Today’s cartoon is about Riot’s new game mode, Teamfight Tactics, which was finally announced.
As if they were to challenge Auto Chess, which grew popularity so suddenly, Riot’s new mode, Teamfight Tactics, was revealed. They should have seen the success Dota 2’s Auto Chess had, so it would have been rather predictable. And as expected, the appearance of Teamfight Tactics wasn’t that different from the users' predictions.
There are two main reactions to the surprise announcement of Riot. First would be the users welcoming the new mode with excitement. Auto Chess had its cons with the uncomfortable client or unstable servers which brought up many complaints recently. Aside from how fun the game is, it was a factor that raised the bar to start. So the users that suffered from the cons of Dota 2: Auto Chess are now welcoming Teamfight Tactics, which would have similar rules of the Auto Chess system which could be played with the League of Legends client. They have high expectations for frequent updates and reliable server maintenance of Riot.
On the other hand, there are many negative reactions as well. They raised questions about the ethical issues; it’s literally a copy of a game that had wide success. Up to now, the news revealed to the users aren’t very new to the fans who expected something that could emphasize Riot’s own characteristics. There had been games that had seemed to be the design base of League of Legends as well; some users doubted Riot’s creativity.
So there are many opinions on the issue, but they seem to agree that Riot is aiming for commercial success. We’ll never know until it’s completely open to the public, but it’s an interesting subject to the League of Legends fans who have been seeking something new for a long time. How are your expectations? I hope this could relieve the stress of the users that are exhausted from the Rift full of tricks and schemes, and that through Teamfight Tactics’ successful arrival, more creative user content could appear.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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