MVP Max Shares How He Copes with Mental Breakdowns

Team MVP takes down the no.1 team of LCK

On July 22nd, 'MVP' and 'Samsung Galaxy' clashed on top the stage of OGN. Although The LCK leaderboard suggests otherwise, MVP displayed superior macro management over SSG. On the side of MVP, one player made the biggest impact during the series. Max, the support player, won the title of sole MVP for the series. As the players took their exit, Max was invited for an interview with the casters.

As soon as the interview began, the audience went wild. Asked for his thoughts on his victory, Max jokingly replied, "I didn't even know there was an MVP point system. It feels awkward yet new receiving this title." Then, the casters asked Max on how the team improved so fast. "Our director and coach gave us very wise feedback and teachings. We grew as players day by day from it. But it took way too long for us to finally pop off... It may be too late." As the casters grew curious on what this "teaching" is, Max added, "I will not disclose that information in fear of other players picking it up."

On the 2nd set of the series, MVP took a surprise pick in the form of Amumu. Regarding it, Max said, "We prepared Janna for the 1st set, Amumu for the 2nd, and for the 3rd set, we received feedback from the staff that we should pick champions that we were confident in." Max seemed rather sad that the Amumu pick didn't work out. "Amumu could've gone much better..." he said.

On another question, Max was asked about the Janna pick. "I am a bottom tier player in solo queue. When I was playing, I played with a Twitch and Janna that completely carried the game. They inspired me to play Janna." He further explained the strengths of Janna. "Janna's kit really shines when the ADC is playing well. And because MaHa was doing exactly that, Janna had fit perfectly into the team composition." 

Despite taking the victory during the 1st set, MVP struggled during the early game. Regarding this, Max explained, "I took the gold income runes and sacrificed the laning phase in order to get 'Ardent Censer' as fast as possible. I think we were able to win that set because of how fast I was able to buy that item." The casters were quite surprised at his answer, as gold runes are generally looked down on by other players. "It was actually my very first time using these runes. And I have to say, it's pretty good," Max said.

The fans went wild as soon as Amumu was picked during the 2nd set. But unfortunately, the pick didn't work out as the fans had hoped. "To be honest, we didn't spend enough time practicing Amumu. The night before, Beyond said that he is very confident on playing Amumu. Even our coach supported him on the idea. But we ended up losing anyway," Max said. The casters further asked Max if his mentality broke down after that disastrous game with Amumu. "I was losing concentration as the game went on. To counteract it, I was clapping and chanting, "Let's concentrate!" It worked out(laughs)."

During the end of the 3rd set, MVP and SSG were having a base race. Regarding it, Max commented, "We knew SSG was bluffing because Camille had no teleport. If we were playing on our usual forms, we would've most likely hesitated and wasted the Baron buff. But clapping and yelling, "Let's focus!" yet again helped our team."

As the interview neared its end, Max finalized the interview by thanking the fans. "During the ride to the stadium, I told my team that I would love to return to the teamhouse while smiling. We will keep up this momentum and showcase great performance to those who cheer for us. Thank you."

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