Greetings, gamers! This is Inven Global.
The LCK Summer has come to an end and the fervor for the League of Legends World Championship is mounting up. Inven Global has prepared an event for League fans: an AMA with a top League of Legends pro gamer! Inven Global is holding an AMA with a top LoL pro gamer so that League fans can have a chance to directly communicate with them.
The 3rd pro gamer we have invited for our AMA, and the second one to join in the AMA for LoL, is Shy from ROX Tigers.

Sang-Myeon “Shy” Park is one of the pros that has a long career in League of Legends. He made his debut in 2012 and won the championship during the first year of his career. His career is part of the history of the LCK. Although he had to take a break from his career in 2016 due to a wrist injury, which can be critical for a professional gamer, he made a comeback in 2017 and is now leading the ROX Tigers.
We will be holding a live AMA for 2 hours via our comment section at the bottom of this article, starting from August 28th, 19:00 PDT (August 29th, 11:00 KST). Shy will be reading all your questions from the comment section, and he will personally answer them, so feel free to ask all you want! Anything is okay- from Shy’s gameplay to personal questions regarding his hobbies!
Of course, Shy will be answering your questions not only during the live AMA time, but starting from now on, so feel free to leave questions in the comments below.

Also, we will be giving prepaid 1350 RP cards to 10 randomly selected people who participate in the AMA event.
We hope for your participation and support! Thank you!
※ The AMA with Shy is for people from all around the world, and the answers will be given to him in English. We would appreciate it if you would leave comments in English via Google Translator for those who would like to check them out. (Shy 선수와의 AMA는 전세계의 유저를 대상으로 진행 중이라 영어로 답변을 드릴 예정입니다. 구글 번역기 등을 활용하여 가급적 영어로 질문을 남겨주시면 이를 확인하는 많은 분들에게 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.)
※ AMA Event with Kuro by Inven Global
- This event is for everyone who participates in the AMA with Shy via the comment section of this article.
- Prepaid 1350 RP card (10 people)
- Event will go until August 29th 0:00 PDT.
※ Important notice regarding event prizes
- Prepaid RP cards are for the North American League of Legends server and cannot be redeemed on other servers.
- Prepaid RP cards will be provided in a code format via the e-mail address you registered with at thenven Global website.
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Comments :65
level 1 Elliott
Shy, when I first heard of you many years ago it was about your famous Mundo gameplay. You were very renown on that champion. Is there a champion you like playing the most? Is there one that you feel you are or were the best at?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Elliott Thank you for remembering my Mundo play, but he is not meta nowadays so I don't usually play him anymore :(The champion that I play the most nowadays is Jax. Thanks to the buff, he almost dominates the lane now.The best champion that I am and was best at is Jax cuz I have been playing him a lot recently lol
level 1 acagedanimal
What is the difference in style of play between you and Linderang? What gives you motivation to continue playing at a high level after all these years? Also, which non-Korean top laner was the hardest to face back in the early days of season 2 or season 3? Thanks, you're a legend <3
level 1 ROX_Shy
@acagedanimalThe difference would be the champion pool; it's like a spear and a shield - me being the shield and Lindarang being the spear. While I usually focus on bruisers, Lindarang tends to go for DPS champions. But it does not mean that I don't play DPS champions nor Lindarang plays bruisers. It always depends on the circumstances.
The motivation would be my age :P as I get older, I realize that I don't have much time as I used to have in the past and that motivates me to play better than before.
I suppose that PDD was one of the hardest to face back in the early days. We used to scrim a lot with Chinese teams in the past, and despite his big figure, he was one of the fastest pro players I've known and was really good as well.
level 1 Lemong
I heard that when you were member of Cj, you were enforcer who is in charge of discipline
(So.. many other members were afraid of Elevator....right?? lololol.. )
When you bring them elevator, what did you talk about with them??-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Lemong We talked a lot of things in the elevator, so I can't really remember exactly what I have said at that time lol but I suppose that I have cheered them up when we were doing really good, and when the atmosphere became a bit gloomy, I told them to brace ourselves and focus to achieve better results. It was nothing personal :P
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
What's the most unforgettable moment of your career?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Hendrick_Chan I was once a mercenary of the team Blaze at MLG. When Najin Sword already went to the finals, and we faced CLG in the semifinals. After beating CLG, we didn't have a time to have breaks and went to the match with Najin Sword straight up. The match began at around 12PM, and it finished at almost 8 or 9PM, making us tired to death lol I suppose that was one of the memorable moments as we didn't have any match that lasted for almost a whole day.
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
How do you like Rox's chances in 2018?-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Hendrick_ChanIf we have the same members as we have til the next year, we'll be able to overcome any difficulties, and solidify our relationship and become a much stronger team. Just like SSG - even though they didn't have named players previously, they managed to become one of the top-tiered pro teams with their strong bonds and playstyle. I believe that we can walk on the same track and become one of the best teams in 2018 as well.
level 1 Bowwow
When are you most impressed with your fan?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@BowwowThe moment when fans shouted by saying "Happy birthday" actually impressed me a lot as I was surprised by the fact that they even remembered each member's birthday. Even though it was a small thing, it was one of the moments that I was impressed the most.
Also, the small gifts I receive from particular fans, such as language guides whenever we take a trip to overseas, were also really sweet :)
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
What advise would you give to the aspiring pro players in other regions?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Hendrick_ChanNot only your skills as one of the top-tier players, your attitude towards the game is also important.When I remember the first time I became the pro player, I did not tend to troll during the game and say bad things about the result; for example, when I give a kill to the opponent, instead of swearing or putting responsibilityon the others, I tend to think about more productive feedback to myself. Because of that, people who used to play with me or watch my plays back then said good things about me (which I appreciate), and I think that is one of the factors how I passed the test to become the pro player.
Long story short, be careful of what you say or how you behave.
level 1 woodv1402
What do u think about yasuo in pro competitive? With recent nerf, do you think yasuo has a chance to appear in upcoming WC?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@woodv1402In terms of the top lane, I think Yasuo has a reasonable chance of showing up as it is not that bad nowadays and he actually showed up in the league too. But, it was when low or mid-tier pro teams picked Yasuo to counter me in the top lane, but as the tier becomes higher, I doubt that he will show up in the WC.
He surely is a strong champion without doubt, but when it comes to the pro leagues, the manliness of the champion that dominates the lane is not gonna work. They are not solo-ranked after all. The only chance he will be able to show up in the pro leagues is when he gets overall berfs directly.
level 1 Chanhyun
How did you spend your summer vacation? What's your favorite champion these days?
When the final game, I was really glad to see you on TV :)
level 1 ROX_Shy
@ChanhyunI played different games during the vacation, PUBG in particular. I didn't have much to do other than playing games, so I concentrated on playing PUBG so much that I even managed to become #48 in the entire rank lol
The current meta favors Jax to dominate the game so much nowadays, so I prefer to play Jax and he became one of my favorite champions once again :)And I did not know I was actually going to be on TV, so I smiled back when they captured me on camera lol Thanks for that
level 1 SupBard
What are you going to do in the next competition?I love u shy :)
level 1 ROX_Shy
@SupBardI'm not too sure exactly what you are asking, would you elaborate the question please?? :P
level 1 KTrolster
I'm the same age as you and same hometown 'Andong'. lol
When are you going to the army? ^^-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@KTrolsterI don't plan to go to the army until next year. Perhaps two years after :P
level 1 DragonDance
Shy, I wonder why you transferred to ROX Tigers. Is it because you are acquainted with the director? Or is there another reason?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@DragonDanceAs a pro gamer, I just wanted to transfer myself to another team just like other players. Despite the CJ's result being bad or good, I planned to move out anyway, and I have been knowing the director long time and he offered me to work together, so that's how I joined ROX Tigers.
level 1 Athena_Wong
What is one moment in your career that is the most memorable to you?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Athena_Wong I have answered the similar question above, but it was the match against Najin Sword at MLG in the past
level 1 akafredo
Do you have a champion who wants to make a skin?I'm so~~~~~~~ curious!!
level 1 ROX_Shy
@akafredoShen would be the one. CloudTemplar and I are the ones who love Shen the most, and I hope that the skin featuring me and CloudTemplar would be the one that I would love to have
level 1 dogsoo
Sad question,Are you going to be a coach(or manager) after retirement?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@dogsooIf I stay in LoL long enough, I might become one eventually. It's not that I have never thought about it before, and from the realistic perspective, I had to think about what I will be doing after the retirement, and have considered doing the coach many times. Nothing is decided yet though
level 1 Andy_Lee
Hey Shy. You, along with Pray, have played league of legends at the pro level for a long, long time. The meta has changed constantly during that time. Do you have any tips for future professional gamers on how to adapt to meta changes quickly? Also, which season do you think was your best season.-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Andy_LeeIt's the experience that helps you adapt to meta changes quickly. Pro players who have been in the league for a long time tend to adapt to meta changes quicker than others. One of the ways you can do so is to play as many champions as possible and prepare for any upcoming changes in the future
From my personal perspective, Season 3 was the best season so far as it was the peak time that the game had as many players as it could hold, and the game itself was pretty fun back then.
From the pro player's perspective, Season 5 was the best. Most people thought that CJ wouldn't make it, but it turned out to be rather good, and I suppose that was sort of rehabilitation for myself and my team as well lol
level 1 Kameko
Who is the best non-korean top laner in your opinion?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Kameko957 from Team WE was quite notable when I watched the rift rivals. He showed quite good performances and tended to join the teamfights quite quickly, and I think he possesses quite a potential to be considered a good top laner
level 1 Amaymono
Which player do you miss playing with the most from your CJ days?
You are amazing <3-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@AmaymonoAmbition is the one lol he is the talkative one, but it does not mean that he was talking about meaningless stuffs. Instead, he gave a number of good advises to me, and I believe that the reason why SSG went to the top-tier is Ambition
level 1 Luna
I've known you since season 2013 but on this day last year, it was the first time I met you when you were coming to Vietnam. You're so amazing and friendly, Shy ^^ I just wonder are yousatisfied with your performence this year? and when are you going to the army? Hopefully you're doing well as always! I love you Shy <3 Thank you!
level 1 ROX_Shy
@LunaThanks friend! I was thrilled to see you guys cheering for us when we visited Vietnam, it was awesome!
To answer your question, I was personally satisfied myself during the Spring Split, but not the Summer Split lol I wasn't able to dominate the top lane as much as I wanted to. Except that, it was all fine and I am preparing to do much better
About the army, probably two year after :P
Again, it was the good time back in Vietnam and it became such a good memory. I hope you do well too, and thank you
level 1 Loveless
Shy, what was your favorite meta to play in? What do you think about the current meta and your opinions on worlds?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@LovelessThe meta when Jax, Irellia, and Vladimir dominated the top lane was my personal favorite one. It was almost like a man-to-man fight without any interruption, so that's why I loved it.
But nowadays, what's critical in the current meta is the communication between teammates. In the past, you could carry the game on your own no matter how the game went, but the skills of players are almost on the similar level recently, and what makes the difference is how well you communicate with your teammates to achieve the better results.
level 1 Annihilazn
Hi Shy! You are by far the oldest and most experienced of all of your teammates. What was the most important lesson you learned during your long and illustrious career? Is there anything you wish you had known when you first started out as a pro? Thanks!
level 1 ROX_Shy
@AnnihilaznThe most important lesson I learned from my career was how you behave even if the game is going bad. Even if the game is not going as good as you expected, the way you cheer up other players and fight through the circumstances was the main factor to win the game and is the lesson that I value the most.
In the early phase of my career, I tended to focus on myself; how to improve my skills further and become a better player and such. But, I realized that having good relationships with other people can also affect many things and this is the one that I wish I would've known before starting out as a pro player
level 1 Andy_Lee
How do you feel about the current top lane tank meta, and do you feel more confident in a tank meta or a top carry meta?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Andy_LeeIt seems that various kinds of champions do show up in the top lane in this season, and if you prepare with as many champions as possible, it would work out quite well and pays you off
I feel more confident in a tank meta to be honest as I have played tank champions more often than DPS champions
level 1 Eeseno
Was League the first game that got you interested in becoming a pro or you always wanted to become a progamer? Do you play any other games for fun nowadays?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@EesenoI loved the game since the past and I had a thought of becoming a pro player, but it was not a definite decision back then. But, when LoL came out, it suited me quite well and that's how I became a pro LoL player
The answer of the second question: PUBG lol
level 1 Wenz
Which member are you closest with from CJ? Madlife being your teammate for the longest time are you guys close? Do you guys still get to see each other now?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Wenz I was friendly with all members back in 2016, but Ambition and Flame are the closest members from CJTo some extent lol but when it comes to a friendship, it is more like a relationship in the company like a senior and juniorAnd yeah, we often see each other :D
level 1 ahahaga
샤이형 진짜 팬이에요
저는 세체탑 뽑으면 샤이형부터 뽑아욯ㅎㅎㅎ
몇달전엔 샤이형 찬양글로 화재글도 가고 그랬었는데 보셨을까요
요새 사람들이 형님이 이제는 피지컬이 강점이 아니고 다른게 강점이라는데 저는 형님이 정글없이 피지컬로 밀리는거 단 한번도 못봤거든요
그 트런들로 기인한테 솔킬준거 빼고..
전 락스가 탑에 좀만 더 힘주면서 하면 아직도 형님이 다 패버릴 수 있다고 생각합니다
스프링이였나 후니 블랭크 2대1로 털어버리던 모습 아직도 눈에 선해요
자신있게 찍어누른다는 생각으로 하셨으면 좋겠어요!!!
level 1 ROX_Shy
@ahahagaFrom what you have said, I can see that you have watched my plays quite a lot and feel like you are the one of the real fans who loves me so much lol
Thank you, and people like you are the motivation for me to keep going and striving for better results :D
level 1 HopeforNature
When was the toughest moment in the life of a pro-gamerand how did you get over it?
No matter what others say, you are the best player for me.Everything will be alright. Good luck :D-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@HopeforNature The year of 2016 was the toughest time as a pro gamer. I even wondered whether I could continue to be a pro gamer, but people around me gave good words that I could overcome these difficulties, and that's how I was able to get over this slumpAnd thank you for your words :D
level 1 marill
hi. I have two questions.1. Have you ever been to Japan? if not, want to come japan?2. Sometimes LJL players play in Korea server, who is the most impressive player?I hope your success from japan :D-
level 1 ROX_Shy
@marillI have been to Tokyo for lecturing Japanese pro gamers, and I was surprised how big Tokyo was :) If I have a chance, I would like to visit Osaka sometime in the future
Seroth is the most impressive player from my opinion. As far as I know, he is known as Japanese Faker, and he seems to have good skills in my opinion as well
level 1 Daram
Sorry, this is it for our live AMA :(
However, we'll still leave the comment section open so feel free to ask Shy questions! We'll put the questions together and give it to him; once we get his answers, we'll post them! The event will be open until August 29th 0:00 PDT. -
level 1 Aprilkoala
Hi, Shy, I'm wondering how's ur relationship with PDD? btw, we really miss u and hope u everything goes well in LCK!
level 1 ROX_Shy
@AprilkoalaI'm not getting in touch with him as often, and I believe that he might think of me as a person in the past. Someone who shares a couple of good memories perhaps...? And thanks for your heartfelt support
level 1 jueun
If the Summoner's Canyon world exists, do you have a champion you want to be? And the champion you want to play with?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@jueunOh, I personally like ninja so much, so it would be Shen that I would like to be. The fellow champion I would be playing with will be Zed lol
level 1 Deacky00
Hey shy
tits or ass?
What is your favorite korean player?
And west player?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@Deacky00It's pretty hard cuz I pretty much like most players, but if you insist, it would be Khan and Smeb. Bjergsen from the west.
level 1 BaoBao
Hi if you have a chance to be a coach of CJ Entus will you come back ?
level 1 ROX_Shy
@BaoBaoI highly doubt that it would happen but I do have an intention of returning to some extent
level 1 StainBush
What was you and your team felt after losing to TPA in Worlds ss2 final? Sorry for inconvinient