Worlds Play-In Day 2: Gambit Esports Shows Us Why We Should Ban Yasuo In Solo Queue

▲ Source: lolesports flickr


Nothing unusual in the second day of the play-ins but there some unique events.


2017 League of Legends World Championship play-in stage round 2 for groups A and B got finalized. 1st place for Groups A and B are Team WE and Cloud 9, as expected. Although they didn’t win, Lyon Gaming showed an surprisingly amazing game against Team WE with great aggression.


In Group B, Team oNe eSports and Dire Wolves were both 1-3 in the play-ins. At the end of day 2, Team oNe eSports won the qualifying bracket to advance onto the second stage for the play-ins. The globally hyped Gambit Esports let down their fans and expectations but not making it to the second day of the play-ins. Their loss being finalized, Gambit gave the fans a last little service by picking Nunu and Yasuo against a Vayne, finishing off their run in the 2017 World Championships.


The 1st place and second place teams from Groups A and B, Team WE, Cloud 9, Lyon Gaming, and Dire Wolves will advance to the 2nd round of play-ins on the 28th. Winners of this bracket will then enter the other renowned teams in the Group Stages.


■ Play of the Day

 The clip above shows the play of the day between Lyon Gaming and Gambit Esports (4th match). Gambit had the early game lead but Seiya with an amazing play bottom set Lyon Gaming’s tempo for the rest of the game with a double kill. Every Time a teamfight or skirmish will commence, teammates such as Galio would come in with an ulti to help secure the kills. This was seen when they fought near the top side tier 2 tower. Lyon Gaming presented flawless kiting and maneuvering and is not a team to be easily looked over upon.


■ Men of the Match

◇ Game 1. Team oNe eSports vs Cloud9


Although in pro games whether you perform good or not is usually measured by an individual/team’s skills, it is common to look at the improvements and how little mistakes they make throughout the game. Putting this perspective into fruition, Team oNe eSports did not perform as well in the early parts of the play-in stage. At 2 minutes 30 seconds into the game instead of aiming for the easily exploitable Sejuani jungle played by C9 Contractz, they went to aim for C9 Jensen’s Ryze and backfired to an unrecoverable state. Giving a double kill in mid lane or ganking bot under tower and dying to the tower in 10minutes into the game, oNe’s jungler, 4Lan, was the one of the reasons for their loss.


◇ Game 2. Lyon Gaming vs Team WE


Lyon Gaming’s early game presence was immense. But after 20 minutes, Lyon Gaming’s decision to push to the tier 2 tower gave Team WE an opportunity to rush Baron. While Team WE was rushing Baron, Maokai defended the base and became an impassable wall in later teamfights. Such a risky pick as Ezreal jungle, Maokai (957) gave some breathing room and a front line for the pick to flourish.


◇ Game 3. Cloud9 vs Dire Wolves


Although the final results was a win to C9, Dire Wolves had Cloud 9 by the ropes up to the mid-game. Especially Destiny’s Alistar was a big factor, having ⅓ kill participation and had an immense presence in the game. The not so well executed/risky dive in the mid lane however swung the game to C9’s favor. Maybe if Dire Wolves approached a more safe option, the game would have turned out differently.


◇ Game 4. Lyon Gaming vs Gambit Esports


It was a bit of a disappointment to the fans who had a sense of nostalgia for the OG players. Yesterday, Lyon Gaming’s mid and bottom lanes gave a good performance as they gave Camille perfect coverage against Jax. Although Seiya was the MVP of the game as he roamed so often with Galio, WhiteLotus’ first pentakill made Lyon Gaming excited for the next game to come.


◇ Game 5. Team oNe eSports vs Dire Wolves


In a situation where each side is overtaken by the other, the carry potential from Absolut’s Tristana out shined. Granted, each teams made mistakes and got caught out, but Team oNe made it so it was impossible to split push for the enemy team. Using Tristana as their power house, Team oNe Esports claimed the win.


◇ Game 6. Team WE vs Gambit Esports


 Reasons why you should ban Yasuo in Solo queue.avi


◇ Tiebreaker. Team oNe eSports vs Dire Wolves


The single most important thing to a top laner who split pushes is wit. VVvert repeatedly used the aid of bot and mid to continuously split push. He made sure to suppress any chance Dire Wolves had in making a play effectively.


■ Match Result

Game 1. Team oNe eSports vs Cloud9 - Cloud9 win

Game 2. Lyon Gaming vs Team WE - Team WE win

Game 3. Cloud9 vs Dire Wolves - Cloud9 win

Game 4. Lyon Gaming vs Gambit Esports - Lyon Gaming win

Game 5. Team oNe eSports vs Dire Wolves - Team oNe Esports win

Game 6. Team WE vs Gambit Esports - Team WE win

Tiebreaker. Dire Wolves vs Team oNe eSports - Team oNe eSports win


■ Group Result

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