Greetings, this is Inven Global.
The Overwatch World Cup 2017 ended with South Korea’s victory, and now fans are waiting for the Overwatch League.
To contribute to the excitement, we have prepared an event for Overwatch fans: an AMA with an Overwatch pro who played for South Korea at the Overwatch World Cup and will be playing at the Overwatch League! Inven Global is holding this AMA so that the Overwatch fans can have a chance to directly communicate with professional gamers.
The 9th pro gamer we invited is Dong-gyu “Mano” Kim, one of the pros who played for South Korea, and the Tank for New York Excelsior.

After he left Rhinos Gaming an Afreeca Freecs Blue, Mano joined LW Blue and now he is playing for New York Excelsior with his former teammates at LW Blue. Regarded as one of the best tanks in the world, he is especially famous for his Reinhardt and Winston play. He saved team S. Korea from losing so many times in the Overwatch World Cup, and is now ready to do the same for New York Excelsior.
We will be holding a live AMA via our comment section at the bottom of this article, starting from November 13th, 20:00 PDT (November 14th, 12:00 KST). Mano will be reading all your questions from the comment section, and he will personally answer them, so feel free to ask all you want! Anything is okay- from Mano’s gameplay to personal questions regarding hobbies! He will also be answering your questions after the live AMA, so feel free to leave questions and comments below right now!
Also, we are holding two more AMA sessions for two more players from team South Korea, Jong-yeol “Saebyeolbe” Park (from November 12th 22:00) and Yeon-ho “Fl0w3r” Hwang (from November 13th 22:00). The links to Saebyolbe’s AMA and Fl0w3r’s AMA are:
AMA with Saebyolbe - Ask Us Anything and Win Free Blizzard Balance!
AMA with Fl0w3r - Ask Us Anything and Win Free Blizzard Balance!

We will be giving $20-worth Blizzard Balance to 5 randomly selected people who participate in the AMA event. We are holding the same event for the AMA sessions for Saebyeolbe and Fl0w3r, and hope that many Overwatch fans will join in on asking the pros questions and win free Blizzard Balance!
※ The AMA with Mano is for people from all around the world, and the answers will be given to him in English. We would appreciate that you leave comments in English via Google Translator for those who would like to check them out. (Mano 선수와의 AMA는 전세계의 유저를 대상으로 진행 중이라 영어로 답변을 드릴 예정입니다. 구글 번역기 등을 활용하여 가급적 영어로 질문을 남겨주시면 이를 확인하는 많은 분들에게 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.)
※ AMA with Mano Event by Inven Global
- This event is for everyone who participates in the AMA with Mano via the comment section of this article.
- Prize: $20 Blizzard Balance Gift Card (5 people)
- Event will be held until November 14th 0:00 PDT.
※ Important notice regarding event prizes
- Blizzard Balance cards are for the North American server and cannot be redeemed on other servers.
- Blizzard Balance will be provided in a code format via the e-mail address you registered with at Inven Global website.
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Comments :141
level 1 MelM
Which Overwatch World League team are you looking forward to facing off against most?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@MelM Team Dallas- they have many players from various nations but they still have great teamwork!
level 1 Pattrick36
Hi there from Poland ,
In your opinion which players are the best tanks on the OW scene ?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Pattrick36 Fissure from Team London! The way he plays is smart and he has good skills.
level 1 coolestusername
How was your first blizzcon and OWWC?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@coolestusernameI went to BlizzCon in person and everyone there were so enthusiastic, so many things to see! I was so excited to play in OWWC because it was my first time playing on stage in such big stadium!
level 1 saintofblades
Hello! Who is the best teammate you've ever played with in Overwatch?
Good luck in OWL~ <3
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@saintofbladesSSB! He never gets upset or angry even when things don't turn out well, and he has strong mental!
And thanks~ <3
level 1 supdotcom
What will you miss the most about South Korea when you leave for OWL?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@supdotcomI'm going to miss my family, girl friend, Korean stadium, and my Korean fans T^T
level 1 Tanky_Chan
Which was the most difficult team you guys face in the tournament?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Tanky_ChanLunatic-Hai was the most difficult team we ever faced. They played so much better in the offline tournament, even more than they did in scrims.
level 1 Estanevando
Stylistically do you and Janus have much in common? If not, how does your playstyle differ from that of Janus?-
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@EstanevandoI think my play style is aggressive for sure, and Janus is rather more defensive than I am.
level 1 Cheyenne_Chua
What is your favorite game besides Overwatch?
level 1 peanutbutter21
Since Recry is going into Meta Athena, do you think Sayaplayer and Recry can be the best non Overwatch League dps duo?-
level 1 bunzOverwatch
@peanutbutter21Omg calm down. Ull get to ask ur question too later. Go get in the back of the line and stop harassing other people. 진짜 매너 없다. 남의 질문에 괜히 본인이 대답하지말고 태극기달고 그러지말아여
level 1 Mrddab
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level 1 NYXL_Mano
@peanutbutter21I think it will be hard for Recry and Sayaplayer to play together since they both are hit-scan DPS...
level 1 Nancy
Any advice for those who want to go pro?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@NancyOverwatch pro gamers get good treatment, so I hope that those who want to become OWL pro try their best! ^~^
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
Who's your favorite hero?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Hendrick_ChanReinhardt! I grew to like him even more after watching the new animated short!
level 1 iloveNY
Havent you got any hardships when changing your position from Spt to Tank?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@iloveNYI think changing roles made me fall behind my old skills especially in basics...
level 1 Sojoyou
Why are you turning back sometimes when you jump in?-
level 1 ack4times
As a tank, do you think any of the tracks in the pool are out of control in the current meta?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@ack4timesYou are asking which heroes are out of the current meta, right??? I'd say Zarya and Reinhardt.
level 1 kh_un
Who's your favourite singer(s)?
level 1 involving
Mano, you have the most beautiful smile <3 Aside from gaming, what are the things that make you happiest?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
level 1 databaseu
If you were not a pro gamer, what would you be and why?
P.S. Your smile is so infectious! >w<
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@databaseuI think I'd have become a chef because my aunt runs a restaurant, and I would have worked there if I didn't become a pro for OW.
P.S: Thank you >w< <3
level 1 jelybins
What are some of the hardships you faced being an Overwatch pro-gamer and how do you overcome those difficult times?
All the best in OWL!!
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@jelybinsOne of the hardships was watching my teammates play in 1st league, while I stayed in the 2nd... But I also got into the 1st league so... yeah ^~^ and thanks!
level 1 melissa
Does competition with Janus have a positive effect on you? Are you worried about this because OWL has a lot of games? Do you think there are various combinations in OWL? What do you think about the reason why you showed progress in the Overwatch World Cup?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@melissa1) I think the competition has good influence on me since it will make me keep trying harder, and I can learn much from him.
2) You meant to ask if I'm worried because OWL has many games, right??
3) Each team has different styles, so I'm sure they will have their own combinations. I'm looking forward to various combinations from western teams.
4) Help from our coach and my own effort (I wanted to become better) helped me a lot to improve, I think ^~^
level 1 Molskiiii
What makes you most annoyed?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Molskiiii In real life, when I suddenly woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. And in game, when we lose helplessly in a match... T_T
level 1 Mafirva
Hello Mano!
Congrats on your win in World Cup. I've always seen you smiling, in interviews, in streams, in tournaments. You seem like a very positive and happy person. What's your secret? How do you keep this positive mentality?
Good luck in OWL. Mano fighting!
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@MafirvaHello, Mafirva!
Thanks! I think I got that influence from my family members, who are always happy. I try not to show that I'm upset to other people because I don't want to. And thanks! Fighting! ^~^
level 1 Archer_nn
Hello, Mano-nim! In one of your pre-World Cup interviews, you said, that if you weren't a pro-gamer, you would've become a cook. I hope I understood everything correctly, cause I'm still very bad at korean. And, I wanted to ask, how good you are at cooking, which cuisine do you like the most and did you enjoy "delicious steak" while you were in US?
P.S. You're very handsome and your smile is one of the cutest I've ever seen. Good luck in OWL Pre-Season and, of course, in League itself.
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Archer_nnHello, Archer-nim! Honestly, I'm a bad cook XD I planned to learn to cook when I began working at my aunt's restaurant heheh Korean cuisine is my favorite, and fried rice with tuna, and bulgogi dupbap is my most beloved food! Yes, I enjoyed that "delicious steak" in US ^~^
P.S: Thank you so much! I am thankful that that's how you see me heh
level 1 petaldancing
How do I become as cute as you? Who in NYXL seems like they'd be the best boyfriend?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@petaldancingSorry I don't know >w< Always be happy, I guess...?!
And I don't know whom to choose other than myself ^~^v
level 1 cherrybunny01
what teams are you looking forward to playing against the most? and what teams do you think will be the biggest problem for you??
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@cherrybunny01I look forward to playing team Dallas since they're great, and I'd say... Seoul Dynasty would be the biggest problem for us
level 1 Zelniq
Can you share a tip for Winston or Reinhardt that isn't well known?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Zelniq Well, this isn't a secret or anything, but Winston should never die. And as for Reinhardt, when there are two Reinhardts, if the opponent Reinhardt is in middle of casting Fire Strike, he won't be able to dodge your ult, and make sure you are not too far from him, or else it won't work. Use it when you're close to him. Hope this helps! >.<
level 1 chromaticrose
Hello Mano ♡ What was your favorite memory from attending BlizzCon, and is there anything you are looking forward to doing/seeing while living in LA for OWL? Also, do you have any pro tips for playing main tank? I'm an offtank player that would like to improve at playing Reinhardt and Winston^^ Much love from LA ♡
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@chromaticroseHello ♡ My favorite memory from BlizzCon is watching those animated shorts! I look forward to eating delicious hamburgers or pizzas, and I'd love to go sight-seeing in LA. And to give you a tip, you'd encounter many annoying situations as a tank, but stay cool and keep up the good teamwork with good communication! Much love from Korea ♡
level 1 noodlesan
If you were given the chance to switch positions, which position would you choose? If so which hero(es) would you main?
level 1 noodlesan
Which hero skin is your all-time favourite? (Doesn't matter if you don't like the character or whatsoever as long as it's aesthetically pleasing to your eyesㅋㅋ)
level 1 calcal
I heard you liked eating steaks! How cooked do you like them to be? :D-
level 1 JunXiong_YT
Do u ever think of facing against more pro player like aimbotcalvin/harbleu etc?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@JunXiong_YTAimbotcalvin has good aims and gaming sense, so it'd be hard to play against him. As for other pro players, I don't know much so I can't say for sure, sorry! :(
level 1 MMKK
Do you have any changes in your new team? Which of the players who have not been in the league think this player is really good? Do you think the impact of the main tanker has been reduced because of the increased proportion of dps?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@MMKK1) Everyone here is lively and close to each other although my old team mates were also lively and close as well :D
2) Whoru- His Genji is extraordinary, and he knows how to use his ult!
3) Yes, the current meta seems to be more about DPS than main tanks.
level 1 moolnaengmyun
Hi, Mano! Good to see you as a member of NYXL. You did great job on OWWC. I remember your amazing Winston in Oasis. As a tank position, you are doing very well but I watched a few of your streams and I know you are also very good at Doomfist. Do you think there might be a chance that you might use your Doomfist in OWL if the meta changes for Doomfist?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@moolnaengmyunHi! Thanks for your kind compliments ^~^<3
It will probably be hard for me to play Doomfist in OWL, but I'd love to play him in comp games!
level 1 Luis_Susanto
What is your favorite food in USA?
level 1 Chris_Winata
Which team will be the strongest in OWL season 1?
level 1 lina_gunarso
How many years can you play OW professionally?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@lina_gunarsoIf i'm good... until I turn 30! >w< Coz I have to go serve in the Korean military before 30...
level 1 Jennifer_Ang
What is your impression of Blizzcon 2017?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Jennifer_AngIt was very impressive and there were a lot of cool things, which I enjoyed very much!
level 1 NZ_OUT
It has been so long since we saw you play in a tournament. Do you think you and the team have improved since you last competed in APEX? We are excited to see you all play on NYXL!
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@NZ_OUTI think I improved my weaknesses, although I think that I still have more to work on. Thanks! I'm excited to play on NYXL, too!
level 1 Divinitas
1. How did you transition into tank role in the first place? Were there any difficulties?
2. You seem like a very quiet person. Do you have any wild personalities that we might be surprised? :)
3. There were lots of debate going on around when you were selected for World Cup. How did you feel? How did you handle the pressure?
4. You transferred to LW Blue surprisingly quickly. Was this planned ahead?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@Divinitas1) I played DPS in comp games a lot, but seeing many people with good aims, I knew that it's going to be hard to become a pro as a DPS, so I decided to go for tank.
2) I dont' usually swear, but I tend to be real noisy and swear a lot when I'm with my best buds! :)
3) I was very confident in myself back then, but I did feel pressured when there were a lot debate going around. But then, I thought, I'll show them that I can do well in the tournament! That was when we lost by 4-0 and got pushed into a slump... T^T That really hit me hard.... *Cries*
4) I knew that LW Blue was a powerful team, and they gave me a good proposal so it didn't take long for me to transfer to that team.
level 1 SAGESunz
Who is the Main Tank player that you are most looking forward to facing in OWL?
level 1 Kirados
I'm really sorry I was one of those who was against you replacing Miro and I put a lot of Spam on Twitch(Apex), you did a good job in the World Cup Congratulations!
By an uncontrolled hardcore fan of Miro-senpai
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@KiradosHi, uncontrolled hardcore fan of Miro-senpai!
It's okay... I was able to get stronger mental, so thank you anyway... hehe! I know, I didn't do great, so... T^T
level 1 Brainesia
What are you looking forward to in NYC or USA overall?
level 1 goodluigi
Hey Mano! I'm so glad you're in OWL. :)
How would you compare your experiences being in Afreeca Freecs Blue compared to now with LW Blue? Were the people always nice? Was it harder or easier on each team?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@goodluigiHey goodluigi! Thanks!
People were always nice when I was back in Afreeca Freecs Blue, although I felt that I was more close to people in LW Blue. When I was in AFB, it felt easier because our schedule wasn't that tight; but in LW Blue, our schedule was so tight that it was hard for me in the first place (but it got okay after!)
level 1 Miata08
are you excited about getting to be part of Overwatch History?
level 1 bonnie
검하!1. Your smile is so sunny it could make flowers grow2. Who do you think the best main tanks in the world are (other than yourself)?-
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@bonnie1. That is so nice of you, but I don't know what to say... >///<
2. Fissure! But I will be the world top main tank! >:)
What are your expectations for this upcoming overwatch league and who's you're favorite progamer?-
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@SKT_GKSDHKDGHOf course, be placed 1st! I'd like to make it to the finals, at least. And my fav pro gamer is Faker! He always tries hard, which I'd love to take after him! And he's world best!!
level 1 Rayy
Why did you choose "Mano" as your ID?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@RayyThere's a Korean novel, "검마노", and this was my nickname for Cyphers. I thought "검마노" would be difficult for foreign fans to pronounce, so I took out the "검", thus "마노 (Mano)". ^~^
level 1 ohvalsgod
What is the most satisfying thing in Overwatch for you?
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@ohvalsgod The part where heroes have skills even though it is a FPS game, and the fact that there are various characters to choose from!
level 1 bonnie
Now that you're friends with Saebyeolbe, what do you think about him? ????
level 1 NYXL_Mano
@bonnieI think he's someone I can rely on- he's a good team leader and "형" (older brother).