What first drew you to cosplay?
Well, I've always been into dressing up since I was younger. I always took stuff like Halloween and Carnival very seriously and enjoyed the dressing up part a lot. For as long as I can remember I've been dressing up as different things and wearing wigs. I guess this also had something to do with my parents enjoying it a lot. We had a whole closet full of dressing-up clothes and wigs back when I was younger. My mom would also make us costumes often so my brother and I would always have the coolest costumes.
Of course, as I got older I did it less and less until one day a friend of mine encouraged me to try cosplay. She helped me make my first cosplay back in 2014. It was nurse Akali from League of legends, we made the weapons and all. It wasn't very good but it was a lot of fun to make and it definitely got me addicted to cosplay.
What is the most satisfying thing about Cosplay?
For sure the feeling a cosplay can give you. My wonder woman cosplay made me feel so badass, I can't wait to wear it to a con someday!
What type of characters do you love to cosplay?
I love cosplaying sexy, badass, crazy and/or seductive characters. Characters that make me feel like I can take on the world. I definitely tend to stay away from the more cute characters since I don't feel as comfortable in those cosplays.
What cosplay achievements are you most proud of?
Being able to do this for a living for sure. I never imagined when I started doing this that I could ever live off of it and cosplay as many characters as I'd like. I remember struggling so much when I just started. I only had like 50-100 euros a month for cosplay which made it hard to cosplay. I had to be creative in the ways I spent my money but I made it work and eventually I even had people helping me out on Ko-Fi which meant the world to me.
What would be your ideal travel destination?
That's a hard one, there are so many countries I'd still love to see. I'd for sure love to see more of the US, I've been twice but there are still so many places to see. I'd also love to visit Japan and Korea someday.
What do you do for fun besides cosplay?
I love to play games like League of Legends and Valorant. I'm also into photography and photo editing, but that's also kind of my job right now so does that still count? Oh and I love to watch shows and movies, I'm a big-time binger. Once I find a show I love I can watch 4 seasons in a week. It's my hidden talent.
Where can people see more of your cosplay?
Instagram: http://instagram.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Facebook: https://www.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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