- IMT vs GAM: "There's a reason why League is so popular in Vietnam. GAM makes it fun for them."
- FNC vs LZ: "Why would you let that champion through?"
- The dramatic reversal between IMT and FNC: "sOAZ's counter-carry was no match for Cody Sun"
- LZ vs GAM: "I want to give GAM honor after seeing that game."
- LZ vs IMT: "Bdd only died four times this entire tournament... I feel like he's died one too many"
- FNC vs GAM: "When other nations watch our national soccer team play, is this how they feel?"
■ Picks and Bans

▷ Look at LZ's KDA... PraY is already a monster, but BDD is even scarier than that.
▷ Why did Fnatic let Jayce through? Must their skulls be crushed for them to understand?
└ Picking Renekton into Khan's Jayce; isn't it basically suicide?
└ Will sOAZ survive? He will end up becoming a leather purse.
▷ Renekton can only beat Jayce... maybe once at level 6. Every other time, Jayce beats Renekton.
└ Renekton can never beat Jayce.
└ He's going to be abused by Jayce starting from the laning phase.
└ Wouldn't everything lose to Jayce though?
└ Didn't Smeb's Renekton beat Khan's Jayce?
└└ Deft was just out of his mind that game, and Smeb only did well during teamfights.
└└ That game was like a '4.5 vs 5.5' game. Score played around top that game, and that's why Jayce couldn't pressure Renekton.
▷ Sona!
└ Told to play by the chest, Sona! It's been a while since we've seen her.
■ Game Begins
▷ Augh, BDD's first death at the tournament.
└ sOAZ wins. Bdd got his 1st death before sOAZ's 20th.
└ Ryze is super trash. It's a champion that made "THE" Bdd die for the first time.
▷ Renekton is getting beat up in the toplane. sOAZ in massive pain right now...
└ Dog-sOAZ in massive pain.
└ sOAZ isn't losing because he's playing badly; he's losing because the jungler isn't helping him.
└ sOAZ... you said you want to farm under your tower without worrying about your team... but why can't you farm?
└ ???: "What's our jungler doing?"
▷ Why would you let Khan's Jayce through?
└ You have 5 bans, and you don't ban Jayce? What's even harder to understand is FNC picking Renekton afterward...
└ └ Botlane seems to be more of a problem than toplane.

▷ I don't think I have to watch this game to see that LZ will win.
└ The skill gap is too big...
└ I don't think LZ will drop a single game during groups.
▷ sOAZ should've just played a hard-tank. Did he honestly think that he could handle Khan's Jayce?
└ Tank or not, FNC should've banned Jayce - especially if you're going to be harassed like this.
└ If he played a tank, things might've gone worse.
└ Isn't he actually doing pretty good right now? Especially considering the Jayce pick?
└└ For a Renekton, no - considering how Renekton falls off in the late-game.
└└ Is there a single champion that could beat Jayce 1 on 1? They probably took Renekton thinking that it would be better than playing a tank.
▷What champion is good for playing against a player who's exceptional on Jayce? 1.) Pushed back during the laning phase at a ratio of 4:6, and has great teamfighting regardless of laning phase outcome. 2.) Beats Jayce during the laning phase.
└ 1.) Maokai. 2.) No one.
└└ Can Maokai survive a Jayce lane?
└└└ Khan said it himself, that Maokai is the hardest lane opponent for Jayce.
└ Last time I checked, Sion had a very good winrate against Jayce.
└ Renekton + Diving is good against Jayce. FNC just played badly. Ganking is the only answer for Jayce.
└└ Maokai is good for surviving against Jayce, but LZ banned it.
└ Maokai can farm pretty safely against a Jayce after rushing bramble vest. After ninja tabis, Maokai can even fight 1 on 1 against him.
▷ The game has gone "sOAZ".
└ He keeps overextending...
■ Longzhu Wins a Big Teamfight
▷ What the hell happened to Sona?
└ Killed almost instantly. Blew up like a balloon.
└ Rumors of Fnatic having internal conflicts must be true. Their shot call, initiation, skill followup, and just about everything else - seems to be off.
└└ The team's synergy seems to be in a mess. Their coordination is really, really off.
└ Sona: "It's okay, I ulted Kog'Maw."
└└ If you're going to initiate, you should really try and stay coordinated with the rest of the team... Sona just went on her own and 1-man ulted Kog'Maw, to which Kog'Maw just AA'd with the Censer buff and recovered instantly.
▷ Fnatic is getting their inhibitor tower pushed down, and sOAZ is farming without any worry.
└ And then comes a solo kill. lol.
└ Congratulations! sOAZ has secured his 20th death!
└ Why is sOAZ playing like this? He's trying to splitpush despite losing 1 vs 1... is he just fighting without much thinking?
▷ I think sOAZ is angry at his teammates. The enemy is taking down Baron, but he's pushing toplane... and even gave up a solo kill.
└ He's showing his worst. This isn't Solo Queue, so he shouldn't play like he's in one.

▷Fnatic needs to be reevaluated. They are actually making LZ play their longest game yet, this tournament.
└ Bdd's 1st death, and LZ's longest game. Fnatic actually did well.
▷Twitch just threw everything that he had at Sejuani and lost all damage potential right after.
└ Twitch did well throughout the entire game... I don't know why he did that.
└ Kog'Maw was hit by a lot of skills, but LZ still came out on top in the end because, the other two carries, Jayce and Ryze, were also strong.
▷sOAZ gets trashed by fans in every international tournament that he attends...
└ sOAZ = s04Z = 0 Wins 4 Losses
└ Will Fnatic really have a 0-6 record in the end? Why are they playing so badly?
▷ LZ vs FNC, Toplane Summary.jpg

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