The STG 44 has proven to be one of the best Vanguard weapons added to Warzone in Warzone Pacific Season 1. This weapon is a top-tier performer, capable of incredible damage in close range and medium ranges if you can reduce its horizontal recoil and up its damage using attachments. We put together the best loadout for maximizing this gun's damage and effectiveness in Warzone Pacific.
Best attachments to use for the STG 44 in Warzone Pacific
- F8 Stablizer
- VDD 760mm 05B Barrel
- VDD 27 Precision Stock
- M1930 Strife Angled grip
8 mm Kurz 60 Rnd Drum Mags
- Lengthened Ammo
- Stippled Grip
- Vital
- Fully Loaded
F8 Stabilizer
This is the last muzzle option unlocked on this gun. The F8 adds both increased accuracy and damage range to your gun, adding to its ability to take those longer-range fights and consistently win. You could also consider running the MX Silencer instead if you want to be stealthier on the new Warzone map.
VDD 760mm 05B Barrel
This barrel adds even more accuracy and damage at range. With this and the F8 equipped, the STG is a verifiable beast at range. Keep in mind, this barrel is going to take away some of your movement speed, but it is well worth it to be more effective in your gunfights.
VDD 27 Precision Stock
This stock is going to also reduce your movement speed, but in exchange, you are going to see a huge reduction in horizontal recoil. With this equipped, the STG is nothing short of a laser, since the biggest downside of the base version of this gun is its significant side-to-side recoil, which is much harder to control than vertical recoil.
M1930 Strifed Angled Grip
This underbarrel attachment will increase both your accuracy and your aim stability. When combined with the VDD 27 Precision stock, these attachments go a long way in reducing the recoil on this gun and making it easier to track moving opponents.
Russian Short 30 Round mag
These mags add straight extra damage to your weapon via their larger caliber rounds, enabling you to kill your enemies faster. They will also allow you to reload faster, and improve your range and bullet velocity. The downside of these mags is that it will slow your fire rate, which switches the weapon into a better medium-range weapon at the small cost of closer range conflicts.
Lengthened Ammo
Lengthened Ammo might be my favorite type of ammo in the whole game. This adds a significant +3 bonus to your bullet velocity, which is going to add even more to the long-range abilities of this gun. High bullet velocity is also a huge quality of life feature since it makes the game feel much snappier and responsive when your bullets hit more quickly.
Stippled Grip
Stippled Grip brings a straight bonus to your recoil control, it's a nice addition to this loadout where we are trying to maximize this gun's handling.
This straight-up makes the upper chest count as a crit, making it so that your gun can deal headshot damage to the upper chest. This is a powerful ability that is definitely worth equipping in Warzone Pacific.
Fully Loaded
This weapon perk will maximize your starting ammunition, allowing you to kick off every life with your maximum potential.
Optic of your preference
There are a ton of optics to choose from, and this one will come down to your personal preference.I personally like an optic with a little bit of zoom, but everyone is different.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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