[Meta World] "MBX → MBXL → ITU → Meta Cash → Crystal" Exchange process

Exchange process from "Cash → Crystals"

Cash → MBX → MBXL Link → ITU → Meta Cash → Crystal


Crystals are the most commonly used currency in Meta World. They are the main currency used to summon the legendary character Sophie and for real estate. The cheapest way to buy crystals is to buy MBX with cash on crypto exchanges, then transfer them to your Marblex wallet, convert them to MBXL Link → ITU, and convert them to Meta Cash → Crystals in-game.


▲ You have to go through crypto exchanges → Marbelx wallet.

Sending and exchanging from crypto exchanges to Marblex wallet

Purchase MBX → Send to Marblex wallet → Exchange into MBXL → Exchange into ITU


First, buy MBX on a cryptocurrency exchange (crypto exchanges) and send the withdrawal to your Marblex wallet. In South Korea, Once you send cash to crypto exchanges and buy MBX, you can transfer it to your Marblex wallet after 24 hours. It is recommended that you move your money to crypto exchanges in advance to account for the 24-hour waiting time and additional transactions.


When transferring your purchased MBX to your Marblex wallet from South Korean exchanges, select "Kakao Klip (Personal Wallet)" as your withdrawal exchange. When the MBX arrives in your Marblex wallet after 3-10 minutes, you can exchange it for MBXL, and then convert MBXL to ITU.


▲ Copy the address from your Marblex wallet,
click on MBX in the Deposit and Withdrawal menu on crypto exchanges, and select Withdrawal.
▲ Paste your copied Marblex wallet address and send it,
then exchange MBX → MBXL → ITU from your Marblex wallet.


Exchange "ITU → Crystals" in the in-game token exchange

ITU ↔ Meta Cash → Crystals


In South Korea, you need to connect to the game on a PC with VPN enabled to activate the "Meta Trading Center" in the menu. On the Meta Trading Center, you can exchange ITU held in your Marblex wallet for Meta Cash, and Meta Cash can be exchanged for Crystals. It's important to note that while Meta Cash can be converted back to ITU and then MBX in your Marblex wallet, and then sent to crypto exchanges to be converted back to cash, Crystals cannot be converted back to Meta Cash. This means that Meta Cash is the only monetizable resource, and Crystals are a consumable resource that can only be spent in-game.


▲ Access the game on your PC with a VPN and you should see the "Meta Trading Center" option in the menu.
▲ On the Meta Cash tab, you can exchange ITU for Meta Cash.
▲ In the Crystals tab, you can exchange Meta Cash for Crystals,
but you can't exchange Meta Cash for Crystals, so only change how much you want to use.

How do I "calculate the original price of crystals"?


In simple terms, 100 crystals = 1 USD, which means you can exchange 100 crystals for 1 USD worth of Meta Cash. The value of Meta Cash keeps changing depending on the ITU, MBX market price, so the amount of Meta Cash you need to exchange for crystals will also change every time.


Dollar → Crystal conversion calculation : Amount of Crystals ÷ 100


It's easy to calculate how much cash, MBX, ITU, and Meta Cash you need to get the amount of crystals you want, as long as you know the formula. What matters is the exchange rate of ITU to USD and the exchange rate of ITU to MBX.


How much do you need to buy the number of crystals you need?

Number of crystals ÷ 100 ÷ ITU/USD exchange rate × ITU/MBX exchange rate × MBX price


The ITU/USD exchange rate and ITU/MBX exchange rate are available on the Marblex website. The MBX price can be found on crypto exchanges. If you use the above formula to calculate how much 10,000 crystals are worth in KRW, you will get 10,000 ÷ 100 ÷ 0.1151 × 0.0784 × 2,118 = 144,266, which means that 10,000 crystals are worth 144,266 KRW. The last number, 2,118, is the current MBX price, which is constantly changing. Using this formula, you can calculate how much cash you need based on how many crystals you want.


▲ To buy 10,000 crystals, you need about 144,666 KRW (as of 4/21)


Next is the formula for how much MBX and ITU you need to buy crystals. It's useful for checking the KRW with the crystal price calculation method described earlier, and for calculating the number of MBX you need to buy in the actual purchase phase.


How much 'MBX' do you need for the number of crystals you need?

Number of crystals ÷ 100 ÷ ITU/USD exchange rate × ITU/MBX exchange rate


How much 'ITU' do you need for the number of crystals you need?

Number of crystals ÷ 100 ÷ ITU/USD exchange rate


How much Meta Cash do you need for the number of crystals you need?

Number of crystals ÷ 10 ÷ ITU/USD exchange rate


▲ ITU/USD and ITU/MBX exchange rates and market values are available on the Marblex website.

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