Fnatic announced that it would be parting ways with jungler Oskar "Selfmade" Boderek and moving top laner Gabriël "Bwipo" Rau to the jungle position. The announcements came within an hour of each other and about a day after FNC announced the signing of top laner Adam “Adam” Maanane. In addition, former strategic coach Kevin Edward "Shaves" Tolman has re-joined the squad. Fnatic will have a very different look for the 2021 League of Legends European Championship Summer Split.
Rumblings of Fnatic's mid-season shakeup have been present in the LoL esports scene for well over a month now, first starting with multiple reports of Bwipo and Selfmade rejecting contract extensions from the organization.
Earlier this month, sources close to Inven Global that Fnatic was looking to acquire Adam, the top laner of EU Masters champion Karmine Corp. In a vacuum, this implied that Bwipo would be replaced by Adam, and Bwipo's candidness on stream seemed to reinforce that.
"I'm not extending my contract with FNATIC," Bwipo said on his stream nearly a month ago. "I don't think I performed very well and I don't want to be on a team like FNATIC if I don't perform well. I have other options maybe lined up for me and maybe a different top laner can do a better job of bringing results to FNATIC."
However, reports of Team Vitality acquiring Selfmade and mousesports mid laner Adam "LIDER" Ilyasov pointed towards a possibility of Bwipo roleswapping to the jungle. As unlikely as it seems, this possibility has become reality.
Alongside the initial tweet announcing Bwipo's roleswap, another tweet was posted linking to a short release on Fnatic's official website explaining the team's confidence behind the move.
“Bwipo is an extremely intelligent player, and will undoubtedly be able to use his knowledge of multiple roles in League of Legends to develop his jungle playstyle very quickly," said Fnatic League of Legends Team Director Javier “dardo” Zafra. "He has all the right ingredients to be a success in this upcoming split as a jungler”.
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