The Overwatch World Cup Santa Monica Qualifier day 3 has finally come to an end- the United States and United Kingdom won the United States vs Chinese Taipei match, and United Kingdom vs Germany match, placing each of them 1st in their groups. Brazil defeated New Zealand in Group G, and Israel defeated Belgium in H, placing each of them 3rd in their groups.
The United States, placed 1st in Group G, and Germany, placed 2nd in Group H, will be competing against each other, and the United Kingdom, placed 1st in Group H, and Chinese Taipei, placed 2nd in Group G, will be competing against each other to decide who will be qualified to play in the Playoffs.
Meanwhile, it has become an issue that the 8 teams that will play in the quarterfinals won’t be following the previous format but will be put in a new group through a group draw. The group draw will be held either at the end of August or early September, and details on the date have not been revealed yet.

The United States has defeated Chinese Taipei by 3-1 in the match that decided which team will be placed 1st in Group G.
Jake’s carry shined in the first 2 sets in Hollywood and Nepal; the United States did not capture point A and Overtime started when Jake led his team to victory by scoring 2 kills with his Genji, and won in his fight against Zonda as Soldier: 76 in Nepal.
Chinese Taipei was cornered until they won after a long fight in the overtime in the 3rd set, Horizon Lunar Colony. However, they were placed 2nd when they lost to the United States in the last set, Route 66.
With both teams winning and losing once, the match between Brazil and New Zealand ended with Brazil’s victory by 3-1, placing Brazil 3rd and New Zealand last in Group G.

The match between the United Kingdom and Germany, the one considered as the highlight of the 3rd day, ended with the United Kingdom’s absolute victory.
After the United Kingdom captured point A, they did not allow even one team death as they annihilated their opponent team, quickly escorting the payload when they were on attack in Numbani, the first set. Notably, Kruise’s Genji caught the eyes of many fans when he did not die even once throughout the whole time they were on attack.
Kruise’s Dragonblade was extraordinary in the second set- he killed off 4 enemies with his Dragonblade in Lijiang Tower, leading his team to win with 100% capture progress to their enemy’s 0%. Smex’s D.Va and Genji dominated the second set, turning the game around when the team was losing by 99:0% capture progress. They won the third set as well when they were successful on their attack in the third set, Horizon Lunar Colony, which was chosen by Germany. Eventually, they made it to the semifinals when they played Roadhog and Sombra in Route 66, defeating Germany by 4-0.
The match between Israel and Belgium ended with Israel’s victory by 3-1 when KAFEEEEEE outplayed his opponents with his Zarya, Soldier: 76, and Tracer, placing Israel the 3rd in Group H.

The results of the 2017 Overwatch World Cup Santa Monica Qualifier Group Stage G and H, Day 3
Group G
1st Match United States 3 - 1 Chinese Taipei
2nd Match Brazil 3 - 1 New Zealand
Group H
1st Match United Kingdom 4 - 0 Germany
2nd Match Israel 3 - 1 Belgium
The final ranking for Group G and H, 2017 Overwatch World Cup Group Stage
Group G
1st United States
2nd Chinese Taipei
Group H
1st United Kingdom
2nd Germany
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