- SKT T1 vs ahq: "Hunitzer, Peanutskeren, Fajergsen, 100lift, Wolfrost. Enjoyed the TSM game."
- SKT T1 vs C9: "Uhhh, xPeke... came to help "Fnatic"?
- SKT T1 vs EDG: "This is the US-ROK Defense Treaty"
- The Worlds Bracket Draw: "Downside - quarterfinal civil war / Upside - possible Korean final"
■ Before the match and ban/pick
▷ Looking at C9, they look like kt... "Win for us SKT!"
└ Damn... Got memory ganked
└ EDG has to make it to be fun... Who do I root for? Dilemma.
└ C9 still has Impact. Wolf wants Impact to make it. SKT wants to win as well. Is there a even a team that wants to lose?
└ It is a dilemma. I want to see the death match between C9 and EDG. If SKT loses, it is going to be an all out war.
▷ What if they put in Peanut and win... keeping the Korean US alliance. Stand stand for justification… neutral diplomacy.
└ DAMN, a trinity huh
└ Damn...
└ Oh they keep using Blank
└ It is better to put Blank in for this game. If they put Peanut in and they lose. Peanut’s mental GG. Coach’s mental as well
▷ So weird how they overvalue Lulu... Lulu has such a high first pick rate
└ Word. Think players just like Lulu
└ I like Lulu more as well
└ Lulu’s laning phase is good and hard to gank as well
└ The commentators say she is good in lane but it doesn’t seem like it in lane
└ In reality, Janna vs Lulu. Janna is better
└ Probably because Janna has better early game initiative
▷ SKT’s ban/pick is so cautious. Please beat EDG
└ They got Janna. This is already a 70% chance to win. OP Janna is here
└ Faker’s Orianna… could it be?
└└ I’m just thankful he isn’t playing Kass or Vlad... PLEASE don’t play those two!
■ Game start
▷ Bot tower health? No way… already?
└ 6 minute cut again
└ They have a Janna and Twitch. They get first tower? hmmm...
└└ Twitch and Janna is weak in lane but a 6 minute tower...
└└ Twitch is weak in lane but they have Janna...
▷ Is there a game where SKT was ahead early game? Why can’t I remember?
└ Nope
└ No early game lead but they did have a clean game against C9 week 1. After that, I don’t think I watched a game where I laid back and enjoyed the game.
▷ They just know SKT’s strategy. Previously, they would focus on Faker but the towers wouldn’t fall. Now they pressure other lanes and watch the towers crumble.
└ Faker has no meaning
└ Yeah lol. I said this multiple times. If they focus on Faker, he just comes back in the late game and the other members of SKT carries. You need to focus on the side lanes of SKT in order to do anything.
└ I don’t think it would usually matter which lane they focus since it is really hard to gain an advantage against SKT. However recently, SKT’s form is just not as good as before.
▷ C9 feeling so good LOL. If SKT loses, they fight for 2nd place.
└ C9 : SKT…. PLEASE!
└ Why do they show us the waiting room lmao. They look so abandoned
└ C9 looks so tense
└ They are going into a meeting. They even felt the importance of the game.
▷ Huni plays well regardless ahead or behind. He laughs when he is ahead but when he is behind...
└ Get’s caught 6 times in a row in 6 games. 100% occurance
└ Huni’s tournament result = his solo queue result. If you look at his solo queue KDA, everything is between 1~2 KDA...
▷ EDG is now an upgraded version. They are vsing TSM right now right? Kinda looks like it
└ All the 2nd place teams want to vs SKT lmao. SKT looks like the only 1st place team to be overlooked.
└└ This is so true lol
└└ If they choose strong laning champions, they win
▷ If SKT comes back this game, I want to see the waiting room for C9
└ They probably will show LOL
▷ Blaming ban/pick again? lmao
└ Typical pattern
└ Anyone can tell it is a bot lane problem
└ This is bot lane difference
└ If they pick Lulu and lose to Janna, ‘why didn’t you pick Janna’. Picks Janna and loses to Lulu, ‘why didn’t you pick Lulu’.... WHAT DO YOU WANT?
└ They got Janna cause she OP but they lost lane? HUH?
└ They lost their tower in 6 minutes.. Why talk about pick and bans?
▷ Reasons why it isn’t ban/pick that SKT is losing: 1) Janna is the best support at worlds 2) Bang’s Twitch is clean at worlds and that is why they picked Janna Twitch. However, they lost tower 6 minutes. Think however you like at it, it is just a bot lane difference.
└ You guys said that ban/pick was good when they took Sejuani, Twitch, and Janna...
└ I don’t think anyone can blame ban/pick for this game
└ Lane phase is tough but losing a tower in 6 minutes is just stupid
└ If you blame this on ban/pick, your eyes are the same as Lee Sin
▷ Is Samsung better or SKT? Both got sweep wins, and 2 losses
└ SKT is more grief
└ If Faker takes Crown’s place, will Samsung win?
└ SKT lost their tower in 6 minutes
└ No answer for SKT... their bot lane state is just...
└ The hardest game to watch was RNG vs SSG week 1. However, no answer for SKT
■ SKT wins the mid lane teamfight
▷ Deja-vu?
└ I have seen this somewhere...
└ ‘Gap is Closing’ this kind of thing?
└ EDG’s mood just went crumbling down...
▷ What did Scout just do? Lmao does he still have a bit of his old self?
└ They pulled an EDG again
└ Scout pulled out his patriotism again
└ So Deft learned it from EDG. Throw while fighting...
▷ What the...SKT sucks... wait there are so GOOD!
└ Do these guys do this in purpose? LOL do they need to get clapped first? Why can’t they do well from the get go
└ More than SKT playing well, Scout just had to show some patriotism...
└ I see some CJ Frost from SKT.
▷ Gets 5k gold from one team fight... These guys lmao
└ Is EDG the kt of China?
└ kt must have felt an emotional connection from this game. EDG is rooting for them
▷ C9 is happy ^^
└ Everyone is standing while watching LOL
▷ Faker did Faker.
└ Faker is the only hope
└ LightSanghuk!
└ Faker f*** he is insane
└ SKT vs EDG. C9 wins LOL
■ Post match
▷ EDG vs SKT Game Summary - Faker is Korea’s Hero
└ iBoy’s reveals his true face lmao
└ The debate in who jungles doesn’t even matter. Whoever jungles… it’s just Faker
└ Performance = medium, Teamfighting = best
▷ This is the US-ROK Defense Treaty... Korea, which blocked the Chinese army more than 60 years ago, keeps it’s promise by driving away the Chinese team in 2017.

└ damn.. The history
└ EDG got intercepted by THAAD, LMAO
▷ ??? : it was entertaining right Impact?

└ Impact : You almost got me...CMON

└ Scout : :’(
▷ EU’s hope: Longzhu, NA’s hope: SKT. Korea is so generous
└ A solid US-ROK alliance LOL
▷ kkOma : I can’t forgive you for marrying before me!

▷ C9’s emotional change. 3 stage process: Nervous → Joyful → Relief

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