[Guide] How to get a portal kill in Splitgate

Source: 1047 Games

Splitgate is experiencing a surge in popularity right now and a lot of new folks are looking to level up their Season 0 battle pass with the Portal Kill achievement. The Portal Kill achievement gives you 15,000 xp for a simple portal kill, and will even net you an achievement! The only question is, what is a portal kill in Split Gate? 


While many think that a portal kill is either killing someone through a portal or killing someone by closing a portal on another player, the actual answer is neither.


A portal kill in Split Gate occurs when an enemy walks through your portal to their death off a cliff.


Maps like Olympus and Foregone Destruction feature portal locations that are above endless pits where you can place a sneaky trap portal and trick an enemy into falling to their death. You can either simply set a portal up and hope an enemy runs through it or try to bait someone into following you through your portal.


The infection game mode can actually be decent for getting this Portal Kill achievement. As infected, you can place portals, while the uninfected can't. This means that uninfected are incentivized to go through enemy portals at times, making it a great opportunity to trick them into portal killing themselves.

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