It has been one month since beloved Twitch streamer Bryon "Reckful" Bernstein ended his own life, but Blizzard Entertainment is making sure he won't be forgotten. Reckful, who first gained notoriety in the World of Warcraft community, has been immortalized as a permanent NPC Rogue Trainer in the Cathedral of Light in WoW's most recent expansion, Shadowlands, to honor his passing and memory.
Reckful's passing, which was made public on July 2nd, 2020, shook the streaming community to its core, and the outpouring of love, grief, and support was indicative of how he impacted those around him.
Players in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands can visit Reckful at the Cathedral of Light to ask him for training. Before asking, Reckful is sure to let whoever approaches him know that despite being a Rogue Trainer, he doesn't train Assassination Rogues.
Former League of Legends coach Ram "Brokenshard" Djemal tweeted about Reckful's NPC and emphasized the excellent attention to detail in World of Warcraft's tribute, including Reckful's playstyle in his most prominent WoW era going against the grain of traditional Rogue gameplay at the time.
While this is the first action Blizzard has made to honor Reckful, the World of Warcraft community was far quicker to mobilize, gathering in large groups throughout Azeroth in a vigil-like honor of Reckful shortly after his passing. Blizzard also made a statement shortly after Reckful's passing, calling him 'one of the most memorable WoW players of all time.'
Few Rogue players in World of Warcraft have been as iconic as Reckful throughout the years, and now, players can receive advice from him in the form of an NPC that mirrors his preference to a less orthodox Rogue playstyle. Expect players to visit Reckful in the Cathedral of Light in the coming weeks. Even if the advice isn't needed, sometimes it's nice to say hello.
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level 2 JasonAger
Really love this NPC, and it is necessary to have real fun at https://www.ssegold.com/.