■ Pre-Match
▷ I think TSM will win.
└ If Sven can go even with Condi, I think TSM will have the upper hand.
└ I'm also looking forward to TSM.
└ TSM will win.
▷ You noobs! TSM has the audacity to go toe-to-toe with WE?
▷ This is a battle between two top teams from non-LCK regions. It's going to be really fun. I'm looking forward to TSM winning the game even though Sven will probably get outclassed by Condi.
▷ I think the match outcome will solely depend on the two junglers.
■ Picks and Bans
▷ TSM must've watched Wolf on Rakan yesterday... but I still can't believe they first-picked him while on blue-side...
▷ I always rated Condi's Jarvan highly, but they banned him on their own.
▷ We could've probably recorded the drafts yesterday and played it today. It's always Cho'Gath and Maokai... This meta is very repetitive.
▷ I really want China to lose, Korea to win it all, NA to resurrect, and Europe to lose it all. It would be a good story.
└ Why Europe?
└ They're already losing it all.
▷ TSM's team comp is really good compared to the previous one. On their last game [against FW], they couldn't push their advantage as the jungler had a hard time, and I think they simply forced out the win with individual mechanics. But this time, both top and mid had good scaling and they didn't have to roll a snowball to be successful.
■ During the Game
▷ WE's jungler is playing worse than TSM's.
▷ Why did Shen flash there? He was right next to the tower with the opposition having all of their skills on cooldown.
└ To dodge the Cho'Gath Q.
└└ I don't think it would've mattered if he was hit by that Q.
└└ Good point.
▷ Shen lost his Flash, but still, nothing happens on toplane... I guess you can't expect anything from a matchup between two passive toplaners.
▷ If it continues like this, TSM will win. You can't really compare Shen to Cho'Gath. Every other lane seems to be equal in strength though.
▷ Svenskeren seems to be playing really well today. I think TSM could win.
└ And that's why he gave over first-blood.
└ As soon as you said that, Sven gave over first blood.
▷ TSM should just swap their jungler. He played really badly yesterday, and he doesn't seem that great today either.
└ That won't happen. He's Bjergsen's friend.
▷ The funny thing about Svenskeren is that: even when he gets caught out often, he absorbs a lot of the enemy's skills for his team. His odd positioning actually plays in favor for TSM a lot of times... the same thing can be said for their last game against FW.
└ Shen ulted in order to kill Sven, but due to it, TSM secured the first tower. You're actually correct.
- Bjergsen takes a solo-kill -
▷ Bjergsen's solo-kill...
└ Covering for Svenskeren.
└ NA-Jeon-Pa (Faker's old IGN) is different!
└ Team Solo "Mid"
└ Remember, we're a "midlane one-man team."
▷ Shen's Taunt Flash lol.
└ lol.
└ I thought I was seeing my Shen.
└ 957 is being very comical. But I understand why he did that.
▷ 957's taunt is on point. He's taunting the entire home crowd of China.
▷ Time for the people who thought WE were going to win to come up with an excuse.
▷ WE should've taken the Rakan for themselves... or have at least taken the Gragas. They needed to take advantages with Shen, but Condi was way too behind in the early-game, and Taric wasn't able to create good situations for his team. WE's composition just completely failed.
- TSM wins a teamfight -
▷ The arena suddenly turned into a library lol.
▷ That's Doublelift right? He's the biggest change this year.
▷ Today is Armageddon for China.
▷ The area where the teamfight took place is the same as SKT's yesterday, right? I thought it was similar... It's also Rakan, again, that initiated the teamfight.
▷ China should start rooting for RNG now.
└ I think RNG will lose to SSG today within 30 minutes.
■ Post-Match
▷ Light-Bjergsen
└ Bi-Wolf-Frost
▷ Bjergsen has 100% K/P
▷ The team has no weakness aside from maybe the jungler. Top, Mid, and ADC are undoubtedly the best in NA.
└ Biofrost shined brighter than them, in my opinion.
▷ The arena became a library for two days in a row.
▷ Will things be different this year round, TSM?
▷ The solo-kill by Bjergsen... if it wasn't for him, WE might've rolled a snowball.
└ One solo-kill ended it all. Team "SoloMid".
▷ Yesterday was Hauntzer, and today was Bjergsen. Will tomorrow be a day for Doublelift?
▷ Shen should've ulted Syndra before she got solo-killed. It's a shame that their map-reading wasn't good at the time.
▷ Longzhu and TSM are on the same path... Everyone hyped the two teams and said that they will be different this year. But they really did change for the better.
└ I agree.
▷ Wow, I really think Bjergsen is NA's Faker. He pulled through at a very difficult time.
└ He's an import from Denmark though.
└└ Oh...
▷ There are two things that changed about TSM this year. (#1) All the laners are playing solid. (#2) They're not overextending. I feel like TSM was never rated highly because of #2. But this time, their macro seems fluent, and it also feels like NA's weaknesses have completely disappeared.
└ I think they'll have a hard time against the Korean teams though. They'll take full advantage of TSM's jungler.
└└ But it's the Ardent Censer meta right now. Like Peanut, as long as the laners win their lane, and Svenskeren plays around his laners while providing vision, I think they'll actually do well.
└ I agree. Their vision control is just as good as the LCK teams.
└ TSM will lose when the LCK teams start focusing their jungler.
▷As a TSM fan, the only thing I worry about is Doublelift getting ahead of himself and losing his humbleness.
└ I'm actually looking forward to that.
└ Throw the game at an important moment, like Rekkles!
└ If Doublelift continues playing like he is now, I think TSM could even reach the Finals.
▷ ???: "Hey, that spot is reserved for Svenskeren."

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Comments :1
level 1 lNVIZ
▷ 957's taunt is on point. He's taunting the entire home crowd of China.
Holy moly! KR jokes are so spicy! Thank you for these posts! Keep it up!