- TSM vs WE: "TSM needs Sven's 200 IQ throws to win"
- TSM vs MSF: "NA/EU fans must be having a blast. KR/CN teams aren't as fun"
- TSM vs MSF(Tiebreaker): "Whoever wins, Reddit is going to explode"
■ Pre-Match
▷Whoever wins, Reddit is going to explode.
└ Getting prepared to witness the Reddit war...
└ Will TSM pull off a KT, or will they pull off a Fnatic?
└ Thanks to WE beating MSF, sign of life has returned to Doublelift's face.

▷TSM should have good mentality thanks to WE beating MSF. Is TSM going to come through with the drama of reaching quarters?
└ Thank you, China!
└ WE about to spend their "earned" money for a big meal.
▷???: "We gave TSM an opportunity, but MSF is going to win."
└ lol... Mystic said that he thinks MSF will win.
└└ In truth, he's just trying his best to not hype TSM, so that they can win.
▷If MSF ends up winning, does that mean NA has stacked another loss to EU? IMT have gone home, and FNC has made quarters... If NA's 1st seed disqualifies, but EU's 3rd seed makes it, NA is going to explode.
└ MSF is EU's 2nd seed. EU's 3rd seed beat NA's 2nd, and this time, it's NA's 1st against EU's 2nd.
└└ Thanks for the corrections.
■ Picks and Bans
▷Let's go, TSM!
└ A fight to the death between NA and EU... this is going to be an emotional fight.
▷Nice... a fight to the death...! Look at them banning all the Censer supports. This is going to be so fun.
└ They banned Lulu, Janna, and Rakan.
└ First-picked Taric lol.
└ In the end, Ardent Censer is the only answer.
▷It's NA Jayce... RIP NA.
└ They put their faith into Hauntzer. Faith that he will destroy his enemy toplaner.
└ Both compositions look pretty good in my opinion. Although in the late-game, MSF will most likely be stronger, up until about 2 core-items, TSM will be stronger.
└ The entire game will be decided by Gragas. There's nothing on the side of TSM that can react against Gragas' Flash+BodySlam combo. Doublelilft getting delivered by Gragas' ultimate or not will be the match point.
■ Match Begins
▷Aren't Taric ultimates pretty meaningless now? Teams can just take a step back and allow ADCs to heal up with Ardent Censer and Tanks to heal up with Warmog's.
└ It's good during the mid-game, but really hard to pull off a good one in the late-game.
└ You need to use it with Jarvan or Taliyah, champions that can force a fight.
└ With a composition that can force a fight, it's good. If not, enemies can just take a step back and kite.
▷Hauntzer is suffering... "Sven has laid his eyes upon me! But that's all that he did!"
└ Thought I was watching 'Mad Max' lol.
└ Cho'Gath has a CS lead over Jayce... Hauntzer must be so frustrated.
└ Svenskeren needs to play around toplane and completely destroy Cho'Gath. Sven made Cho'Gath blow flash a couple of times, but made no real progress.
■ Hauntzer Gives Up First-Blood
▷Hauntzer was ganked like 6 times... Does TSM hate him?
└ Did TSM take Jayce to go even with Cho'Gath? I don't think that's the case...
└ Hauntzer is playing 1vs3 lmao.
└ NA Jayce!
└ Jayce was the most important pick for TSM, but he's already died 2 times. This is really bad.
▷Sven is so bad. If this was Solo Queue, the jungler would've been flamed by the toplaner and won't be able to argue.
└ In order for Jayce to work, the jungler needs to babysit toplane. But what was Svenskeren doing?
└ Looking at Sven, I'm starting to think that it's super easy to become a pro overseas.
└ Khan: "If you lose, it's the jungler's fault."
▷TSM is about to head back home... They could probably purchase their airplane tickets right now, ahead of time.
└ This is so brutal... imagine how the fans feel; having given false hope.
└ The only hope left is for a miraculous Doublelift carry.
└└ Come on Doublelift!!
▷There's no reason for us to feel pity for TSM. People have been bashing TSM to change their jungler for like 2 years now. I don't know if it's because of friendship or Svenskeren having found and seizing an exploitable secret of TSM, but whatever the case is, they didn't swap their jungler, and they're paying for it.
└ If it was TSM Score, TSM would've - at the least - made quarters.
■ MSF Wins a Big Teamfight Near Baron
▷???: "Have faith in Doublelift? What a joke."

└ How can he die like that while having Flash available? I had faith in him.
▷TSM did it again this year.
└ Will this year be different? No, it's the same... T_T
└ Sven pulled a Sven, and Doublelift pulled a Doublelift. In the end, it's just TSM.
└ What was Sven's role this game? He leaves his toplaner to die to a countless amount of ganks, doesn't provide vision for Jayce once he swaps lane to bot, and just "allows" MSF to take the Rift Herald. TSM, please. Just give him the boot. I don't think he's a jungler suitable for a top-tier league.
▷TSM? Quarterfinals? Analysts have been fooled yet again!
└ Fooled yet again...
▷???: "TSM, let's head back together."

▷ Jayce: "Sigh... our jungler..."
└ Hauntzer can punch Sven in the face and it'll be seen as self-defense.
▷Bjergsen: "These bastards...!"
▷Amidst the chaos, Doublelift dies with both summoner spells available.
└ Doublelift...
└ I actually feel really bad for him. His overall performance was quite good this year, but Sven on the other hand...
■ Post-Match
▷I had faith in you this year...
└ In the end, this year was the same.
▷I have a feeling that Svenskeren will be benched.
└ He basically s*** the bed on all 7 games they played. Is that what you consider a pro?
└ Svenskeren's record: "Used his 1st ultimate at 23-minute, with a total of 4 ultimates used throughout the entire game. His first 'kill participation' happened at 30:10 into the game.
└ If he had covered for Jayce - even just once - at level 3, the game might've gone a lot better for TSM.
▷As expected. Team Solo "Mid".
└ TSM and Worlds.
└ NA week 2.
└└ It's science.
└└ The Sun rises from the east and sets on the west. There are things in the world that don't change.
▷Where are the people that said NA was stronger than EU? In the end, EU did so much better.
▷???: "I'm rooting for C9 now."
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