Update 9/13/21:
The removal of tap-strafing was delayed until a future patch due to "side effects" as the developers phrased it.
Original article: Apex Legends leaked a brand-new unreleased weapon as well as an upcoming Gold Rampage variant in their trailer and patch notes on Thursday. A screenshot of an upcoming Arenas buy menu showed both weapons clearly and has since been confirmed as a bonified accurate leak by Respawn's director of communication Ryan Rigney.
The new gun, which currently is using the same art as the R-301 carbide, is called the Nemesis Burst AR. It is unclear how this gun will differ in form and function from the newly buffed Hemlock Burst AR. According to Rigney, we will have to wait a while to find out more about this weapon, as it is "not actually ready for release any time soon."
The Gold variant of the Rampage may also be of interest to some players. The weapon has five gold attachments on it and promises to be one of the most dominant weapons at long range in the game.
The most interesting attachment on the new gold variant of the Rampage is the hop-up attachment. While it is unclear what exactly this attachment will do, some are already speculating that it will make the Rampage into its powered-up form without having to feed it Thermite grenades, like with its standard version.
Apex Legends Evolution Collection Event Balance Changes
Thursday's patch also brought numerous balance changes to the game.
Most importantly, they added the highly anticipated/dreaded removal of tap strafing from Apex Legends. In the patch notes, they offered no new insight into this decision, instead, repeating the same information provided by John Larson in a recent Twitlonger in which he offered a long-form defense of the removal of tap strafing from the game.
There were also numerous balance adjustments to weapons and characters in Thursday's patch notes.
In regards to gun changes, the L-Star was nerfed, with its cool-off time being increased and the number of rounds it can fire before overheating being decreased. It also had its price in Arenas go up to 600 from 500 credits, so no more first-round L-Star in Arenas.
The Hemlock's hip fire spread was reduced and its recovery time while hip firing was made faster to help make the gun more competitive. The Bocek Compound Bow also received a minor buff, with its draw speed increased and its ammo bricks increased in size.
The EVA-8 and the Mozambique headshot damage multipliers were reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 to bring them in line with the other two shotguns in the game. This was an attempt to curb the overall power of the EVA-8, which has proven to be one of the best weapons in Apex Legends Season 10.
On the legend front, Octane had his jump pad distance reduced by "10%-15%" and his stim regen rate reduced by 33%. Perhaps the biggest change coming in this patch is that Rampart can now run around with her minigun out, though she will only get a single magazine in this mobile form. Players will be able to put Shiela (the minigun) away and pull it out until that magazine is depleted. One it is placed, you will not be able to pick it back up again though.
Check out EA's website for the full patch notes and changes.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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