Apex Legends players have had a tough few weeks, and the Bloodhound Chronicles quest has only added to their woes. Players have been killing their own teammates by flying directly off the edge of the map as they realise they loaded into the wrong destination for the mission, while other teams have camped quest locations to get free and easy kills.
For those who don’t know, the quest requires you to play as Bloodhound, and complete a short mission on the World’s Edge map during a normal casual match, but that isn’t as simple as you might think. There have been reports of Bloodhounds diving off the map or otherwise griefing their teams when they realize they are on the wrong map to complete the quest, rather than just playing out the game as normal.
Furthermore, other opportunistic players have taken to camping the quest locations in the hope of ambushing random players that might be playing to complete the quest too. The former issue, with players killing their squads, is entirely avoidable of course, with the game not only telling you what map is in rotation before you queue but also giving players the option to solo-queue and avoid inconveniencing others, while the latter issue is a slightly trickier one to solve.
The solo-queue plan does require the game to function properly, something that has not always been the case over the last few weeks, and users on reddit are still unhappy, which is not surprising when you consider that these issues were predicted before the event began. The quest requiring players to load into the game amongst the general population and attempt to finish it during a live match was always a risky move from Respawn, who have been under fire for a series of issues that have plagued their hit battle royale of late.
First there was lead designer Daniel Z Klein leaving the company in disgrace, before the new season launched with a raft of issues. Overpowered characters were just the start as the game underwent a series of bugs that caused slow motion servers, queue issues, crashes caused by animated banner frames and even servers so bad they compromised an esports event, not for the first time.
This all comes at a moment when Apex was seeing a boom in popularity caused in part by streamers being unhappy with the state of Call of Duty’s Warzone BR. Big names creators from orgs like FaZe Clan were pushing the popularity of the game on Twitch, and publishers Respawn had just announced a return to LAN competition for the esports scene, making the timing of their recent issues as bad as it could be.
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