- SKT T1 vs ahq: "Hunitzer, Peanutskeren, Fajergsen, 100lift, Wolfrost. Enjoyed the TSM game."
- SKT T1 vs C9: "Uhhh, xPeke... came to help "Fnatic"?
- SKT T1 vs EDG: "This is the US-ROK Defense Treaty"
- The Worlds Bracket Draw: "Downside - quarterfinal civil war / Upside - possible Korean final"
■ Before the match & ban/pick
▷ What happens if C9 wins? Does SKT, EDG, ahq all get 3-3 scores? If SKT wins against C9,SKT qualifies to quarterfinals
└ Doesn’t SKT go to quarters if they beat C9?
└ SKT just has to win either one of their games to place 1st. If they lose all their games, a 4 way tiebreaker could happen
└ If they go 3-3, it might be like world finals last year all over again
└ Shouldn’t they praise Wolf if they make it to the quarterfinals? They almost went 2-1 in the first week by Wolf helped them go 3-0.
└└ Yeap. If it wasn't for Wolf. they would have lost fsure
▷ THE BLANK KNIGHT (Blank nicknamed as the Dark Knight aka the saviour for SKT) IS HERE!
└ Fire extinguisher is here!
└ He is here finally!
└ He is here.. WE WON!
└ Stop saying he is the fire extinguisher. It isn’t like SKT is on fire 24/7. Is he lighting out the fires everyday?
└└ It is because there is a firebug in the team
▷ If it is a 4 way tiebreaker, I think it will be pre close but... Blank is here. Even SKT knows what situation they are in.
└ Faker is going to yawn. Game is over.
└└ Everyone is just going to yawn LOOOL Game is already over.
▷ Huni’s Jayce….hmmm risky
└ That is so risky LOOL
└ This is the game that determines if Huni is good or not.
└ Why the Jayce… god damn
└ Why is everyone so negative lol. In the debut of the LCK, Huni was famous for being good at damage dealers and bad on tanks
└└ It is because he is vsing a Maokai. All Maokai needs to do is to give up some CS and he can go even in lane.
└└ It might be better to just play a tank to soak up the damage.
■ Game start
▷ Is it 2 mid? lmao
└ Are they both not jungling anymore? LOL
└ Ezreal just roams for no reason after getting red
└ Ezreal is such a gangster from level 2~3. Nothing you can do when he has red.
└ Huni is always susceptible to ganks. Blank warding and covering for Huni here, I think is really good.
▷ Now, the NA teams are good at the early game. It is so hard to gain advantages from warding and buff steals now. They are all improving.
└ C9 form is alive... "SKT : why are you doing this to us"
└ Ezreal is just living in mid lane. Faker must be so salty
■ Bang gets first blood
▷ Sneaky dies with ulti and barrier LOOL what the hell is that
└ SKT needs to praise Sneaky Senpai. He just CPR’ed SKT
└ Currently 100 persons worth. Word.
▷ The atmosphere is different because Blank is here. How the game is played is different lmao
└ The Dark Knight finds Ezreal, wards, counter ganks, and ganks... I can see a clear difference.
└ The enemy jungler is only looking at mid right now. Same as the previous games. This means Peanut was just not looking at mid. But Blank is covering for mid... all the teams are focusing on mid and the fact that Peanut was not looking at mid was the problem.
└└ This is spot on. All SKT games focus on killing Faker.
▷ Is the 2nd week for NA really science?
└ Ezreal lmao
└ C9 is pre fun to watch LOL
└ Doesn’t seem like C9 is going to win? SKT is playing better than against ahq but C9 is not playing that good either.
└ If C9 loses this, Syndra’s fault. I mean Faker flashes in and hourglasses LOOL. Kinda reminds me of the Graves at Rift Rivals.
▷ Huni is the same as always… how many deaths this time?
└ Huni is at it again. He was doing well but threw his lead.
└ Huni is just bad... Instead of Blank they should have brought Untara as the sub
└ Huni needs to show up but needs to be less cocky. Remind us of last year’s Duke
└└ Telling Huni to be less cocky is like telling a Lion to stop hunting
▷ Isn’t Untara better for SKT in the way SKT is playing? Meta is good for him and the safe in the way he plays.
└ well, you can’t really compare right now... but Huni dying there was just stupid
└ Untara’s style is not good against the best top laners. He doesn’t do much.
└ Untara lost against Khan.
▷ Faker Senpai? LOOL
└ Flash hourglass? lmao
└ Already celebrating? Is he doing human plays for once? lol
▷ The baron fight was weirdly executed but Faker did everything. I thought ‘what is he going to do going in alone’ but he gets a solo kill.
└ He needs to initiate, assassinate, and get out... I want to cry :(
└ Kill engage rate also...
└ That reengage was so bad. Even in our perspective.
└ Does Faker use the ulti as poke? He uses it like a normal ability... maybe because it has a short cooldown.
■ Huni backdoors and solo kills Impact
▷ Huni’s splitpush success! Huni even gets a nexus turret.
└ What a miracle lmao
└ How can C9 lose a twin tower towards Baron...
└ Huni is pushing like crazy… even getting a nexus tower.
└ ??? : Who pokes with Jayce? You gotta split instead
└ I’m clueless about League. I’ll repent for hating on Huni. I’m going to bang my head and stay quiet...
▷ Huni backdoor LOL
└ This is C9. They need to be defend the inhib... leaving an open nexus lol
└ You have to beat NA with an EU style. Do the xPeke.
└ EU > NA
■ Post match
▷ Fnatic copycat Huni complete!
└ Huspeke!
└ Sejemicki and Huspeke!
└ Huni’s physical was amazing. SKT performance was crazy!
└ This is confucious of xPekeing!
└ They learned a pre good lesson from Fnatic
└ Uhhh, xPeke... came to help "Fnatic"?
▷ 2nd week amazing decision making from NA
└ What a bad game for C9’s decision making... they should have gotten baron and had one person split.
└ C9 still played well. They came out even in some fights they were losing... but Fizz and Jayce is so good at split pushing. SKT didn’t give any chance for a teamfight. Ezreal was a bit of a mistake.
└ It all started with Sneaky and ended so anti climatic. Ezreal couldn’t take advantage, Syndra couldn’t put in enough damage... Impact did play well but he didn’t have a lot of armor items built going against a fed Jayce. He just tanks a bit and runs away to die...unlucky.... The fact that C9 can only get ahead fighting with Impact means Impact is still really good.
▷ Continuing from Overwatch to League..it was C9.
▷ ??? : SKT needs to give Peanut another chance.

└ If they do swap Peanut in and lose to EDG, will they not use him anymore?
▷ Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser!
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