Warzone Season 5 has officially arrived! The new season brings with it new weapons as well as a few balance changes that promise to switch up the assault rifles meta this season! As we head into Season 5, the QBZ and C58 stonks remain high, while old mainstays like the Krig 6 will likely continue to dominate the AR meta. To help you navigate the new assault rifle meta, we made a tier list where we ranked every assault rifle in Warzone Season 5!
Tier S
- Krig-6
- C58
- EM2
- FARA 83
- M4A1
- Grau 5.56

The KRIG-6 saw a meteoric rise in Season 4, with its pick rate peaking at nearly 20% at various points in the season! It is now set to continue to excel in Warzone Season 5, due in part to its large magazine capacity and very low levels of recoil. When that level of control combines with the relatively high damage model featured on the KRIG, this gun turns into an absolute slaying machine at literally any range. Even with the recent nerfs, this gun remains an S-Tier pick.

The C58 assault rifle was added to Warzone last season, and it dominated as one of the most effective long-range rifles in the game. With the right loadout, this gun is basically a no-recoil laser beam that instantly down foes. It has received numerous balance changes since its release, but it remains one of the most popular picks in the AR category nonetheless.

The EM2 is the latest assault rifle in Warzone, and based on the initial impressions in Warzone Season 5, it is up there with some of the other long-range beasts in the AR category. This weapon is more than capable of lasering down enemies at least as well as the C58 when equipped with the proper attachments. While its pretty early to say if it will remain here, you can expect to see this guns pick remain pretty high throughout the coming season.

The FARA 83 is an S-Tier weapon in Warzone Season 5, due primarily to its reliable long-range accuracy and strong damage model. While this gun's initial dominance in early Season 3 was due to its ability to ADS nearly as fast as an SMG, it has stood the test of time even after that feature was nerfed. If you are looking for an alternative to the C58 that is just as good if you know what you are doing, the FARA 83 remains a very viable option in Warzone Season 5.

The M4A1 is still a top contender in the Warzone meta in Season 5. This gun is reliable and effective at short, medium, and longer ranges. It has a fast time to kill and an easy-to-control recoil pattern. It’s the whole package for anyone looking for a versatile assault rifle. This gun has received a lot less attention as of late, because of a certain Krig-6 that I could mention, but that doesn't mean the M4A1 has lost any of its fire. It's still got the fire.
Grau 5.56

The Grau 5.56 is one of the best long-range fully automatic assault rifles in Warzone Season 5. The Grau features very low first shot recoil, an impressively fast reload that keeps you always in the action. On top of that, it is capable of dealing solid damage at any range, making it very versatile. There aren’t a lot of bells and whistles on this weapon, it’s just a reliable rifle that does its job well.
Tier A
- Xm4
- M13
- Kilo 141
- RAM-7
- CR-56 AMAX (Galil)

The XM4 started off Season 4 strong and remains pretty decent following the Season 4 Reloaded weapon overhaul. This gun excels in the same areas as the FFAR, but has less recoil and deals slightly less damage. So this will reward players who are more patient and control their guns with care. If you are looking for a versatile weapon that will be useful at all ranges, the XM4 is a strong option for sure.

The M13 remains a very solid AR in Warzone Season 5. The only thing that keeps it out of S-tier really, is that its strengths are too redundant with the M4A1 and the Krig-6, both weapons that generally can outperform an M13. That said, the M13 is a versatile weapon that excels in mid-range confrontations, and is a solid choice for players who enjoy medium-range combat or just anyone who wants to switch up their gun pick.
Kilo 141

The Kilo 141 is a strong but somewhat unexciting rifle to use in Warzone. This weapon is best used at longer ranges, due to its high damage at range potential and its reliable accuracy. The Kilo 141 is a sleeping giant that definitely has a lot of potential in Warzone Season 5. If you do run this weapon, consider putting a magnifying scope on it to maximize its usefulness against snipers and burst rifles at range.

The RAM-7 is one of the best assault rifles in Warzone Season 5. The biggest challenge with this weapon is that it has a bizarre recoil pattern that kicks upward for the first 8 bullets, then kicks up and to the left for the rest of its magazine. Once you learn the timing on this, this weapon is basically a laser that is effective at a variety of different ranges. You can use attachments to reduce the impact of the recoil, to make it even more effective.
CR-56 AMAX (Galil)

Otherwise known as the Galil, the CR-56 AMAX is an excellent heavy-duty rifle that features a large amount of recoil. If you can learn to control that recoil and hit your shots with this weapon, it can deal a large amount of damage very quickly. While it received yet another nerfs in the Season 4 patch, the AMAX is still going to be one of the most reliable and effective AR options.
Tier B
- AK-47
- Groza

While the AK-47 is a great weapon in Cold War multiplayer, its effectiveness has never quite translated over to Warzone. The high recoil and visual bounce of this weapon can make it hard to use track targets at longer ranges, where many Warzone fights end up happening. If you are going to carry a slower fire rate AR, consider the M13 instead, since it is much better at sustaining damage on an enemy. That said, if the AK-47 is a gun you like, it is still more than viable for those who have mastered its recoil pattern.

The FAL is a great long-range weapon, especially for players who like high damage model weapons. The FAL can drop armored opponents in only a handful of bullets. So if you can master this gun’s recoil pattern, you can deal some serious damage with it. That said, it is sorely outclassed by weapons like the Krig-6, the QBZ, and the M4A1. It's perfectly usable though!

Once the powerhouse of Warzone, the FFAR 1 has trended down over the past couple of seasons. In Warzone Season 5, the FFAR 1 is still pretty great and fun to use, but it isn't really above the average. If you like the FFAR 1, don't hesitate to run it, but if you are looking for the best in the game try the Krig-6 or another weapon in the S-tier.

The Groza has been a solid AR for a couple of seasons now, but it has fallen out of favor since the balance adjustments in Season 4. Like the FFAR, it is decent at shorter ranges, but overall this gun just isn't delivering the results in Warzone Season 5 that it once could.
Tier C
- AN-94
- FN Scar 17

On paper, the AN-94 is a solid rifle with a fast time-to-kill. However, it can’t keep up with guns like the Galil or the Krig-6 at range, and it is basically useless in close-quarters combat. While the AN-94 shreds in the main game due to its high initial damage, it is much less effective in Warzone where armored players have over 200 health. So while the AN-94 is usable, it shouldn't be your first choice.
FN Scar 17

The FN Scar 17 has very little going for it in Warzone Season 5. Even with the adjustments to its multiliers for neck and torso damage, this gun remains unattractive to most players. This is a common piece of floor loot, so it's better than not having a gun, but I wouldn't choose to use it in my loadout drops.

The AS VAL has a small but dedicated fanbase behind it. This short-range assault rifle has a high fire rate and a built-in suppressor. It is most effective in close ranges and can be pretty fun to use honestly. Unfortunately, most other ARs or top-tier SMG's will outperform the AS VAL at it's only effective range, while it remains effective at medium and long ranges as well. So you should probably try out one of those options instead of the AS VAL.
Tier D
- FR 5.56
- Oden
- CARV.2
FR 5.56

The FR 5.56 is a burst rifle with a low time-to-kill and a difficult-to-control recoil pattern. As a result, it’s not a good option in Warzone, especially when the M16 and the AUG are already must superior burst rifles. There is no reason to select this gun based on its stats or performance.

The Oden can be a powerful weapon in the hands of a skilled player, but it is not a very reliable gun. It is capable of very fast kills, but if you miss any shots then you are in deep trouble with this rifle, since its low rate of fire is pretty punishing. Unless you are an experienced player who prefers a low rate of fire gun, I would skip this one.
CARV.2 tactical rifle

The CARV.2 is a burst rifle that was released at the start of Warzone Season 3 and hasn't really been good since. Upon release, this rifle was marketed as a powerful and dangerous gun, but In practice it has only been a mediocre weapon, regardless of what range you use it at. It can be fun to plink around with, but for real work select any of the higher-rated rifles on this list.
Sniper Rifle tier list — Warzone Season 5
SMG tier list — Warzone Season 5
Pistol tier list — Warzone Season 5
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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