The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) released a detailed report entitled "2020 essential facts about the Video Game Industry this week, confirming something many gamers already know.
Video games are booming.
As the global pandemic shifts the core nature of society and how we interact with each other, it was noticed rather quickly be gamers all over the world that their servers were more populated and their discord groups were more active. In short, what else is there to do other than play tons of video games when the nation is quarantined in our homes?
"Now more than ever", Stanley Pierre-Louis, President & Chief Executive Officer of ESA writes, "it has become clear that video games impact people’s lives in meaningful ways beyond the intrinsic joy of playing". "video games have become the leading form of entertainment because they bring us joy, connection and a sense of belonging when we need it most. Their value to society has never been
more vital."
The 24-page report goes at length to explain the demographic break down of gamers, their genre preferences, and how gamers of all ages are becoming increasingly more connected and diverse in their gaming experiences.
Here are the key points demonstrated in the study:
- 214 million Americans play video games
- 75% of Americans have at least one gamer in their household
- 65% of video gamers play with others
- The average age of a gamer is 35-44 years old
- Many players over 65 years old (46% of men and 63% of women over 65) have been playing video games for ten years or less
- 79% of gamers say games provide relaxation and stress relief
- 87% of male gamers ages 55-64 and 82% of women gamers ages 55-64 believe games provide mental stimulation
While video games have always traditionally been seen as the hobby of the young, ESA's assertion that the average gamer is in their mid 30's to early '40s may come as a surprise to those uninitiated. For life-long gamers, however, these statistics reflect a satisfying truth.
Gamers will continue gaming, regardless of age or demographic. You can read the full report at theesa.com and their original post.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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