Han Semi Weapon Recommendations – Damage Increase Debuff with Unique Weapon, Alternatives Include Staff/Grimoire


The best weapon for Han Semi is her unique weapon, Coming of Age. This weapon not only increases HP but also applies a debuff that increases the damage received by enemies by 5% when hit by her skills.


  • Unlike other unique weapons, the damage received increase debuff from Coming of Age remains fixed at 5%, regardless of the weapon’s advancement level.
  • However, the duration of the debuff increases with advancement. At the base level, the debuff lasts 4 seconds, but with a 5th advancement, it extends to 10 seconds, more than doubling its effectiveness.

  • This extended debuff duration is particularly beneficial when paired with Mirei, who relies on sustained firepower during her Ultimate transformation. The higher the advancement of Han Semi's weapon, the better it supports Mirei’s consistent damage output.



If acquiring or crafting her unique weapon is difficult, the Steel Staff (SR weapon) is a recommended alternative.


  • Given Han Semi’s playstyle, where she uses her skills quickly before exiting the field, the staff’s ability to instantly refill the power gauge via QTE makes it more advantageous than a grimoire.

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