Rookies bloom rarely in these days. Many people lament that it is getting hard to find a new player in NA LCS. But still, there are some buds that need to be cherished. Jordan “Shady” Robison is one of them. He made his debut last year. And now, he has become a starting support of Phoenix1.
We may could expect his remarkable performance because he has been worked with Donghyun “Arrow” No who is the MVP of NA LCS last spring split. Even though he needs to learn a lot, it won’t be a serious problem because he will always be with Arrow, who can be a good teacher and also a soul companion.
Shady said a few words on being a starting member of Pheonix1. “I had been in a crucible of tryouts. Even after I made it through, I had to endure another trial. Now, I felt really good when I became the starting member of Phoenix1 as a support. I could show my worth.”
It seemed really interesting that NA LCS rookie support is paired with NA LCS MVP ADC. Shady told us that it was picturesque. “Being with Arrow, I learned a lot as a rookie. He is a great mentor and I’ve really enjoyed working with him. Also, There is no communication problem because we do duo queue everyday. His English is good enough to understand everything he saying. So, there was no issue at all.
He'd like to learn from SK Telecom T1 support Jaewan “Wolf” Lee. “He's been playing for so long and he has three world championship titles. I would like his playstyle, mindset and approach as well. Someday I want to have a match against with Wolf. SKT bot lane has a great synergy, I would learn a lot and it would be great experience.”
Finally, he has revealed his goal for this year; player’s dream stage, The 2017 World Championship. “My goal is go to the Worlds and I will prove myself as a best support. I won’t let my fans down.”
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