The Key Topics of Discussion at IGEC 2021

IGEC 2021's is the 4th year of Inven Global's flagship esports networking event. While the focus of our other yearly events is esports finance, esports academics, and esports culture, IGEC is unique in its yearly mission of highlighting the most vital challenges and innovative progress the esports industry makes each year.

Here are some of this year's biggest topics up for discussion at IGEC 2021.

Esports Health & Physical Wellness

Sore backs, painful wrists, stiff fingers, and joints -- these are familiar problems facing gamers both casual and competitive that also impede our industry's expansion into the collegiate and academic community.

Join our panel of esports medical professionals and health specialists in a pragmatic exploration of how any organization can improve the physical wellness of its staff, players, and community. An especially useful discussion for work-from-home veterans and newcomers alike.

NFT & Cryptocurrency

As NFT and Cryptocurrency continue to dominate headlines and capture the imagination of speculators and retail traders, the question emerges: does esports stand to benefit?

In this panel, we invite experts on decentralized currency and esports industry thinkers to argue the case for how competitive gaming can make use of blockchain technology. Hear from organizations about their successful esports blockchain activations and how some of competitive gaming's most pervasive problems are being faced through cryptocurrency.



The Mobile Esports Generation.

There was once a time where Nokia bricks and flip phones were common items in society's pockets. As the world changed, so did technology and mobile gaming emerged as one of the highest performing industries globally in 2020. Esports and mobile games are fated to collide and the next generation of esports fans have already embraced their mobile platform as a serious way to engage in competitive gaming.

In this panel, gather insights from mobile esports experts and early adopters on how your organization or gaming enterprise can benefit from an increased understanding and embrace of mobile esports and the new consumer base attached to it.


Making Sense of the Creator Economy.

How much is an esports influencer worth? Is it really as simple as chasing the big follower counts? The creator economy is an ever-shifting landscape and esports content creators have become an invaluable resource.

In this panel, learn how you can easily leverage esports and gaming creators to establish larger, more engaged communities online without breaking a budget. A must-attend panel for content creators looking for ways to better advertise and monetize their services and existing communities.


The Motivation of Esports Fans.

Competitive gaming represents the start of a new form of digital entertainment and none of it would be possible without fans. Always desired but often misunderstood, learn from digital media and gaming veterans during a candid conversation about what motivates new and existing esports fans. Ideal insights for marketing professionals, community managers, product designers or those interested in learning about modern content engagement tactics.

Surviving as a Freelancer in Esports

Esports and competitive gaming are in a major growth period and the rising speculation of investors and outside industries have made it a desirable career path for many people. The path of the esports freelancer has changed since the early days of Western esports expansion, but the challenge of finding reliable income has not.

In this panel, join esports freelancing and content creation experts as they share best practice advice, freelancing realities, and some of the unique opportunities in esports that often go overlooked or go unnoticed. An important topic for our industry's up-and-coming leaders and esports career hopefuls.


The Social Media Meta.

Is it true that the first step towards working in esports is creating a Twitter account? Can I no longer afford to ignore Tik-Tok's gaming and esports community? What steps do social media managers take when a Tweet goes disastrously wrong? These questions and more are the topic of discussion among our panel of esports media professionals and Twitter savants. Dive into what types of problems social media can help solve and learn why "bigger number = better person" is a misconception that currently holds esports revenue behind.


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