The Trump administration's Coronavirus Task Force trusts millennials to stop the virus because... they can speedrun games


How likely is it that gamers who specialize in completing videogames extremely quickly might be the USA's best chance for curing the Coronavirus?


According to the United States Coronavirus Task Force, somewhat likely. A woman named Dr. Deborah Birx made an interesting comment during this week's White House Press Conference. The Trump administration's Coronavirus Task Force was the central focus of the press conference and, Birx, was that group's response coordinator.


You know, the person responsible for the country's "speed" and "efficiency" during a national pandemic. She must coordinator the "response" to something bad. She needs people on her staff with good "response" time and "mechanics".


Do you see where I am getting at?


The full comment reads: "[Millenials are] part of that group that brought us innovation, particularly throughout all of their ability to look around corners and skip through [video] games. I always went level by level, I didn’t realize you could go from level three to level seven—that’s what they’ve taught us. They look for things that we don’t see, we need them to be healthy.”


So there you have it. The United States has officially upon speedrunners to get us out of this mess. Let's hope for gold splits.

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