you try in Korea, but in this game, you get as much as your effort.
level 1 Nancy
Any advice for those who want to go pro?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@NancyI'd like to tell them they shouldn't have any fantasies about it- we don't get to play games all the time, and not only happy things happen for us. But even so, if they'd like to become pro gamers, they will get what they want as long as they try hard!
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
Who's your favorite hero?
level 1 PerfectlyClear
Who are your top three DPS players in Overwatch and why?-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@PerfectlyClearFl0w3R= awesome! TviQ= beautiful! Surefour= fantastic! (^' '^)
level 1 saintofblades
Hello! What do you think you'll miss the most about Korea?
Good luck in OWL~ <3-
level 1 aimbotcalvin
you super gosu, gochu saranghae-
level 1 Yeanahwang
What do you think makes SAEYBYEOLBE the most strongest dps in korea?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Yeanahwang I don't think I'm the best DPS in Korea, and I'm good coz I enjoy what I do!
level 1 Sojoyou
Can you give me some tips for your moving of tracer?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@SojoyouIt's real simple- your play should annoy the opponent; if you succeed, that means you're good.
level 1 Yeanahwang
If you had the chance to change postion within your team, which position would you most likely to play and which character?-
level 1 Yeanahwang
YOU and ZUNBA seems to be very close friends. Can you share any funny or cute episode that happened amongst you and zunba?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@YeanahwangI heard that biting shows strong affection in U.S, and we bite each other as jokes (but don't be mistaken or anything) but people thought we were gay when we did that in U.S... T^T
level 1 Yeanahwang
Do you still think tracer is the hottest hero in overwatch? XD
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Yeanahwang I just said it but I didn't really mean it- Widowmaker is hotter lol
level 1 TheWerhammer
What happened to Byeolbe Village in minecraft and can I get added? <3
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@TheWerhammerI'd prob play Minecraft in U.S since it's my fav game, and I might create my own server and play on it with my fans, and sure I could invite you as well <3
level 1 Yeanahwang
What kind of DPS hero would you like blizzard to add in the future?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Yeanahwang Something similar to Tracer- something that can annoy your opponents XD
level 1 noodlesan
Is there any specific team that you are looking forward to go against, and why?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@noodlesanI don't think there's any team I'd like to play against specifically, but I'd like to join a foreign team with no Korean gamers hehe... (^' '^)
level 1 Yeanahwang
Your aiming is literally like a magnet. Do you have any tips to improve your aim? Would you say your aim is purely talented? Or made with lots of practice??-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@YeanahwangThanks for your nice compliment <3Like people who study a lot can write beautifully, I believe that people who have been using the mouse itself for a long time can have good aims. Like using a tool for a long time allows you to be good with it.
level 1 Yeanahwang
If you were given the ability to make few changes to any hero you want, which changes will you make and to which characters? (You can change their ult, hp, damage, skill kits etc)-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Yeanahwang Tracer could use her Flash vertically in the cinematic trailer, and it would be so cool if I could change her like that in-game.
level 1 Yeanahwang
Overwatch is certainly a game that cannot be expected and predictable so there are times where you meet failures. What is your best tip or suggestion in taking care of your mental?-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Yeanahwang You don't have to necessarily take care of your mental if you play a game that you don't regret or you're satisfied with. Or at least, that's what it is like for me. But when we didn't make it to the APEX finals (in season 2), I did cry even though I didn't regret anything... T^T
level 1 Mrddab
You're the best tracer player in the world. Is there any special tips about playing tracer well?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@MrddabI'm not the best Tracer in the world, but I try to think how I can annoy my opponents with my Tracer- and once I succeed in doing so, this means that we won. But this kind of playing style is very dangerous, I'd like to add!
level 1 sssssyy
hi kingbyeolbe! I am one of the fans, always cheers you on. Soon owl opens. I want to hear the thoughts and ambition to participate. and, in owl season1, Do you think nyxl can win? I want you to be a champion.
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@sssssyyI remember you- always thanks for your support! I really appreciate it <3
I think we can win, and we will try our best to do so! I also want you to be your champion's fan! (^' '^)
level 1 ack4times
What's your training regime?
level 1 Wayfast
Who do you think is the best Western Tracer?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@WayfastI think there are two: Logix and SoOn! And I like SoOn hehe (^' '^)★
level 1 melissa
Recently, you played tracer mainly, but are you still other heroes? The New York team had a break from playing for a while. Was that helpful or was it negative? e-Sports is also important in physical fitness, do you usually exercise? What kind of exercise do you usually do?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@melissa Hanzo is love <3And the result at OWL will tell if that break was helpful or not. Back in high school, I was in the bowling club and I think I've been exercising as much as I did back then! Which is usually fitness training etc.
level 1 databaseu
What are your expectations and goals for the upcoming OWL?
P.S. It's always a delight to see you being so happy-go-lucky all the time. n_n
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@databaseuOWL has big stadium, a lot of crowd, and I love playing in front of them, and I'd love to get the victory and the MVP at the same time!
P.S: I love how I have fans that recognize my happiness (^' '^)★
level 1 jelybins
What made you decide to be an Overwatch pro-gamer and what do you think you’d be doing now if Overwatch never existed?
Good luck in OWL!!
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@jelybinsI decided to become an Overwatch pro gamer when I met a pro gamer when I was playing comp games, and they weren't as good as I expected so I gave it a try. And if Overwatch didn't exist, I'd prob have been working as a barista. (^' '^)★
level 1 Molskiiii
other than overwatch what’s one of your favourite things to do?-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@MolskiiiiTaking a walk as I listen to music & playing Minecraft & planning my future with my girlfriend (^' '^)★
level 1 Kaede_McLeod
Do you think the matches in Contenders will be easier than APEX?-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Kaede_McLeodI think APEX is higher in player skills and stuff, which already seems to be proven!
level 1 Archer_nn
Hello, Saebyeolbe-nim, or should I just say "ByeolHa!~"? You were incredible at World Cup, I've never seen such a dominant Tracer-play. I want to ask a couple of questions:
1) Which sound does Ddol Ddol make?
2) Are you going to stream at least once before OWL Pre-Season event? I promise, I'm not gonna bother you with my videos this time ;)
3) Will you try to make a more consistent streaming schedule when the League starts?
4) During one of the streams before Blizzcon, there was a visitor in your broadcast chat, a pro-gamer. He was constantly calling you a "noob". How did it feel to show him who is really noob?
Wishing you to be successful in your future tournaments and I'll always cheer for you and NYXL! Keep being such a cool, handsome and cheerfull guy. I also really hope that you'll be able to stream more often. We (all your fans) really miss you! byeolbeANG byeolbeBbb
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Archer_nnFirst of all, thank you for making 'Hanzo is love <3'
1) Ddol ddol makes sounds like a little dog.
2&3) I promise that I stream often and I don't mind if you bother me with your videos >.<
4) I wondered, 'why'd he have higher salary than I do??' LOL XD (P.S: Sinatraa)
I'll make my fans champion's fans- this I promise! (^' '^)★
level 1 DB_alfa
How do you prepare yourself before a big match, do you have a special thing you do? Or you're kinda always prepared
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@DB_alfaI always look forward to playing before a big match, and I always enjoy playing in whatever! And I have this lucky undies I like to wear for a big match for good luck XD
level 1 NGUYENer
What are your favorite memories with Team South Korea (besides winning)?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@NGUYENerEvery moments with them were good memories for me! Also, winning is the best memory for us :)
level 1 cherrybunny01
opinion on the nyxl logo?-
level 1 cliffkwame120
How did it feel to play against Sinatraa?
level 1 assosiaan
How do you feel about not playing on the same team as the rest of the S Korean team from the world cup in the league?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@assosiaanI feel a little bit scared but I will probably enjoy my time with my new team as I always do.
level 1 minimochi
Godbyeolbe-nim, what did you eat to grow up so handsome? ㅠㅡㅠ all the best for OWL!!!
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@minimochiI have a chin that is as sharp as a Greek God's (or as someone said) (^' '^)★
level 1 minimochi
If you could create your own Overwatch hero, what type of hero would it be and why? Goodluck for OWL!! *^v^*
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@minimochiA hero that can create cubes that stay unless destroyed (like minecraft) and have the ability to change the map. (Which is nonsense lol)
Thank you!! (^' '^)★
level 1 asuka_senpai_02
Dear sbb, I have thick and dark asian hair like you and I'm thinking about coloring them, do you have any tips and insights into how you got it done before the world cup and how you maintain them? I really don't want to destroy them
Looking forward to see you play in OWL <3
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@asuka_senpai_02I always do my hair myself and I've learned the art of hair styling.... but I can't give you tips sorry~ I don't know much about dying hair hehe >.<
level 1 petaldancing
How do you rank NYXL among other OWL teams in terms of sexiness?-
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@petaldancingWe'd prob hit the bottom (EXCEPT me hehe) Look at my Greek God-like chin and admire it! (^' '^)★
level 1 Jack_Wegason
Who are the top 5 Tracer players in the world?
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@Jack_Wegason Logix, SoOn, EFFECT, birdring, and bunny... I don't make it to the top 5 :(
level 1 chromaticrose
Hello Saebyeolbe! ♡ I wanted to know why you chose the name Saebyeolbe as your gamer tag and what significance it has to you :) It's a very poetic name so I was curious^^ Also, is there any reason why you blow on your fingers at the end of a round? Is it because you were on fire from playing so well and you needed to cool down? ㅋㅋ Much love from LA!
level 1 NYXL_Saebyeolbe
@chromaticroseI take walk in early morning and I love seeing the meteors, which can be translated to 'Star rain' (Byeolbe).
And my fingers tend to sweat a lot, and it's a habit from bowling!
level 1 LEESAE
What's your relation to ex lw blue main healer gambler?
level 1 LEESAE
One more questions, NYEL can First winner to OW league? and, NYEL DPS DUO is you and Libero?-