Warzone Season 6 is dropping this week, and submachine guns are set to be one of the most powerful weapon types in the new season. Ever since the Krig-6 started losing stonks, SMGs like the Bullfrog and the OTs 9 have been picking up steam. To help you stay ahead of the meta, we put together a tier list ranking the power levels of every SMG in Warzone Season 6!
Tier S
- BullFrog
- OTs 9 SMG
- Mac-10
- MP5 CW + MW

The Bullfrog is the best SMG in Warzone, bar none. While its damage model looks average on paper, its massive magazine and high bullet velocity make it a devastating weapon in CQB and medium range encounters alike, especially where you have to engage multiple foes. This weapon defined the Warzone Season 5 meta, and is set to continue to shine in Warzone Season 6.

The OTs 9 SMG slowly but surely climbed its way to the top of the SMG meta last season. In Warzone Season 6, this gun is debuting at the number two slot in the whole SMG category. It is great in close range, assuming you use the right build for it, and it can even be used in medium ranges in a pinch. You can’t go wrong with the OTs 9 SMG.

The MAC-10 has been a dominant force in the Warzone meta for several seasons, and it remains a high tier pick in Warzone Season 6. The MAC-10 still has the fastest time to kill of any gun in the SMG category, making it one of the most unquestionabely powerful guns in the whole damn game. While it has been overshadowed by the rise of the Bullfrog and OTs 9 SMG, don’t sleep on the MAC-10, it still has a lot left in the tank.

The MP5 — whether it’s the version from Modern Warfare or Cold War — is an amazing weapon because of its high damage potential and its ease-of-use. It has very easy to control vertical and horizontal recoil and is effective at both close and medium ranges. In season 6, the MP5 is remains one of the easiest-to-use Submachine guns in Warzone whether you are running with its Modern Warfare or its Cold War versions.
Tier A
- PPSh-41
- Milano 821
- MP7
- LC-10

The PPSh was added to Warzone back in Season 3, and over time its grown on the Warzone community. It has a great fire rate, which is balanced with high recoil. With the right loadout, this Cowld War weapon can definitely drop some bombs, and is borderline S-Tier.
Milano 821

The Milano 821 briefly sat at the very pinnacle of the SMG category last season due to a bug with on of the scopes that dramatically increased its ranged accuracy. That bug has since been fixed, but the gun remains a top SMG nonetheless. While you won't be shredding MP5 or MAC-10 users up close, once you are a middling range, that is where the Milano really excels. This is a great, low recoil short to medium range weapon that is sure to delight anyone who tries it out.

The MP7 is a great SMG choice in Warzone. Once equipped with the 60 round magazine and attachments to reduce its recoil, the MP7 transforms into a powerful laser that can quickly eliminate multiple foes at close range using a single clip. Its solidly Tier A in Season 6.

The LC10 has been a really strong weapon since its release. The LC10 has a slightly lower time-to-kill than the MAC-10, but it has very manageable vertical recoil that can reliably challenge enemies in short and medium-range fights. If you are looking for a great SMG that has a more versatile effective range than the MAC-10, check out the LC10.
Tier B
- AK-74U
- Fennec
- TEC-9
- CX-9

The AK74U was added with the Cold War weapons at the start of Warzone Season 1. Since then, its place in the meta has consistently risen due to its hard-hitting damage model and solid headshot damage. When paired with extended mags and attachments designed to further limit recoil, the AK74U will absolutely dominate in close ranges. This weapon will not, however, handle well outside 20 meters, so keep that in mind.

The Fennec offers players the fastest fire rate in the game, in exchange for extremely limited range. In spite of that fire rate, however, most other weapons will outperform it in Warzone Season 6 due to those severe range limitations and its relatively low damage model.

Brand new in Warzone Season 5, the TEC-9 looked really strong out of the gate, but it has lost steam heading into Warzone Season 6, with its pick rate plummeting. When outfitted with the right fully automatic build, this gun can hold its own but overall its pretty average compared to the higher tier guns on this list.

The CX-9 unexpectedly dropped near the end of season 4, and it has proven to be a pretty solid weapon. However, interest in this gun has decline steadily, with it settling down in the B-tier. The CX-9 is capable of very fast kill times in close range, if you can control the recoil, but the recoil is pretty significant. It may not be the very best SMG in the game, but it can definitely hold its own in a fight.
Tier C
- PP19 Bizon
- P90
- Uzi
PP19 Bizon

The PP19 Bizon has never been a top-tier weapon in Warzone, and that won't change in Season 6. This off-meta SMG suffers due to its low time-to-kill, terrible damage at range stats, and abysmal iron sights. Unfortunately, you will probably end up having to use this weapon a lot, since it is a common floor loot gun. While a skilled player can make it work in a pinch, you should get rid of it as soon as you can, because the PP19 Bizon is truly mediocre.

The P90 is a solid SMG with a large magazine and low levels of recoil. Unfortunately, the weapon suffers at range due to its sub-par accuracy and fast damage dropoff. While the P90 is still a viable weapon in Warzone Season 6 for fans of the gun, SMGs like the LC10, MP5, and MAC-10 all outperform it at both close and long-range fights.

The Uzi is a very common weapon to come across on the ground in Warzone, so you will likely find yourself using it a lot in early game scenarios. It is capable of high damage and has a surprisingly versatile effective range, making it a very usable gun. However, in Warzone Season 6, the Uzi is just outclassed by many of the other SMG’s. While it’s a viable weapon to pick up off the ground, it isn’t a weapon that you will want to be putting in your loadout drops.

The AUG in Warzone is mediocre in every way. While there is nothing that is particularly bad about it, there is also nothing that helps it stand out in the crowded marketplace of SMGs. As a result, it sports one of the lowest selection rates in the game. It isn't quite the worst tier of weapons, but it is also below average and should be avoided in Warzone Season 6.
Tier D
- KSP 45
- Striker 45

The ISO is well out of the SMG gun meta in Season 6. It has a decent fire rate, but it sports a very short effective distance. It is outperformed by pretty much every gun on this list, even at its best. There is no reason why you would ever run the ISO over the MP5, Bullfrog, or MAC-10.
KSP 45

The KSP 45 is a 3-round-burst SMG that is ineffective at pretty much all ranges, making it generally a bad idea to run it. The gaps between the bursts make this weapon both hard to use and less effective at close range than just about any high-fire rate SMG on this list. You could try to take advantage of the low levels of recoil and use this at medium ranges, but like the Striker 45, it makes little sense to build out a mid to long-range SMG when there are AR’s that would do that job better.
Striker 45

The Striker 45 SMG is an SMG designed to be ineffective at close-range, only working in mid to long-range encounters. But why though? Why would you use this SMG in Warzone, when you could use an assault rifle or the Bullfrog or LC10 instead? While the Striker 45 is not bad within its effective range, an assault rifle will work better in most situations. Don't use this gun in Warzone season 6.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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