Apex Legends Season 11 Emergence is here, so it’s time once again to take stock of the gun meta and put them into a nice orderly tier list! There are 28 weapons in total in Apex Legends, which are spread across six different types of ammunition. Our rankings are based on the potential deadliness of each weapon, as well as its overall versatility for taking on various situations on the way to becoming the kill leader and eventual Champion.
Without further adieu, we present the Inven Global Apex Legends Season 11 weapon tier list.
VK-47 Flatline

The Flatline has been one of the most powerful guns in Apex Legends for several seasons now. This rifle is the closest to a standard assault rifle as you can get in this game. It has relatively high recoil, but once you learn how to control it you will be surprised at the distances you can down enemies at in a single clip. At medium and long-range this gun can shred, and it is definitely one of the best weapons to pick up on Season 11.
M600 Spitfire

The M600 Spitfire was the very top of the meta for a minute back in Apex Legends season 8. This weapon’s biggest advantage is its high damage model. If you can hit your shots, this gun will kill just about as fast as anything else in the game. In season 11 Emergence, the most powerful version of the M600 Spitfire’s remains included in the care package, so you can expect this difficult-to-find weapon to absolutely dominate the battlefield (and my nightmares).
R-301 Carbine

The R-301 is one of the most popular rifles in Apex Legends, in part because it is a great balance between easy to control and high damage. While it won’t be quite as good at longer-range as something like the Flatline, it can hold its own at close range and medium range with no issues. If you are looking for a fun, easy-to-control rifle that can just tear through your enemy, the R-301 Carbine might be a good weapon to run with.
Kraber .50 CAL sniper rifle

It can be hard to get your hands on a Kraber via a care package, it’s one of the best guns in the game. It is a bolt-action rifle capable of downing enemies in a single headshot, regardless of range. With so many long-range encounters in Apex Legends, a strong sniper like the Kraber by your side is an invaluable resource. The only downside to the Kraber is that the ammo is hard to come by, so make your shots with this very powerful rifle count.
Eva-8 Auto Shotgun

The Eva-8 Auto Shotgun is the best shotgun in the game. This fully automatic shotgun features a DPS of 132, which is significantly more than the next best shotgun. This is also a pretty common shotgun to find on the ground, so you might find yourself picking it up often in the early game. This gun is a favorite among Apex pros, and for good reason.
G7 Scout

The G7 Scout is a light ammo marksmen weapon that is decent at middle and long ranges. This gun was moved to the supply drop and will deal more damage than ever this season due to its two-shot burst mode, causing it to be upgraded to an S-Tier weapon. Based on the early indicators, the Scout is going to be harder to come by but is more than worth picking up this season.
L-Star EMG

The L-Star is an energy ammo EMG that doesn’t have to reload but can overheat if used without a rest for too long. While this gun lacks the precision of some of its longer-range counterparts, it kills very quickly and reliably at medium and short-range, especially once you get used to its slow bullet velocity. As a bonus, it is pretty strong firing from the hip in close-range. The biggest downside is that visibility is pretty limited on this gun with standard iron sights.

The Alternator was formerly a common piece of ground loot that absolutely dominated the early game of Apex Legends. For Season 11, it remains in the care package, and it is really good. This SMG has a relatively small magazine but makes up for that with raw stopping power. If you find yourself with an opportunity to grab this weapon from the care package, it is pretty strong, though its lower-bullet velocity may work better at close-range than longer ranges.

The Wingman pistol is more powerful than you would expect a pistol to be. Since the first season of Apex Legends, this pistol has been a viable option for taking fights at a variety of ranges. Season 11 is no exception, as the Wingman pistol remains a very strong weapon pick up in Apex, with some players even taking the pistol to the very end of the match.
The biggest downside to the Wingman is its relatively limited standard magazine size of 6, but its 45 dmg body shots and 97 damage headshots are worth the limitation. This is a gun that is great if you can hit your shots with confidence, but be warned if you can't, I would go with another gun.
R-99 Light SMG

The R-99 is another strong weapon in Season 11. While it has seen its fair share of nerfs, this gun is an absolute monster in short-range. With only 20 bullets in the standard magazine, however, you are going to want to make every shot count when you can. This weapon definitely favors the bold and the accurate and it makes for a very strong early game weapon where everyone is running around on limited shields.

The Sentinel is arguably the best sniper rifle that can be found on the ground in Apex Legends season 11. This gun boasts a power 140 damage headshot that, admittedly, pales in comparison to the 435 damage headshots put out by the Kraber .50-Cal, but is still quite respectable. Don’t expect to one-shot anyone with the Sentinel, but it’s one of the best bolt-action snipers that you can use in Apex Legends season 11.

The brand new C.A.R. SMG is similar in function to the R99, but with a larger amount of bullet spread. You are going to want to stick to short ranges with this gun, but in those ranges its pretty reliable, based on our first impressions of it. What makes this gun unique is that it can take both light and heavy ammo, making it more versatile and less likely for you to not be able to find any ammo. This gun will work about on par with the other SMGs
Volt energy SMG

The Volt is definitely one of the best short to medium-range weapons in Apex. It has a very easy-to-control recoil pattern, so it ends up working as a laser. Within its optimal range, I am not certain any other SMG is better than the Volt and it has the best iron sights in the whole game. Just keep in mind, it loses effectiveness quickly at longer ranges due to its somewhat difficult to manage recoil.
Prowler Burst PDW

The Prowler Burst PDW is a submachine gun that is looking decent in Season 11. This gun dominated the first few weeks of Season 10, before fading in the meta down to the mid-tier. You can definitely make this burst gun work for you, especially if you are on controller where the Prowler excels due to the interaction of aim-assist with this gun's hip-fire in close-range fights.
Rampage LMG

The new Rampage LMG has settled into the B-Tier since its release last season. This gun dominates at longer ranges because it has very easy to control recoil. The biggest downside to the Rampage is that it does struggle in closer ranges, a lot. Its slow rate of fire makes it difficult to outgun pretty much any shorter-range weapon. You can upgrade this gun using a thermite grenade, which dramatically increases its fire rate for a limited amount of time. In this upgraded state, it is probably closer to A-Tier or S-Tier, so keep that in mind.
Bocek Compound Bow

the Bocek Compound Bow is its own kind of sniper, and the people who are good with this weapon swear by it. This marksman weapon uses arrows that are scattered on the ground, and it is capable of up to 105 damage per headshot if you are accurate. It doesn’t have the fastest time to kill and features a slow but steady rate of fire, but for those who master the Bocek Compound Bow it can be surprisingly effective in Apex Season 11.
Triple Take

The Triple Take is a like it or hate it kind of gun. Some highly skilled players swear by it, and put it above all the other snipers. Cynics like me, however, are not such big fans. The Triple Take uses energy ammo and deals 69 damage to the body and 138 damage to the head, but you can charge it by aiming-down-sights so it does more damage. This is a capable weapon, and it is objectively good when in the right hands, but it's not a definitive favorite.

Perhaps Apex Legends' most unique weapon, the Peacekeeper works as a shotgun from the hip, but when you aim-down-sites and charge the bullets it turns into a more accurate projectile weapon that can operate at medium distances. It is a unique proposition for a weapon, but this jack of all trades isn’t the most reliable gun either. With only 5 bullets in its magazine, and a relatively inconsistent performance at all ranges, this is an okay pick-up, but I wouldn’t call it a top-tier gun.

I know the Hemlock has a relatively high damage model, but its forced burst mode ruins it. While the Hemlock has a demographic of players who love running around with heavy ammo burst rifles, most players would be better off picking up a Flatline or an R301 instead. All that being said, if the Hemlock is the only rifle you have access to, it’s still perfectly usable if you can play around its slow fire rate.
30-30 repeater

The 30-30 repeater is usable but highly limited. It has a relatively low damage model but a respectable fire rate that can make it situationally useful, if you can consistently hit your shots with it under pressure. I personally use this gun because it’s just so damn fun to run around with. If you can handle its tiny 6-round magazine size (or upgrade it), this gun can do work in Apex Legends season 11.
Devotion Energy LMG

The devotion speeds up its fire rate the longer you fire it. This mechanic is kind of cool and even fun to use sometimes. While this LMG is not my favorite weapon, if I need a medium-range weapon and can’t find a non-energy option, the Devotion LMG is plenty capable. But this isn’t my top choice, since I prefer weapons that don't take so long to reach their full potential.
Mastiff Shotgun

The Mastiff shotgun is not the worst shotgun in the game, but it's also not the best. It is capable of dealing some serious raw damage up close, but it's also somewhat inconsistent. I think both the Peacekeeper and the EVA-8 Auto remain better options, leaving the Mastiff slumming it down in C-Tier until it receives a sizable buff. There is a hop-up for the Mastiff in Season 11, allowing the Mastiff to reload two bullets at a time, but it's not enough to make this gun more desirable than the other shotguns.
Longbow DMR

Speaking of bad sniper rifles, let’s talk about the Longbow DMR, and about how it’s a bad sniper rifle. I’ll admit to being biased against this weapon, since I have never figured out how to make it work for me, but even the stats back me up on this ranking. The Longbow DMR has a low DPS potential and low headshot damage for a sniper rifle. The only thing it has going for it is its fire rate, but if that is what you are looking for then it’s better to run the flatline. I don’t see much of a reason to use the Longbow unless you just can’t find another rifle.
Charge Rifle

The Charge Rifle has seen multiple nerfs over its lifetime, leaving it as a bit of a C-tier mess in Apex Legends season 11. It’s debatably the worst sniper rifle in the game right now and it should be avoided when possible. That said, it's still a pretty fun and unique weapon.

There was a time when the Havoc was dangerous in Apex Legends, but that time was many seasons ago. Today’s Havoc has the same issues with charge-up as the Devotion LMG and is outclassed by most other close-range weapons. If you are planning to use a close-range energy weapon, the Volt is a much better bang for your buck.

You can argue whether the RE-45 belongs in Tier-C or Tier-D, but we know that it is a low-tier gun. This machine pistol is another gun that you pick up as your first weapon, then throw away at the first opportunity. This gun can work in short-range or in a pinch, but its low-tier for sure.

It’s better than not having a gun, and it's better than having a P2020 sometimes, but neither of those things is saying much. This shotgun is useless outside of anything but the closest range fights. If a Flatline were held to my head and I had to choose, I think I would take the Mozambique over the P2020, but I would rather not choose it at all.

It’s bad, okay? It’s the token “normalish pistol” in the game and it’s only here to make the other guns look more powerful. Yes, it can kill people if you hit them with bullets, but that is about it.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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