The Swiss K31 has consistently shown itself to be one of the top-performing weapons in Warzone over the past few seasons, and seems destined to continue that dominant reign into Warzone Pacific Season 1. This gun has proven highly effective, in part because of its low flinch amount, allowing you to line up shots even while being shot yourself.
We put together the meta Swiss K31 class that will help you quickly and efficiently win long-range duels with the Swiss K31 sniper rifle while staying mobile along the way.
Overview of the Swiss K31 Sniper Rifle
The current version of the Swiss K31 rifle kills a fully armored opponent in a single headshot, just like the Kar98k. It actually deals better damage than the Kar98 in most other categories, with it dealing 180 damage to the chest, just over 100 damage to the stomach, and dealing around 80 damage to the arms and legs. So the Swiss K31 is pretty equal in potential to the Kar98k, but it is more forgiving.
The new base reticle is much easier to get hits with due to its improved visual clarity. The default reticle improvement for the Swiss K31 is a big plus for the gun since it allows you to run an extra attachment without needing to put on a different optic.
Best attachments for the Swiss K31 in Warzone Pacific
- GRU suppressor
- 24.9" Combat Record scope
- Bruiser Grip
- SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
- Serpent Wrap
GRU Suppressor
A suppressor, as always, is a must on this gun. The GRU Suppressor will help keep your profile low and keep your location hidden while you search for targets. Suppressors are the universal standard across all weapons in Warzone and will remain so until a more compelling approach than stealth becomes available.
24.9" Combat Recon Barrel
The 24.9" Combat Recon Barrel comes with a nice bonus to your bullet velocity. Bullet velocity is important for the ranged effectiveness of any gun in Warzone Pacific. It is particularly useful on a sniper rifle like this one since a faster velocity means you have to lead your targets less for exceptionally long-range shots.
Bruiser Grip
The Bruiser Grip is the standard selection for the Swiss K31 in Warzone because it improves your mobility. When playing with the Swiss K31, you will likely find yourself repositioning a lot. So improving your overall moving speed is going to make this rifle better.
SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
The SWAT 5mw Laser Sight will improve your aim-down-sight speed significantly. This goes hand in hand with the mobility bonuses of the bruiser grip, in allowing you to quickly spot, scope, and down enemies.
Serpent Wrap
The Serpent Wrap adds extra ADS speed bonuses to the Swat 5mw Laser Sight, really pushing this weapon over the top from good to great. Since the new sniper scope is so good by default, we can afford to splurge on the Serpent Wrap, and it makes all the difference. This gun feels really fast and deadly with this loadout, especially when you throw in an SMG for your sidearm.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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