190,000 crystals needed to upgrade Sophie to ★6
Unlike other characters, the legendary character, Sophie, uses crystals to upgrade. Having to use crystals can be a burden, but you don’t need to collect extra pieces to upgrade, so you can invest the crystals gained through other places like real estate rewards.
Starting from 20,000 crystals to upgrade to ★2, you need 10,000 more per grade. To upgrade to ★5, 6, you need 50,000 crystals each, so you need 190,000 crystals in total to upgrade to ★6. If using that many crystals is a burden, plan how you should use your crystals, thinking of the max level, passive skill open, and active skill uses.

Don’t have many crystals? “Upgrade to ★4”, which reduces the cooldown
If you don’t have as many crystals, it’s good to upgrade to ★4, since the cooldown is reduced and two passive skills are opened. The number of times you can use the skills is upgraded to 2 as well at ★3. Since it’s difficult to get line monopoly out of surprise by using Sophie these days, you should consider long games and get Sophie to use the skill at least twice. In fact, it’s really difficult to use the skill three times in actual games.

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