Street Fighter V’s roster continues to blossom, and next week the fortune teller Rose returns to the fray. With her trademark scarf and magical powers, she’ll truly shake up the meta. After our chat with Street Fighter V director Takayuki Nakayama, I was so excited about Rose that I knew she’d be our next Fan Art Friday! So without further ado, let’s see what art is in the cards!

You had best believe that I’m kicking things off with this wonderful work from Bara-Chan on DeviantArt. Not only does the artist share a name with the character, but their style is perfect to explore Rose’s unique hair and flowing scarf. I especially love the transparency added to the yellow fabric, giving it more of the crystalline effect that Barachan is known for.

The bold simplicity of this illustration from artist ItsJustSuppi is just one of the reasons why
the piece made it onto our list. I love the balance of colors as well, from the desaturated violet to the two tones of yellow and gold to keep the color theory on point. Breaking form, lineless lips are given extra softness, allowing the heavy inks in the hair really pop.

SoDrawnOut created this illustration of Rose, and I love how they handled both the flow of fabrics and the character’s unique hair. Clean lines make the image easy to identify; this piece would feel right at home in the Street Fighter comic book. Don’t you agree?

Wearing heels while fighting is not the choice I would make, so I totally get why they’d get kicked off at the end of the day. Artist KimSungHwan captures this moment, while also hinting at the magic the character possesses; making a stool out of her scarf. Speaking of which, the intricacies in the scarf are absolutely stunning, with attention paid to folds, lighting, and weight throughout its length.

I loved the old-school maga vibe that this art from r-chie creates; there’s the perfect
amount of line and color texture to create the proper atmosphere. Going beyond that, there’s also a ton of Easter eggs packed into the piece. Did you notice the other characters from the season in the background behind her? The fact she’s holding a PlayStation 1 controller? Her EVO NECKLACE?! Wonderful.

Another artist that appreciates comfortable feet. The art commissioned from AlpacaCarlesi on DeviantArt swaps out the six-inch stilettos for fuzzy slippers, and let’s Rose get her tasseography on with a steaming cup of tea. The economy of color is something I really loved in this work, making the most from just a few tones. Very well done!

Adding a bit of their own take onto the character, this concept by phamoz is something I feel I could
easily see in-game. This is definitely a more modern take of the character, with felted sleeves and heavier cuffs. The transition to a mermaid-tail dress is also really cool, adding to the spectral/magical characteristics that Rose has. Street Fighter… Put this in the game!

No fan art week overlooks cosplay, and I wasn’t going to start here! Rocking Rose’s earlier look, this classic shoot from RachAsakawa does an excellent job of presenting character through costume, pose, and post. The choice to include the Sailor Moon tarot is a fun touch as well. What could the three-card spread mean?!

Finally, we wrap with a return to the geometric stylings of michaelfirman. One of my favorite fan-artists out there, this illustration of Rose presents her strength in a way many passed by. The structure of her arms appear to be controlling the scarf, granting her a more powerful stance. The composition of the art is also incredible, using the flare of the dress to balance the hair, giving focus to the red heels that lead her forward.
Well, the stars have aligned and that can only mean one thing; this week’s feature is done! Make sure to check out the whole gallery of Rose art, here, and to let us know who/what you’d like our next Fan Art Friday to focus on next week!
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