- RNG vs G2: "Happens every time at worlds... EU > NA. What is this EU buff"
- Samsung vs G2: "Ambition plays against Trick but kt Score loses"
- Fenerbahçe vs RNG, "WARNING - Vayne in solo-ranked inbound!!"
- G2 vs Fenerbahçe: "Now we need Teemo and Master Yi to come out"
- RNG vs Samsung: "Doing mediocre plays everyday... they just got kicked by Lee Sin"
The last game for the 2nd day of week 2 (Group B) was held between RNG and Samsung. This match determined who will finish 1st place. The result, RNG defeated Samsung placing 1st.
Although RNG took a blow from G2, RNG was up against a team they have already won before. Defeating Samsung yet again, RNG succeeded in placing 1st in the group and advancing to the quarterfinals.
Picking all their usual and comfort picks, Samsung could not take advantage and could not present a good performance. Especially in an Ardent Censer meta where being outclassed in mid and bot could mean the game, Samsung really needs to do up their game and do their homework.
Below are the Korean reactions of the last game of the day!
▷ How did EDG get first place seed with an RNG like that?
└ RNG will probably perform bad during finals
└ EDG is hiding even their skills coming into worlds LOL
▷ I don’t think Samsung’s players are in the right state... Ruler uncharacteristically goes up to Galio and dies...
└ sigh
└ RNG did play well but I hope to god Samsung does their training properly. They can’t even kill Janna in teamfights around mid. It all comes crumbling down.
▷ I kinda miss kt
└ As a kt fan, I don’t like these comments.
└ Are you talking about the same kt that got 3-0 by Samsung?
└ I don’t even like kt that much but I do miss them. At least kt is strong against Chinese teams
└ They just had to lose in the qualifiers...
└ I agree that kt is good at facing foreign teams. Against Chinese teams more so. Well, it is their fault they lost. Typical kt always beats Samsung but this time they lost.
└ If Samsung did as well as they did in the qualifiers, we wouldn’t be talking about this. Yeah, but they are so different from then
▷ I’m really not sure if Varus is a good champion right now or not.
└ Everyone got caught except for Varus, so he couldn’t do much
└ Pray is really good with Varus. It is just skill difference.
▷ Will there be a civil war in the quarterfinals for Korea? RNG is making worlds a hell of a lot interesting!
└ I was worried there would be all 3 Korean teams for the semis but RNG is playing well, especially Uzi.
▷ Someone on Smeb’s steam just said that Samsung’s performance was a disappointment to Korea. He replies with "Football is our nation’s disappointment" LOOOL
└ Word
└ Football is just lel
└ I guess that is true
└ We need to reflect. Esports at least goes high in the rankings
└ Samsung made it to quarterfinals but they are just getting run over
└ I didn’t really expect much from them so I’m not even mad
Samsung = Korean Football
└ Korean football is worse than Rampage
└ I wish our football will be the same level as Samsung at least...
└ Don’t cuss out Samsung. Comparing their results to football, they would be in the top 16.
└ If our football level was as good as Samsung, we would be on par with European teams.
└ The same frustrating feelings goes for both. When they are supposed to move in they don’t. They get the ball but don’t have the physique to pass well and run with the ball...
▷ Mata must be really sad. He did everything he could for RNG. Made the team function and got them to placements as well. After that he left for kt... kt gets defeated by Samsung and then at worlds RNG beats Samsung. I wonder how he feels to see his former team beating Samsung?
└ Are you sure he just ditched to go to the lck?
└└ That’s what I heard. He did get better benefits with RNG but he left them to join the lck again.
└ Well, it was his decision so
└ Mata is a veteran and amongst all the players, he knows anyone can win and lose. It isn’t like RNG won the tournament by beating Samsung... If they get disqualified in the quarterfinals, it will be the same as last year.
└ They should have just picked Mata to stay with Uzi. He is the only support good enough for Uzi.
▷ ??? :UZI! Let’s do better in the 2018 season! ^^

└ Uzi : NOPE!
▷ Since it came to this, Samsung just has to pray not to vs any Korean teams
└ To be honest, it is going to be hard for Samsung to reach semis
└ I think they just lack the skill to make it. Not really about team comp difference.
▷ The problem is the jungler and also the mid laner...Samsung’s best roster was last year when they made it to semis. They need to rebuild. I especially don’t see Crown improving. Ambition might even need to change roles like GBM did, going from mid to jungle.
└ A curious question for sleeping China
└ Crown just has a very limited champion pool. What is left is Madlife mid. Crown doesn’t seem to try as hard to improve anymore. Champion pool is not a problem that can be fixed by ‘trying’.
▷ Doing mediocre plays everyday... they just got kicked by Lee Sin lol
- The many complaints about Samsung’s performance -
▷ The reaction of disappointment after Samsung’s loss is natural. Everyone’s plays were meh and because of this, getting mad is natural also. However, a Korean team is a Korean team and don’t forget that. It is wrong to even say “oh kt should have went to worlds”. Did Samsung get eliminated? No? Or did they use a shortcut to get here? Regardless of what happened, Samsung made it to the quarterfinals with their talented players. Why is everyone saying such negatives things about them? Is it only me that doesn’t understand all this hate? Today’s game they lost because of the skill difference. RNG played well. Samsung can practice to play better against them the next time they meet. Even if Samsung beats another Korean team and gets eliminated in the semis, that is Samsung’s talent. If Samsung wins all this, that is talent also. If they do win, you guys decide if you want to keep hating and cursing on your fellow Korean team.
└ This is it
└ Real talk
└ To the people who say “kt should have made it”... kt couldn’t even win against Samsung. How could they possibly win against RNG? I am pre sure Samsung beat kt.
└ These types of comments come up every time with the same topics from the same people.
└ I understand it might be biased because I am a fan, but this is what I think. Samsung, if behind, their style falls apart. I just hope from quarterfinals they improve on this and do well! GL Samsung!
└ It is correct that Samsung’s form is a bit off. Although they did lose to RNG 2 times in a row, Samsung still made it to the quarterfinals. It is not like they have a 0% chance to make it to semis either. I don’t understand how people can say with 100% that Samsung has absolutely no chance of making it.
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